Summary: After his twin sister Ava ran away right before her marriage to Ivane Cervantes, the next leader of the Mafia, Adrian is forced by his family to dress up like a girl and become his bride. How much worse could it get?

Adrian's whole life he's been protected by his brothers, so when they back up his parents on marrying him with a guy Adrian can't quite believe it. But why does he need to marry a guy? His twin sister, the actual bride, ran off a week prior to the marriage. Next thing he knows Adrian's being married in place of his sister to the next leader of the Mafia, Ivane Cervantes and he doesn't know how to handle the man. It doesn't take long before Adrian's cover is blown by Ivane, but what happens next he never expected.

Warnings: Slash, Language, Sex (Oral & Anal), Non-Con, S&M & Violence.

Author's Notes: I need to explain myself? And just a little favour, I wrote this story while being very confused about my tenses (present and past). For the longest time I kept writing in present tense which is possibly the most awkward thing to read so I changed to past but my mind was still stuck in present tense so I'm hoping there aren't random tense changes. If you find any, please tell me and I'll fix it up. Thanks.

Taken Aback

I – s c h e m e

I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of my mother's mouth. Perhaps what was even more unbelievable was the fact that the rest of my family agreed. Were they mad? Had someone sawed open their heads, taken their brains out and given them back to me? I didn't know, but either way this news of theirs wasn't sitting too well with me.

"I hope you understand Adrian, that you're our last hope. If you do not do this, than our family name will be disgraced and we will lose all of our respect as a mafia family. Your father will be shunned and we may possibly be completely executed by the Cervantes family," my mother continued. Did she ever slow down and take a breath when she was talking?

"I get that but you're asking me to marry a guy!" I shouted right back at her. I could see my father's face darken and I knew it was useless to argue but really, forcing their son to marry a guy was just a bit too much. Even if we were part of the Mafia.

"It's only until we can find your sister Adrian," said my mother. She looked almost scared and I stared at my two older brothers waiting for them to back me up. Of course, they said nothing because even if they said they loved me dearly, my father came first.

"It's not my fault that Ava ran off! Maybe she did so because she didn't want to marry that guy either!" I really wanted to slap my family across their faces right now. "And even if I do go, what am I supposed to do the night of the marriage!?"

I immediately regretted saying this, as this actually made it sound like I was willing to be married off to a guy, while pretending to be a girl.

"It's rumoured that Ivane isn't very interested in girls, so you don't need to worry! And even if he tries to sleep with you, you can just lie and say that you're not feeling well," my mother argued.

"What's that supposed to mean!? He's interested in guys!?" I shouted, positive my voice sounded high-pitched and incredulous.

"No! Adrian, why can't you just agree to this! Johnathon and Sebastian will find Ava and then we can just switch again," my mother pleaded.

I couldn't believe this; my own mother wanted to marry me off to a guy. And not only that, no one's backed me up! Have they all lost it? Maybe I should just runaway too; it seems like the only plausible thing to do. What I didn't understand was why Ava would runaway and not tell me why. I'm her twin brother, we've shared everything together and now suddenly she doesn't think telling me the reason for her early departure was something I could listen to?

"Adrian, it's only for a short while. I promise you, Sebastian and I will find Ava as quickly as we can and then we'll have you two switch positions. Please Adi, can't you at least do it for me and Sebs?" my oldest brother, Johnathon, said. He'd resorted to nick names, meaning he really needed me to go through with this.

"Fine!" I screamed, and ran out of the room. I didn't want to talk to any of them. Not my mother or my father and most definitely not my traitorous brothers!

I felt like crying. I never did anything remotely stupid in my entire life with the exception of burning down my treehouse when I was seven but that was by accident. My brothers always made sure that Ava and I didn't leave the house unless one of them was with us along with fifty other guys. I've tried so hard to be an all around good person. I'd gotten good grades in school, hadn't caused trouble, and had always minded my manners but apparently that was good for nothing.

Just because I looked like my sister didn't mean marrying me off in her place was acceptable. I got the fact that I have a small body frame, much like a girls, but that wasn't exactly my fault. How was I expected to have broad shoulders and muscles if I've never been allowed to do anything physically active?

Fuck! This was so unfair! Wait until I saw Ava again, I was going to gouge out her eyeballs! I hated this! It was just a fucking political marriage anyways, and we were only going through with it because if we married into the Cervantes family we'd be safe from any attacks from any family.

Why had I been such an obedient son up to this point? If I had been a little more rebellious I would have at least had some heart warming memories to go with me into this wedding of mine. I couldn't believe it, I just couldn't believe it. I was going to be married to a guy. A guy! What had the world come to?!

I stalked all the way to my bedroom, swung the door open and rushed inside only to flop down onto my bed. My room was one of the biggest in the house which was a result of my brothers' affection toward me. My sister had a room identical to mine except that hers was a lot more pink and flowery.

I sighed into my pillows and closed my eyes. My life had been nice up to this point. I'd grown up in a decent family and whatever love my parents hadn't given me I got from my siblings. I'll confess that I've been spoiled and that perhaps for that reason I'm making a giant fuss over all of this but really, to marry a guy, that's too much.

I didn't know what to think any more. I was going to have to marry the guy until Ava was found but what was worrying me now (since I had agreed to the damned marriage) was that what if Ivane tried to make a move on me.

His reputation wasn't exactly rainbows and butterflies, which was a good thing as far as being the next leader of the Mafia went but to be a husband…I shivered involuntarily at the thought and tried not to think of what he'd do to me if he found out that his bride was a man…or boy. I wasn't even 18 yet; I shouldn't be getting married for another six years or something.

I rolled over onto my back, sighed and stared wistfully up at my ceiling. Perhaps I should run away too and just keep running. My brothers wouldn't really be able to find me, since I knew their weaknesses and where they would look last. Ava, on the other hand, had never quite paid attention to any of the sinful sides of the mafia and I didn't blame her. Women didn't have a very large role in the mafia. They were there for sexual appeasement and to bear children but they got something in return. Loads of money to splurge, power, status. It wasn't so bad, maybe a bit sexist but not so bad.

I just hoped that she got off easy and without punishment. I know I said I'd gouge her eyes out but she's my twin sister, I'm sure she had her reasons.

There was a knock on my door and even though I wanted to send whoever it was away, I didn't. "Come in."

The door opened and in stepped my brothers, Johnathon and Sebastian. I've always desired to be just like them. Strong, skilled and handsome. Now I really couldn't stand to look at them, especially since they'd backed up my father and mother on this one.

"What do you want?" I asked, rather angrily. Johnathon gave me an uneasy smile and Sebastian looked in another direction.

"Adrian, we're sorry but you have to understand-"

"I get it already. I agreed didn't I? Now leave me alone," I said immediately, turning to face the other side of my room, which, conveniently enough, was a large window that looked out onto the backyard.

"Come on Adi, you can't be mad at me," I hear Johnathon whine. I could imagine his bright green eyes filled with worry and his hands brushing through his wavy light brown hair. He was taller than me, but Sebastian was taller than him. Sebastian was also more delicate looking. He was leaner than Johnathon but that only led him to be a lot more agile and stealthy whereas Johnathon was brute force.

"I can be mad at you, especially since you're shoving me off to be Ivane's wife," I retorted, my eyes fixed on the tall birch tree in the backyard.

"Adrian, you know just as well as I do that John won't do anything until he knows you're okay," Sebastian said. I feel someone sitting down on my bed from behind me but I still didn't turn around.

"Well I'm not okay."

"Adrian," Sebastian's voice was as soft as a whisper and I felt his hand stroke my hair softly. I wanted to smack it away but I didn't. Sebastian always calmed me down. He was the smart one who knew what to do. I wondered what Johnathon and I would do without him.

I slowly turned around and looked at Sebastian. He had a sincere smile on his face and his soft hazel eyes look like they were sparkling. "Just… find Ava, I'm fine."

Johnathon's face lit up looks as if I'd just said the sweetest thing in the world and before I knew it he'd swooped down and wrapped me up in a bear hug. "Thanks!"

"Let go of me you jackass," I mumbled, trying to shove him off but secretly enjoying the hug.

"You know if you keep calling me a jackass, I might just not find Ava and you can spend the rest of your life pretending to be a girl," Johnathon commented rather dryly.

"John do you want him to be mad at you again?" Sebastian said right before I could begin to call my brother a string of names that even a sailor would cringe at hearing. "Anyways, we need to get going. Adrian's marriage is a week and if we can find Ava before that all the better."

Johnathon sighed and gave me a tight squeeze. "I promise we'll find her, alright? You won't have to be that man's wife for too long."

I nodded my head in response. Even if the two of them were shipping me off, they weren't heartless like my parents. Those two didn't care about anything but the family name. "You better find her within a month. I don't think I can fight off Ivane for more than that."

Johnathon, he'd gotten off of my bed, looked down at me, ruffled my hair and smiled, "We'll find her by then, don't you worry."

Sebastian smiled gently and leaned down, wrapping his arms around me. "I'm really sorry for making you do this, Adi." I smiled into his long blond hair and returned the hug. Sometimes I think Sebastian's much too gentle a person to be in the mafia. I wonder how it made him feel when he killed his first man.

"It's okay," I said again, hoping to reassure them and not make them feel too bad about marrying me off to a guy. Sebastian pulled away and smiled at me, "We'll find her and you can meet her first."

I nodded again, giving them a small smile. They smiled at me one last time and left the room. I watched as the door closed behind their retreating backs and sighed, falling down into the silky sheets of my bed. I'd really been overprotected ever since I was little. Treated almost like a girl. Maybe that's why they didn't mind marrying me off to a guy, because to them I seemed like a girl… Of course this wasn't the most reassuring of feelings but I really wanted them to find Ava as soon as they could.


I don't understand how women wear bras. They're the most uncomfortable things ever. But maybe I was biased in saying this as I also had silicon bra stuffers stuck inside my bra. The mere fact that I was thinking 'my bra' was starting to freak me out. I sighed heavily as I looked at myself in the mirror. My greenish brown eyes looked back.

I stared at the white lacy bra I had put on so to give me a female body shape. I felt like crying as I realised how much the God damned bra suited my body. I was skinny, didn't have any muscle and could probably fit into my sister's jeans, easily. I could see why the rest of my family didn't feel like anyone would find out that I was actually a he. Once I slipped into my bridal gown, I might actually look like a girl.

I had covered my own blond hair with a wig that looked exactly like my sister's long flowing blonde tresses. She loved to grow her hair out to her low back and I had always told her how much it suited her. Now I felt like chopping it all off. How did she manage so much hair?

"Master Adrian! Please stop staring at yourself and get into your wedding gown!" yelled my nanny of several years, breaking me out of my thoughts. She was on the other side of the room looking, frantically might I add, for something. I stare at her until she finds what looks like a comb, spins around and dashes over to me.

"Nanny I think I'm going to need help putting on the dress…" I trailed, eyes sitting on the formidable white dress. You'd think that my brothers would at least buy some crappy dress but no, they went for the all out and glamorous one. The one with so much embroidery and shiny bits on it that I was afraid I would die under its weight as I walk down the isle.

"Of course sweety, I'll do your hair after that," she huffed. My nanny was getting old it seemed. In one swift motion she took the dress off of its stand and began to pull it over my head. Okay, maybe not that old. I lifted my arms upward and slipped them through the small sleeves. My nanny pulled it down further and soon enough I saw my reflection back in the mirror in front of me.

My wig hadn't moved from it's potion but I strands of the fake (maybe it was real) hair in my face. I brushed it back and tried to get rid of some of the puffiness in the dress. My nanny had taken to tightening the dress so it fit me properly. For some odd reason I felt very pretty for a moment as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Was this how my sister would have looked in the dress?

"Oh my…" my nanny's voice trailed off and turned to look at her. She had a hand over her mouth and her eyes were wide. Oh Dear God, please…please don't say something embarrassing. Please. "Adrian you look, for a boy, oh!" Her eyes seemed to be getting teary and I really wished I was dead or perhaps the twin who had run off.

"Er, I, um, don't you still need to finish my hair?" I quickly asked her, in hopes that she'd be reminded of my impending doom. I mean, even if I'm about to walk to my death, I might as well do it in style, right? Right?!

"Adrian, when your brothers see you! Oh! You look so beautiful!" Now she actually has tears streaking down her face and I've really begun to hope that the ground will swallow me whole.

"Nanny, my hair…" I said again, this time sounding utterly defeated.

"Oh! Thank-you for reminding me!" She gasped, picking up the comb she had been searching for earlier. She pushed me over to a chair by a window and I glanced out. It was absolutely beautiful outside. The sky was a crisp blue and there were large, fluffy clouds floating about. At least the day I die would be a nice one.

I sighed heavily and wait somewhat patiently for my nanny to be finished with my hair. As I was waiting, I heard the door open and I barely caught who the people coming in were. Of course I should have expected my brothers. They both looked as handsome as ever and the black suits they were wearing with their dark green ties looked stunning. I should have been wearing one of those not this fluffy dress!

"Adrian...?" My brother Johnathon said somewhat breathlessly. It was slightly creepy to hear him say my name like that mind you. "Is, is that really him?"

"Yes it's me you dumbass!" I shouted at him, glaring as hard as I could. I didn't know why I loved this guy anymore. I really didn't.

"You look so beautiful! It's as if I'm looking at Ava and not you!" he exclaimed with the same breathlessness as before. Again, I would like you to note, creepy.

"Shut-up!" I promptly turned around and went back to staring out the window.

"Adrian, you look very nice," Sebastian said and I could hear the smile on his lips. Why was he so calm all the time? And how exactly did he pull off all that calmness?

"I'm done your hair Master Adrian, please get up so I can add the finishing touches," said my nanny. Of course I complied and got up. This also meant I had to turn around, so I did, rather begrudgingly and as I looked at my brothers, I tried not to stare at them with envy.

My nanny had already applied the make-up, which apparently was necessary, and had put on the diamond earrings that the Cervantes family had actually given to me as part of my wedding gift. This meant I had to wear them, otherwise it would be disrespectful or insulting or some crap like that.

I tried not to fidget with the bracelet on my wrist as my nanny perched the veil that went with the dress into the wig. She grabbed a vile of perfume and sprayed it over me and I attempted not to sneeze at the strong scent.

"You're all set," she smiled and I stared back at her. Was I supposed to whoop with joy now or something?

"Adrian you look like a princess!" my brother, John (can you really imagine Sebastian saying something as retarded as that?) said a bright smile on his face. I scowled at him and looked at myself in the mirror. My nanny had allowed the bangs that my sister's wig had to remain o that they feel into my eyes but had split the hair so that half of it was up in an intricate bun adorned with sparkly jewels. Was she a hair designer or something?

I had to admit (as reluctantly as I did) that I did in fact 'look like a princess'. What was I thinking?! I did not look pretty or princess-like or female! Just because I looked the part didn't mean I would act it. I had no idea who girls acted. I bet that my husband will figure out that he really got a boy as his bride in a matter of seconds.

"Come on Adi, we've gotta get going. Dad'll get impatient," Johnathon said, walking over to me. I looked up at him and glared.

"I'm the one getting married to a guy! What's he got shoved up his ass?" I hear Sebastian stifle a few laughs and Johnathon turns around and glares at him, which didn't stop the stifling laughs. Sebastian didn't exactly fear Johnathon. Respect yes, fear, hell no.

"Adrian you can't about father like that," Johnathon stated in his 'I can be a serious adult when I need to be' voice.

I snorted, "Some father he is. Marrying me off to a guy."

"You won't be married to him for forever, Adi. We'll find Ava," Johnathon said, lacing his arm through mine. Let me tell you something, lacing arms with your brother is possibly one of the most awkward things that can occur in a teenage boy's life. Right next to being married off to a guy in place of his sister.

"Er…" I began, eyes looking down at my arm.

"You're a girl as of now Adi. This is how guys treat girls," Johnathon explained, as if he had read my mind.

"It's still awkward," I retorted.

"You're going to have to deal it," Johnathon replied. He began to walk out of the room, dragging me along with him. Wearing heals, no matter how small they were, was not my thing. I could barely walk straight even though I had been forced to practice walking in heels for the last week.

"I know it's painful but we'll get you outta this mess," my brother reassured me. It's really all they could do. Reassure me. I sighed and looked down at the floor, allowing my brother to continue to walk me to the entrance to the church. I lifted my head to find my father standing right by the doors, a stoic expression on his face. He could care less what happened to me.

My brother handed me over to the man and I suddenly felt a wave of nervousness wash over me. My brothers linked arms with my bride's maids, both of which were my sister's friends. The third girl had no one to walk with as I should have been the one walking down the isle with her. The flower girl in front of everyone was my cousin and she looked terribly cute in her puffy light green dress. She had a large smile on her face which, for some reason, made me feel a little less uneasy.

The church suddenly fell absolutely quite and the marriage music was the only thing left to fall against everyone's ears. Everyone in front of me began to walk forward and I saw that the gap between me and the girl in front of me had grown. My father stepped forward and I followed suit. My veil covered my face but I could see everything, even if it was a bit shrouded.

My heart beat was picking up and my stomach twisted into a knot with every step I took forward. I was really going to be married to a guy. And not just any guy, Ivane Cervantes, possibly the most terrifying guy in the Mafia. I suddenly felt faint.

I had reached the end of the isle. My father let go of my arm and left me standing in front of Ivane. I'd never seen him before. Actually, he'd never seen my sister or me before either, so maybe this wouldn't be too bad.

I gulped as I turned to face him. He had to lift my veil right? God, I needed to get hold of myself. If I had some stupid expression on my face he might actually start laughing right here and now. I saw his hands approaching the veil and breathing in deep I readied myself.

When I look back on it now, nothing could have readied me for what I saw. He was beyond gorgeous. My heart beat faltered as my eyes met with his dark blue ones. His pale skin stood out against the black suit he was wearing and his jaw length black hair, that he'd cut so that he had more bangs toward the right side of his face, only helped to bring out his perfection. I swallowed, hard, trying to make sure that I didn't start blushing like an idiot under his unfaltering gaze. I couldn't even bring myself to look away from his eyes, it was like my body had stopped listening to me and could only move according to what his eyes told me.

I know that sounds like I'm a girl, but I could barely breath right now. However the smirk on his face wasn't helping. In fact it was really ticking me off, here I was, unable to move and he was making fun of me. Jackass.

Suddenly he turned to face the priest and I could finally feel control come over my body again. I slowly moved to look at the priest myself and the man quickly began reciting the words for the ceremony. Before I knew it I was repeating my vows and the marriage ceremony was at an end.

"Do you, Ivane Cervantes, take Ava Faust to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"And do you, Ava Faust, take Ivane Cervantes to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I, I do." The knot in my stomach felt like it had just multiplied into several knots and I really felt nauseous as I declared this man to be my husband.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." My eyes widened and my hands clutched my dress. K-kiss the bride? WHAT?!


Author's Notes: -grin- I wrote this entire chapter hoping to end it off here. :D Review please and thank-you if you liked it.