Hi all, this is my first ever vampire fic. I hope you enjoy it.

Blood. It use to be the only thing on his mind, the only thing he could ever think about, the only thing he wanted to think about. How long would it be until his next feed? Where would it come from? How would he get it. He was so close to the edge, the point of no return. So close to becoming the mindless monster even his kind despised, but he never thought about that. Being considered a monster was better than having to feel. Pain, weakness, depression. The blood washed that all away.

Until one night, right on the brink, right at the point where sanity ended and madness began, something came for him. After all he had done, someone was still willing to risk their reputation, their freedom, their life, to save him. Someone thought he was still worth it, that there was hope for him. They gave him a second chance.


Covered in blood he staggered into the light, shielding his eyes from the sudden brightness, dragging the lifeless body behind him. He hadn't meant to kill her, hadn't meant to drain her so completely, but the thirst had taken him over.

He knew this was it. The end. His actions would destroy the progress of generations, but it had felt so good. It had always been so good. Right up until he saw the last spark of life leave the woman's body.

At that point he knew what he was, but he no longer knew how to feel. The blood drove him on, drove him to his next meal and there was nothing he could do to stop the hunger. It had a hold over him that was absolute.

As he looked down at the lifeless body he still held, a sickness overwhelmed him. He suddenly felt disgusted with himself. So disgusted that he threw up the blood he had just consumed, the sweet smell in the air turning vile.

He heard the sounds of people searching. They were looking for him. They would come and see what he had done and he, and all his kind, would suffer. There was nothing he could do now. Nothing at all. He was too weak to escape and too guilt ridden to want to.

It was then that his saviour came. Helped him to escape those who pursued him and had asked for nothing but loyalty in return. His life now belonged to his saviour, he was no longer free, but now he had a chance to come back from the edge. A chance to change back from the monster that he was.

When he had asked his saviour why, why had he saved him, the answer had been simple. "I didn't want to see you destroy yourself. I know who you are and what you're really like, and this isn't you. I will cover this up, hide what you've done from the world, but now your life is mine and I will not see you throw it away. I let you go off on your own once and this is where your fear and hatred has led you. I will not let that happen again. I made our parents a promise that I would look after you, and I intend to keep it."


The flare of a match lit up the night, casing the darkness to retreat momentarily, as if afraid of the light. The wind blew, threatening to extinguish the tiny flame, and light rain fell, the winds ally in the battle with the only real light in the darkness.

But a steady hand held the match firmly, shielding the flame and bringing it up to the tip of the cigarette that hung from the figures lips. The man inhaled sharply as the fire caught, before throwing the match to the ground and stepping on it. Smothering the flame more effectively than the wind and rain could have.

The man breathed in the cigarette smoke as if it was the breath of life. Slowly he brought his hand up to his mouth, removed the cigarette and exhaled. The smoke was blown away quickly, leaving only the faint glow of the cigarette in the darkness.

After a short time the smoker, who's eyes had been constantly fixed on the building opposite, looked sideways, taking in the sight of the only other person in the street. He smirked darkly.

He reached his hand into the pocket of his cloak and pulled out a battered packet of cigarettes. Reaching around, he offered the packet to the young woman standing on his right. "Smoke?" he said casually. He could almost smell her fear.

She looked up at him, startled. Taking in his tall, slender build, covered in a long black overcoat, his messy, slightly damp, jet black hair and his eyes that seemed to burn gold in the dim light. She shook her head, eyes wide. It was obvious to him that she was terrified.

He was enjoying himself immensely, though it didn't show past the dark smirk that touched his lips. He shrugged, replacing the packet in his coat pocket and turning back to face the street.

"You know it's dangerous to be out this late at night," the man said quietly, his voice was deep and dark, full of, what the girl was thinking were, sinister intentions. "You never know who you could meet in the dark."

The young woman was shivering now, but weather it was from fear or from the cold, the man couldn't tell. Serves her right, he thought smugly. What kind of person would wear a short dress out in weather like this?

Now the woman was eyeing the large building they had just emerged from, no doubt wondering if he would follow her back inside if she tried to get away from him. He could almost see her mind working, trying to come to a decision whilst fear danced through her.

It was then that a large black limo appeared at the end of the street, coming to a stop just in front of the man and his frightened companion. It's windows were tinted, making it impossible to see inside, but anyone in the vicinity would have known immediately that it had stopped for the smoker.

He took one last drag on his cigarettes before tossing it into the street and pulling open the limo door. He was about to slide in when he turned sharply back to the young woman, who took a hesitant step back.

"Want a lift?" he asked, the smirk never leaving his face. The woman felt terror she couldn't understand course through her when his intense eyes fixed on her. She whimpered, turned and ran up the stone steps and into the church, the building she had left not long ago.

The man laughed and stepped into the limo, which took off as soon as the door was closed behind him. He was greeted by a disapproving scowl from the only other occupant of the cars back seat.

"What have you been doing Lyconides?" the limo's other occupant said, addressing his slightly damp companion. "Must you torment people constantly? It really doesn't do you, or us, any good."

"I was just having some fun Tristan," the man known as Lyconides said, rolling his eyes. "You should really lighten up brother. And how many times do I have to tell you not to call me by my full name?"

"I'm sorry Ly," Tristen said, an amused expression on his face. "But you well know I'm not the one who should be apologising. I don't know why you insist on coming all the way out here. You know how dangerous it is for us."

"Enough," Ly said, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the seat. "I'm really not in the mood for one of you lectures on the delicate relationship between humans and vampires."

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, well it's really more of a prologue as it's rather short. If you read this please review, even if you just tell me you didn't like it. I want to become a better writer and I can only do that through your constructive criticism.

Well thanks for reading,
