It is without doubt that Death

Will do anything to save the life

Of the loved one, but all of Death's

Actions will turn out to be futile.

Lukas could still feel the push in the back of his mind. Why did he do that? Was it so important? He shook it off. It was just jitters making him crazy. Besides, he knew all his attention should be focused on the girl standing next to him. As they waited in line in front of the fair, Lukas couldn't help but notice the look on Kara's face, one of exhaustion and worry. He put his hand on her shoulder, and pulled her slightly so they stood face to face.

"Look, I can tell something's wrong. Can't you just trust me, tell me what's happening? I can help!"

Kara stared up at him, and didn't speak. Lukas didn't know what to do. She'd been acting more and more like this the last few months, but she wouldn't tell him what was wrong. He thought she trusted him, he was sure of it, so what could be so bad?

"Do you not want to be at the fair? Is that it? We don't have to go if you don't want to. We can go somewhere else, or I can just drop you off at home. Just tell me what's wrong."

Once again, Kara stood in silence, but only for a moment.

I really want to be here with you, Lukas. I do. I'm fine okay. I told you, I have to be home by eight, though. I have something I need to do."

Lukas glanced at his watch. That only gave them a little over an hour. He was on his last leg. He didn't know what to do. Kara wouldn't say anything to him, but there was obviously something wrong.

"Okay. Look, I'm gonna give you one last chance to tell me what's wrong. Think about it seriously. Who else can you trust more than me? Wouldn't it feel better to get some of the weight off your chest? Just give me a chance? And if I freak out, hit me really hard over the head or something til' I forget. Is it really so bad?"

Kara stared at her shoes. Lukas had no idea what was so interesting about her shoes at the moment, but he gave her time. It seemed like she was really thinking this time. He just hoped she would trust him. Suddenly she looked up, surprising him.

"How long have we known each other, Lukas?"

He didn't need to think long.

"Almost 12 years. I met you on your fifth birthday and your mom invited me to the party 'cause I was new in town."

Kara smiled. If there was one thing Lukas prized about himself, it was his memory. Which is actually what was really bugging him about the little push in the back of his mind. He couldn't remember why he…

"How many times have I lied to you?"

Once again, no hesitation.

"Twice, but once for keeping my surprise party a secret, so that's okay."

Kara seemed like she was about to finally say something, but then stopped. Lukas looked over at her.

"It's okay."

Kara nodded.

"What would you do if I said I had a dream where something really bad happened to you?"

"I'd ask what dream-me did to deserve it."

Lukas shut up when he saw Kara glare at him. He got it. Serious time.

"What happened?"

She was silent again. Obviously there was something really wrong. The dream must have really gotten to her.

"You were murdered by this really big guy," Kara said, as she began to break out into sobs, "And it was all my fault."

Lukas guessed that this had been bothering her for a while. Without even thinking, he took her into his arms, hugging her tight. She seemed to stiffen up for a moment, but then quickly relaxed. Eventually she took a grasped onto the back of his sweatshirt.

"Hey. I'm right here, and I'm fine. If any big guy comes my way, he'll have more to deal with than he thinks. And besides, it's just a dream. A really bad nightmare. I've had plenty, trust me. I remember most of em."

Kara rested there for a moment. Eventually she pulled herself together, and took a step away. Her eyes were a little puffy.

"Do you promise to believe me?"

Lukas looked into her eyes, and nodded.

"Of course."

Kara seemed surprised, but Lukas knew he had to trust her.

"I've been seeing people dying in my dreams, and then they die in real life, just the way I see it."

Lukas nodded. He sorta saw this coming.

"So I'm next? Well then what're we gonna do about it, cause I got my whole life to live ahead of me."

She looked into his eyes, and stared with wonder.

"You believe me?"

"I believe that you believe it, and that's enough for me. I promised I'd trust you, so I will. All I need you to do is lust tell me everything you know, and we'll figure this out from there."

Kara nodded, and as Lukas listened, he still felt the push in the back of his head. The push that seemed to be telling him one word: run.