I woke up in the morning in Kevin's bed. I was still in my underwear and bra. Crap! I had fallen asleep in Kevin's arms, in Kevin's bed. What the heck was I going to do now?
I got up and found the shirt I had been wearing the night before. It hung to my thighs which was good. I was about half way the door when Kevin walked in.
"Good morning Rine, don't worry Elizabeth called last night after you fell asleep because the got caught in the storm and weren't going to make it home last night."
"Oh that's good… ummm… what happened last night I mean that wasn't a dream was it? We almost had sex didn't we?"
"Yes but we didn't thank god. That's not supposed to sound mean I just mean if something did happen things would be a lot more complicated then they're going to get. Oh and don't worry we didn't actually sleep together. After you went to sleep, I went downstairs. I slept on the couch."
"I feel bad. Well for more than one reason but I should have slept on the couch, this is your bed."
"It's no big deal, really and as for the other things we'll cross those bridges in time. Now you need to get a shower and change your cloths for church."
"But I didn't bring any other cloths."
"I'll give you a pair of my shorts and a T-Shirt." He went to his closet and pulled out a black t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. They had a schools name printed on them and on the shirt it said Varsity Basket ball.
"Thanks, can I have a towel." He gave me a towel. I went into the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes. I wrapped the towel tightly around my body. I opened the door and slipped my cloths out so Kevin could wash them. I turned on the shower and waited for it to warm up. I rinsed my mouth with mouthwash because I didn't have a toothbrush.
I slipped under the water and let it rush over my body. I realized there wasn't any normal soap only men's soap. I used this because it was all I had. I had to use it for my hair too. Now I was going to smell like a man and look like one until my clothes were done being washed.
I dried off with the towel, and then I pulled on my clothes, well Kevin's clothes. I had to admit I looked pretty good in his clothes. I pulled the cabinet door over the sink, open and found a bottle of his cologne. I sniffed it tentatively and on discovering I liked it a lot I sprayed it on my shirt. I opened the door and stepped out onto the landing. I climbed down stairs and walked into the kitchen. The clock on the wall read 9:00.
"Hey there beautiful," Kevin said. He walked over and wrapped his arms around me. I felt like I was naked standing here. It was weird standing here in his clothes and being hugged by him. I pushed this thought aside and slid my arms around his waist. He pressed his lips to my forehead. He didn't let go but instead held me there for a few minutes. "You smell good, but is that my cologne?"
"Yes, and it's your body wash."
"Oh I'm sorry I forgot to get you the normal soap."
"It's ok, I smell great."
"Yes you most defiantly do. Now what would you like for breakfast?"
"How does French toast sound?"
"Good except do you mind Italian toast?"
"What's Italian toast," I looked at him questioningly.
"Call me a diehard Italian but the only kind of bread I have is...Can you guess?"
"Italian," I smirked at him.
He cooked the breakfast for us. We sat down and ate at the island table. The food was good. Italian toast had a ring to it and he was an exceptional cook. After breakfast Kevin went up stairs to shower and change. I sat in the living room and stared out at the lake. It was so beautiful out there. If it wasn't so cold I would ask to go swimming but maybe another time we could.
My clothes were done by the time Kevin was done with shower. I changed back into them. He looked disappointed when he saw me in my normal cloths." I hate to say it but you looked so good in my clothes I almost regret washing your clothes."
"Put a sock in it ok. I look good in this too, don't be mean." I blushed because there was a part to his comment that almost made me regret getting dressed back into my clothes too.
"I'm not being mean; I'm just starting my opinion."
"Whatever," I smirked at him. He wrapped his arms around me again and led me over to the couch. I sat on his lap again. I couldn't help myself. I began to kiss him again. We seemed to move in harmony, our lips communicating our desire. It was my turn to dictate how this was going to go. I made sure he kept his lips on my and allowed my hands to mess with his hair.
After several, seemingly very short minutes we broke apart. "You realize if we continue this all hell will rain down on us." He intertwined his fingers with mine as he studied my face.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that if our relationship continues to flourish we have some obstacles that are going to test how much we really care for one another. Times will be very hard and I don't want to put you through any of it but I can't take away my feelings for you or your feelings for me."
"I don't care what comes our way. I want to face whatever it is together. We can get through this."
"Don't you think the relationship is going a little too fast? Are you really committed to me and I'm not sure, I can't say this and make it sound good, but I'm worried that we may not totally feel the same way for each other as we'd like to think. I'm not saying I don't love you because I do but… I don't know I'm worried."
"As much as I hate to admit it, this whole thing scares me but at the same time it excites me. I can trust you; I believe that and I believe that if we give this relationship time we will find the truth."
"The thing about me being a virgin please don't think of me as being weird. I mean you lost yours before me but I was never ready. I never found the right person. Please don't laugh at me. I do want you to know I meant every word of it when I told you I loved you yesterday."
"Now its time for church, are you ready to go?" he held my hand as we walked to the car and on the whole ride there he held it too. Only when we got to the church did he let my hand go. I knew why. I had just seen Markus stepping out of his car and walking into the church.
We entered the church and sat down in the back. I got a little more out of today's service than last weeks but I still found my mind wondering off on other topics. After the service we hung back.
"I want us to talk to the pastor, if you don't mind." The pastor was an old man, not that old, probably in his late 60's or early 70's. He led us to a back room and we sat down on a few of the chairs that were scattered about the room.
"What is it that you would like to talk to me about?"
"Pastor Dan, in all confidence I need to confide something in you."
"Yes, go on, I cannot talk to anyone if you wish me not to." His glance shifted to me for a second then back to Kevin as he spoke.
"I have acquired feelings for Rine and she is a student of mine. We don't want to take our relationship to far but I'm worried. Not only is she my student but she's pregnant." Pastor Dan's eyes shifted quickly to me. Kevin noticed this and quickly explained. "A few months ago she was raped and she has been living in a foster home that was defiantly not a good place for her to be. I arranged for her to live with my sister. I was just wondering what the church's opinion on this matter might be."
"First let me say Rine I am sorry that this terrible thing has happened to you but remember everything is a part of gods plan. Secondly Kevin I must say I do not like this situation at all but I see nothing in the church that says it is sinful too like a student but you also have to realize its against the law."
Kevin nodded as the Pastor continued. "Like I said before though, god has a plan and a reason he does what he does. Maybe he put you two together for a reason, I don't know and nor can you. Only time will really tell. Just be careful and remember god is with you and he is always watching over you. Everything has a divine reason."
He ushered us out of the room after this. I think it almost made me feel a little better after talking to Dan. Apparently it made Kevin feel better because he seemed happy and content as we walked back out to the car. I glanced to the spot where Markus had parked before. His car was still there and he was leaning against it talking to some other boys from the church. His eyes followed me as I made my way to the car. He smiled at me but there was something about his smile that concerned me. I tried to smile normally back at him as we left. I could tell he watched us the whole way until we were out of sight.
"Thank you for allowing me to talk to Dan. He really is a nice man and he understands things and helps you understand things if you get confused or you are unsure."
"I agree it puts you at ease to know that not everyone is against us. Now where are you going?"
"Oh, I invited Elizabeth and them up for lunch. I though we could hang out for a while."
"That would be a lot of fun." He was holding my hand again and even though there was something in between us I tried to lean towards him. We reached the house soon and there was already a car in the driveway. I recognized it as Michel's car.
Michel, Nella, and Elizabeth were sitting on the couch when we walked in. Kevin had let go of my hand before we entered the house just incase it wasn't that accepted that we were together. They were all watching the news and only Elizabeth looked up when we came over.
I pulled off my coat and laid it over the back of one of the chairs. I sat down in the chair and faced Elizabeth. She smiled at me. I glanced at Nella and found that she was actually reading a book. Michel was wrapped up in something on the news about one of the big sports teams.
"How was the play last night," I inquired.
Elizabeth answered, "It was really good. We had a lot of fun. What did you guys do? What ever it was I hope you had fun and I'm sorry we couldn't pick you up last night it was a little too stormy out to drive."
She studied my face as I replied. "It's not a big deal really; we watched a movie, ate dinner and talked." Somehow I knew she knew more than that happened last night but she didn't say a thing.
"We decided to order Chinese food for lunch today, ok?" Kevin appeared in the doorway to the room back in his causal clothes. The Chinese food took only about a half an hour to arrive.
We all sat down at a kitchen table. I noticed that we didn't say grace before we at but across from me I saw Kevin bow his head before he began to eat. I followed his example and did the same. I would have to ask him about this later.
I got to try a little of everything that was ordered. I think my favorite was the egg role. After lunch Kevin and Michel went outside to look at Michel's car and Nella disappeared into the living room. I heard the TV click on and the sound of cartoons drifted into thee kitchen. Elizabeth and I set about doing the dishes.
"Rine, I'm worried about. I trust my brother completely but I'm still worried. This relationship points towards trouble but I can't tell my brother what to do. All I can do is try and talk some sense into you. I think you should try and let go of him. I know that sounds evil but I'm just immensely concerned for the both of you. I think you should concentrate on school and the next year. There as so many things you need to think about with a baby on the way."
"I appreciate all that you're doing but I think you're over reacting besides Kevin and I already talked about this and we decided that we want to risk it. If we both really care about each other like we say we do than things will work out. I have faith in that."
She didn't seem to like this comment all that much but I could hardly blame her. I know she meant well but this was something I did not want to talk to her about at the moment. After the dishes were washed we all got on our coats, and shoes. We headed outside.
Kevin and Michel were talking about something when we got out there. They seemed to be arguing but they stopped once they saw us. We decided to go for a walk around the lake. It wasn't that big of a lake. They said it was about five miles around so it would take a good part of the afternoon. That was ok with me. I didn't have anything else that I really wanted to do.
Michel, Nella, and Elizabeth led the way. Elizabeth and Michel both held one of Nella's hands. Kevin even held mine as we walked. My ears got cold at one point so I pulled my hood up over my head.
About half way around my shoe lace came untied. I had to stop and tie it. Kevin let them go on ahead of us. I think she wanted to give us a chance to talk. Man I was cold. I shivered a little as I straitened up. I found Kevin watching me.
"What was the argument you were having with Michel about?"
"He was telling me he was concerned with the relationship and he thought we should break it off. You and Elizabeth seem a little mad at each other, what happened between you two?"
"We got into a fight to. I mean it really wasn't a fight but she was trying to convince me of the same thing Michel was trying to convince you of. She doesn't want you to get hurt and I agree but I told her that was our decision, mainly yours, to make. They must have planned to talk to us about that. You don't think they're right do you?"
He studied my face before answering. "I think we should give this relationship a little more time to prove itself and see where things take us. If it seems inevitable that one of us is going to be hurt badly by continuing the relationship then we'll discuss this again and decide where to go from there."
I tried to smile but I was sad. I didn't want to think about that I wanted to focus on last night and now. I wanted to concentrate on all the good times we had been having. I was living in the moment.
"Are you cold," Kevin asked concernedly. I was shivering a little. I rubbed my hands together and nodded. Kevin held open his coat and I wound my arms around him. He was so warm and then his lips pressed against mine. They spread warmth all throughout my body. When I kiss ended I still felt warm but m lips felt like they were missing something.
We continued to walk on and Kevin held my hand the whole time. We caught up to Elizabeth and them in a few short minutes. We occupied ourselves in light conversation the whole way back. It was getting dark by the time we made it back to the house. We had to get going. Nella had to be in bed early and I still had some homework to do.
They headed out to the car and gave Kevin and I got one more minute to ourselves. I pulled him towards me. He rested his hands on my hips. He seemed to study my face for several moments then he moved his hands to my face. He leaned closer to me. He gazed into my eyes. His lips slide from my forehead then down my nose and finally to my lips, where they were welcomed eagerly. He let his hands dropped back to my waist and his lips traveled my jaw line. Then they came back to rest on my lips once more.
The whole car ride home I sat staring out the window. Nella was fast asleep beside me. I watched the sky as if hopping for a sign to appear. When we got to the house Elizabeth carried Nella upstairs and tucked her into bed. I sat on my bed with my comfy PJs on reading and writing. When I finally settled down for sleep it hit me. Tomorrow was a school day, the starting of a school week. I would be seeing Markus again and English class was going to be even weirder than normal. I was going to try with all my might to pay attention during class. That was going to be hard. But for right now all I had to think about were my dreams. They came quickly.