Here It is... the New Story,
Was suppose to come out next week but I got bored :
Audrey - Rachel Even Wood
Kean - Chance Crawford
That's how they are suppose to look like.
Hope you guys Enjoy it.
She has long golden blond hair; her eyes are a light green, so light that they look a little glassy from afar. Her perfectly pink lips were in a pout and red from the passionate kiss they just had. He touched her rosy cheeks and she closed her eyes moving her head closer to his hand. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Her pale skin went so well with her soft features.
He had his eye on her since that day he first saw her, the day they met. He remember that day like it was yesterday, but really it was only three months ago. Ginny Mills was having a big 18th birthday bash and he was invited just like the rest of the senior class. It wasn't an ordinary party; it was a formal black and white theme party, champagne, caver, and all the shit. He was dressed in a full black suit, when his friends and him arrived they were given a mask, as he looked around he noticed that everyone had the same mask, then his eyes stopped roaming and stopped on this beautiful girl in a white black dress. She was stunning he had never seen a girl like that in his life. She placed the mask on her face and walked away. He stood there following her with his eyes until his friend slapped his shoulder and held it, grinning as he checked out a girl in a short black dress. For the rest of the night he searched for her, but didn't find her. As he danced with many girls he kept his eyes wide open. Finally he got tried of searching and went to get a drink. He grabbed a beer leaned against the counter and looked at the people dancing. Soon after Ginny and a group of her friends popped up next to him, he didn't take his eyes off the dance floor, he never really cared much for Ginny, she was a snob and he hates being around people like that.
"Kean" Ginny yelled in a high pitch voice. He flinched and turned putting a smile on his face.
"Ginny" he said politely.
"Kean, I haven't seen you all night, where have you been" she said as she threw her arms around him,
"Around" he simply said
"Well have you seen anyone you would want to take home." she said with a sly smile on her face.
"No, I've seen most of these girls" he said with a smirk.
"Oh no you haven't, come on I want you to meet my cousin." She said as she pulled him toward the dance floor and into the girl's rest room.
"Ginny I don't think I should be in here"
"Oh come on it's not like it's your first time" she said as she dropped his hand and pushed all the girls out. Once the room was empty she went to the last stall, turned to him placing her index finger to her lips and knocked on the door three times.
"Ginny, I told you I want to be alone."
"Oh come on Audrey, just forget about him." Ginny said.
"How can I forget when this just fucking happened?" Ginny gasped then smiled.
"Did you just say the F word?" Ginny said in a shocked voice.
"I know I'm just so mad. I can't believe he would do this to me: Kean has been standing there staring into the mirror listening to this girl, why did Ginny want him to come.
"Oh, well just forget about him, I have a surprise for you"
"I don't want a surprise, not from you. I bet it's a brainless guy, I bet he is standing there with no clue of what you are trying to do." She said as the lock of the stall unlocked. She came out of the stall and stood there staring at him with a smile on her face, he stood there with a smile on his face- it was the girl.
"How did I know, I am just so good" she said as she walked toward the sinks, passing by him without saying a word.
"Oh, come on give him a chance he really is a nice guy." Ginny said as she followed her cousin.
"I don't need to give him anything" she said as she washed her hands.
"But, you could get to know him, he is nice and smart." She said as she tried to force her cousin to hang out with a complete stranger.
"I don't want to get to know hi; I want nothing to do with anybody. Ginny you of all people should know how I'm feeling right now" the beginning of the sentence was strong but as the words came out she started to die out, tears began to fall from her eyes,
"Audrey, please just don't cry. This is a party you should be having fun" Ginny said as she went to hug the girl.
"I can't, can I just go up to the room. I can't be here not when he is with her." She said as she pulled away from her. Ginny nodded and placed a hotel key card beside the sink.
"I'll see you later okay." Ginny said as she walked out the bathroom.
He stood there leaning against the wall; she damped paper underneath her eyes drying the tears, took a deep breath, and grabbed the key card. She turned around and was about to walk away when she saw him. They stared at each other until she spoke.
"I got nothing against you"
"I never said you did" he spoke to her for the first time.
"Then why are you still standing here."
"Why are you" he said as he put his hands in his pockets. She huffed and placed her hands on her hips.
"Look I don't want to play games and I hope that you are smarter then that. I'm not a child, I stopped playing games when I was ten." She said as she moved closer to him.
"I don't play games, love. I just want to get to know you." He said as he walked away from the wall.
"Well I don't want to get to know you" she glared.
"And why not" he said moving closer to the beautiful girl.
"Because you're just like them, you are all cute and hot on the outside and then you'll end up being a not so smart asshole" she said.
"How do you know that, if you won't get to know me?" he said as he stood in front of her, she was only a few inches shorter then him.
"You're all the same" she said looking him straight in the eye.
"Maybe I'm different" he said as he leaned forward
"Maybe not" she said as she leaned back.
"You never know"
"Oh I do" she said as she moved around him and walked toward the door.
"The names Kean by the way." He said when she reached for the door. She turned around and took one last look.
"I don't care" she said as she left.
Kean didn't know what to do, but he left the girl's room once an old lady went in. He began to walk out of the ball room. He didn't want to be at the party any longer. That girl just ruined any chance she had with him. As he was leaving he threw his mask off and pushed the doors open.
"Just leave me alone Alfie. It's fucking over you chose her" Kean stopped and turned to look at Audrey who was fighting with a blond hair guy.
"Audrey, please just stop I want to be friends, Audrey I love her" the guy said Kean could tell that she was getting weaker, just by hearing him say those words she was falling apart. Tears began to fall from her eyes.
"Be with her and forget about me" she said as she looked away, once she turned her eyes met his. She shook her head softly and smiled. She walked toward him and whispered in his ear.
"Come with me" she grabbed his hand and quickly dropped it when she felt a small shock. She looked at him and began to walk away with him following her.
As they entered the elevators and the doors closed she spoke.
"You can get off on the next floor."
"You cane get off on the next floor"
"Didn't you want to show me something" she smiled
"Then why did I come with you"
"I didn't want him to see me leave alone" she said with a frown.
"Oh so you used me" she turned to face him and smiled.
"Pretty much" he placed his hand in his heart and spoke in a dramatic way.
"I feel so used" she laughed, it was the greatest laugh he had ever heard.
"I'm sorry" she said in a sweet tone.
"It's alright I'm use to it." The elevator dinged and the doors opened, she took a step and he grabbed her arm.
"Is that it?"
"What you do want Kean"
"I want to get to know you"
"Why" she asked with a stern look
"You're different"
"How do you know that is true?"
"I just know" he said. After a few minutes she whispered.
"I'm Audrey" she pulled her arm away and walked out of the elevator, doors closing behind her.
I don't remember what song I was listening to when i wrote this, i was listening to Lovedrug- Thieving when i was retyping it.