Throughout time, it would always be the fate
Of the Dreamers to run. As Death would try to
Escape, Life would always follow, and both
Did so to ensure the other's survival.
It was black, but not of darkness. Though she knew she stood on solid ground, nothing rested beneath her feet. She had gotten used to it, but she still couldn't help but notice. Once again she knew she would be forced to watch. She wanted to turn away and seal off her vision from the approaching horror, but the image would as surely come to her closed eyes, so as she had so many times, she watched as the figure slowly faded into existence. She could tell it was a boy, around her age. His back was turned to her, and he had a hood pulled over his head. The hood flew around in wind she couldn't see or feel, and it finally was ripped off. Messy brown hair was caught by the wind. As if he heard something, the boy turned towards her. The girl wasn't prepared.
This was a face she knew, had seen many times in her life. Standing before her was Lukas White, but in a way she had never seen him before. Even though Lukas was her best friend, she had never seen him cry. Tears now flowed from his brown eyes, which had grown red and puffy. Knowing he wasn't looking at her, the girl turned to see where his attention was directed. This was a face she had never seen.
It belonged to a man, well past six feet tall. His eyes glowed with fury, more anger than she had ever seen, and he began walking towards her. She knew what was coming, and she only wished she could pick up her feet and move. She tried, and failed. Once the man was in range, she reached out for him, but her hand passed right through him. He kept walking, and eventually walked into and passed her. Just like always, she could do nothing. But this one time she wished she could, more than ever. She watched as the man approached Lukas. She watched their lips move, but heard no sound. There was only sight, as limited as it was here.
The man had eyes that glowed green, and blonde hair that stretched down to his lower back. She would guess he must have been almost seven feet tall, seeing as he towered over Lukas, who stood just shy of six and a half. The differences between the two were amazing, as if looking at complete opposites. Where-as Lukas faced the man in sadness, the man stood in hate. Lukas was wiry, looking as if he had never seen a gym, while the man was buff, muscles honed from a lifetime of training. The only thing they shared in common was the fact that neither would back down. There was no doubt what would happen in the end of this. It was Lukas who made the first move.
Lukas went low, aiming at the man's stomach. He was fast. The man was faster. The huge man grasped onto Lukas's hand, and yanked the boy's whole body to the ground. With lightning speed, the man pulled up again, and she didn't need to hear the crack to know what shape Lukas's arm was in. While Lukas rolled around the floor in agony, his arm lying useless beside him, the man walked around and smashed his foot deep into Lukas's back. As quickly as he arched up in reaction to the blow, Lukas returned to the floor, unmoving. The man again stood by Lukas's unmoving head, and bent down to his knees. The man grasped Lukas's black sweatshirt, and pulled his limp body up. Tears flowed freely from the girl's eyes, unable to do anything but watch this happen. She tried again and again to call out, to yell something, but nothing would come to her throat.
Finally the man leaned in close, right next to Lukas's ear. Barely a whisper, for the first time the girl could clearly hear what was being said, the man's voice as gruff and grating as she had expected it to be.
"Maybe this will be enough to let her see, my little friend. How much to you bet she's watching us right now?"
And she understood completely what was happening. This man, whoever he was, knew. He wanted her to come to him. Suddenly Lukas's head moved, and he looked right to where the girl stood.
"Kara, don't come for me. Just run."
The man let Lukas fall to the ground, before he raised his boot high into the air. As it descended, Kara turned away. She still saw as foot collided with head, and nothing was left on the pavement but a mixture of pink and red.
As it always did, death came at the end.