Scene 1
MARCO stands R on a semi-crowded bus, holding onto a handle above him. There are other people there, but they are imagined. LAURA is real, however, and sits in a seat facing audience UL of MARCO. LAURA wears a dress and "work" shoes. MARCO has slacks and a semicasual shirt.
MARCO: Looking at LAURA. Wow…She's…gorgeous. I want to date her and marry her and have two point five kids.
LAURA pulls cord. Door opening sound effect, and she exits the bus. Lights down.
MARCO: Oh, well.
Lights up. Same scene as beginning.
MARCO: Looking at LAURA. Wow…She's…gorgeous. I want to date her and marry her and have two point five kids. He takes a step towards LAURA. Excuse me…
LAURA looks up at him, they hold this pose for a moment, then rush into an embrace. Cut lights.
Scene 2
A fancy and romantic restaurant. LAURA and MARCO sit at a table C. LAURA is wearing same dress with "date" shoes, MARCO same pants with slightly more dressy shirt.
LAURA: Um…I like your tie.
MARCO: My roommate made me wear it.
LAURA: Oh. Pause.
LAURA: You have a roommate.
MARCO: Yeah.
LAURA: That's nice.
MARCO: Not really. She's always leaving her crap all over the place.
MARCO: Yeah.
LAURA: Oh. Pause.
MARCO: So… He waits, but she's not talking. Do you ride the bus a lot?
LAURA: Yeah.
MARCO: That's cool.
LAURA: Not really.
MARCO: You don't like riding the bus?
MARCO: Oh. Long pause.
MARCO: So…see you next Saturday?
LAURA: Of course. She stands.
MARCO: Why are we doing this? We have nothing in common.
LAURA: Shrugs. I don't know. You said-
MARCO: Wow…you're gorgeous. I want to date you and marry you and have two point five kids.
Lights fade.
Scene 3
The wedding chapel. MARCO and LAURA are DC, facing audience, as if at altar. LAURA wears same outfit and veil, MARCO adds jacket. LAURA has bouquet of flowers.
MARCO: Turns to LAURA. Wow…you're gorgeous. I want to date you and marry you and have two point five kids.
LAURA: Okay.
Lights out.
Lights up. Reception. Two white wicker chairs have appeared for the happy couple.
MARCO: Sitting. Glad lots of people showed up, huh?
LAURA: Sits. I hate my relatives.
MARCO: Sensing a breakthrough. Me too!
LAURA: Turns on him. Well, that's not very nice. I don't complain about your relatives.
MARCO: But…Sighs. Pause.
LAURA: The cake is nice.
MARCO: I wanted chocolate.
LAURA: I'm allergic.
MARCO: I know. Sighs. But-
LAURA: I know. I'm gorgeous. You want to date me and marry me and have two point five kids.
MARCO: Well, yes. No! No, I don't! Not really.
LAURA: Well, you said you did.
MARCO: Well, I didn't know it was going to turn out like this.
LAURA: Well, these things happen. Exits. MARCO looks after her helplessly. Lights down.
Scene 4
Hospital, maternity ward. LAURA is off right, MARCO is pacing. An uncomfortable-looking chair is DL. They are conversing.
MARCO: I still don't know how this happened, we sleep in separate beds!
LAURA: Yelling. You wanted this! You can't take it back now!
MARCO: But how in hell are we actually going to have two point five kids?
LAURA: How many times have I told you not to ask me!
MARCO sighs and flops into the uncomfortable chair.
MARCO: One statement. One stupid little observation. One little daydream.
Cut lights.
Scene 5
Same as first scene.
MARCO: Looking at LAURA. Wow…she's… gorgeous… Maybe I should talk to her…
LAURA pulls cord, door opening sound effect, she exits. MARCO sighs.
MARCO: Or maybe some things just aren't meant to be.