A/N: Why hello! Just an FYI I revised and edited all the other chapters, changing minor details and such so please go back and reread just so you don't get all confused. Um, I basically adore everyone who has read this story and given me positive feedback! (Blows Kisses)! I love the following people: J.M. Dusk, happy ever afterxx, JJ March, T. Vonkit, ever s n o w, Lady of Confusion, Sun Goddess 13, Inhkearts and Inkstains, WaterxAngel, Purity of Light, Black and Bleeding Rose, BobsMiddleName, DeMarshmallow Princess, Hells Tenshi, Moonz Bunni, miketiketofu, rahori, springfiry, summerdaze87, anti-inflammatory, FarewellAsOfNow. These people have reviewed me, added me on their favorite list and alert list and I really appreciate that! So thank you, thank you, thank you! Hope you enjoy!
--Marie Jane Dawn
"Should I go with the coral or the banana yellow?" I asked as I held up the two gorgeous, above the knee-length, babydoll dresses. Adell and Rory set down the jewelry they were looking at and turned their attention to me. It was Sunday. In other terms, Big Sale Let's Go Shopping, Sunday.
"Oh, this goddamn store makes everything so goddamn hard to buy!" Adell exclaimed. I gave a sad nod in agreement. We were at Forever 21 and browsing for Rory's 'Summer Social'. Also known as the biggest dance event known to teenage existence. It took place at the Bungalow 8, the most posh club located in the center of the city. Only the elite of the social pyramid from East Valley, Rose Catholic, and Hilliard Davis were invited and even then, those people had to go through the bouncers who had a complete list of everyone who was invited; in fact, we were making that list at my house tonight. Of course, Rory had already filled Adell in on all this and I found out about it right when we got to the mall.
Rory's eyebrow rose at Adell's remark.
"Well, well. Looks like someone has a trucker's mouth."
"Yeah, well fuck you." Adell said jokingly.
As if on cue, Rory put on a mock-disgusted face, "I say in the words of Sister Helen, YOU SHALL NOW BE CONDEMNED TO HELL!"
Now I don't know if it was her thick Russian accent or the way her nostrils flared, but either way Adell started to snort with laughter. Trying hard not to fall over laughing myself, I stumbled backwards and bumped into someone. Breaking my fall with my hands, I noticed six shopping bags... and all their content was splayed out onto the floor.
"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" I said quickly while I struggled to stand up, "Let me help --"
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
At first I didn't recognize who the stranger was by her face, but then I noticed her hair. The mass of platinum was cut into a bob that framed her face, but it was still Natalie Jenkin's fake platinum hair.
I never really took the time to study her fully, only because a) why would I study another girl? b) we don't have any classes together seeing as I'm a senior and she's a sophomore and c) I never held particular interest to her, especially now with the recent situation of my ex cheating on me with her. But now that she was standing before me brushing off her designer shirt, I decided I might as well size up the competition I never even knew I was up against.
She was short, around 5'5, but with her height came curves, and they were curves any girl would die for and any guy would kill to get his hands on.
Too bad that had to be James...
Her face was very sharp and angular, with dark brown eyes and medium sized lips. It was a shame that a semi-pretty face like hers had pounds of makeup globbed on it, but by the way she was holding herself I could tell she wasn't very self confident.
"What are you looking at?" Natalie said defensively, plopping one hand on her hip.
Okay, scratch that. She was self confident.
Rory pushed her way in front of me, a look of malice on her face. I know I was scared shitless of that look just by catching a glimpse of it.
"Nothing, bitch. What's it to you?" She said in my own defense. I found it only a little bit funny that Rory was probably more riled up than I was.
"Vera, newflash!" Natalie said, raising her hand in my face with that preppy kind of manner, "Just because James dumped you doesn't mean you have to go lesbian and check me out. It's kind of pitiful."
Adell leaped out and grabbed Rory as she lunged for Natalie, as she restrained her I took the opportunity to speak my mind. Taking a deep breathe, I took a stride so that I was two inches from her face.
"Okay, first off if you ever 'newsflash!' me again, I swear to God I will break your hand. Secondly, I dumped James because he obviously wasn't worth my time if he went after a cheap whore like you. Thirdly, it's pretty lame to call me a lesbian. And honey, do you even know what pitiful means? I mean, it's kind of advanced for someone like you."
"Whatever. I doubt you'll even score a guy after people find out about you and James."
"Really? Because newsflash!" My stomach flipped as I realized what I was about to say, "I'm dating a Cupid!"
Well, it was easy to tell my stupid words took their toll. Immediately after they came out of my mouth, Natalie's jaw dropped five inches. She turned around, whipped out her cell phone and texted furiously as she stormed out the glass doors.
I guess they really are well known...
"Yeah, that's right bitch!" Adell called out to her, but when she turned to face me her expression was anything but tough. "No, it's not right! What the hell were you thinking? 'Oh yeah, I'm Vera, and I'm dating a Cupid!' No! No, no, no! Do you know that what you just said is going to be all over your school in about 5 seconds!"
I couldn't even think of something to reply because my mind was racing.
She's completely right. What are they going to say? How can I pull this off? Will I ever live this down?
My mind was gratefully distracted by the shopping bag that was shoved in my face. Taking it from Rory, I looked inside.
"Yeah, so when you were having your little 'moment' with the blonde bimbo, I got distracted and saw the cutest pair of vintage looking aviators! And then when I went to claim them I saw the cutest string of pearls and I just couldn't resist them so... now you have aviators, pearls, and a dress for the Summer Social!"
"That's great! But, um, why is this dress blue?" I set down the bag, pulled it out and held it up against me so I could look it over. It was nothing like the one I was debating over before; this dress was shorter... six inches above my knee, shorter.
"Well, I know you how good you look in belted dresses because they accentuate that ridiculously minuscule waist of yours. Also, you have amazing legs and I'm sure you'll catch at least a thousand eyes if you flaunt them."
"Not to mention that color does a hell of a lot to your eyes!" Adell added. I laughed nervously.
"Well it's a gorgeous dress but I'm just concerned about the fact..." I paused as I turned it around for them to see, "that has no back to it. Now is it just me, or is that a little bit scandalous?"
"Haha, yeah, forgot to mention that..." Rory said quickly as she took it from me and put it back into the bag.
"Oh well, we have a week to figure it out. Now I say we go next door to Baker's for some sexy shoes!" She piped up as she grabbed all her bags from Hollister, Delia's, Bath and Bodyworks and etc.
"Oh! I second that motion!" Rory exclaimed as well. As they scuttled out the glass doors, I remembered what had happened.
I guess I'm dating a Cupid now.
It was 12:19 in the morning and our list was complete.
"Okay lovies, so far we have 267 people coming to my Summer Social. Do you think it's enough?"
Adell snorted and looked up after finishing her last toenail. "Are you serious? The only thing we should be concerned about now is if the Bungalow 8 can hold that many." I nodded.
"What is this for anyways?" I asked.
"Well there are two reasons for the Social." Rory replied in a matter-of-fact tone, "First off, it's one of the last times you get to party over the summer. The second reason is the fact it allows you to scout for single men to mingle with. It's dark, it's loud, and it's going to be hot. Put that together, and it equals opportunity."
"Ah yes, good call Rory." Adell said with enthusiasm. "I am in need of a sexy man to... mingle with."
"Oh, naughty!" Rory and I giggled.
"Hey you guys, brilliant idea!" I said, happy that my imaginary light bulb had clicked on. "Do you two have your bikinis with you?"
"Babe, we live in Monterrey. Why would we not have them?" The pair of them got up from where they were sitting in my bedroom and retrieved their bags. I got up as well and walked over to my dresser and after rummaging through a drawer or two I finally pulled out my Chanel bikini.
"We're all girls here, so I'm just going to change where I am. Is that okay with you--" The room was empty. "Well okay then..." I walked over to the french doors that led out to my deck and opened them a crack to let in the breeze. I loved the fact that my bed was on the opposite wall from the doors because that same breeze kept me cool at night.
Turning back around I set my bikini out on my bed and took off my shirt. Unclasping my bra, I heard a tapping noise on the glass of the doors.
Just the birds.
Not paying any mind to it, I slipped off my bra and reached for my top... and that's when I heard his voice.
"Hey Ver-Bear!" Gasping, I turned around. I still don't know why I turned around, but I fucking turned around.
"Oh my--" Before he could finish the sentence, let alone cover his eyes, I saw Blaine jump off the deck railing. The dumbass lost his footing and stumbled into Hayden, which sent Hayden flying towards me.
So there I was shirtless with Hayden on top of me. Not to mention the fact we were on my bed. And to add to the awkward commotion, Adell and Rory walked through the door.
"What the hell was -- holy shit!" Rory screamed.
"It's not what it looks like!" Hayden yelled, his voice cracking. I couldn't help but laugh at him. But the laughing soon stopped when I saw Christian, Blaine and Emmet standing behind him.
"Okay so starting right now you are going to slowly get off of my while Adell hands me a shirt, and then all four of you will turn around while I change. After that you guys have a helluva lot of explaining to do." I ordered.
Two minutes later I had Christian in my desk chair, Emmet and Blaine sprawled out on my rug, Adell and Rory on my bed and Hayden on the opposite side of the room from me.
"So tell me again how you got in?"
"We climbed a tree and jumped off a branch onto the roof then climbed over the railing." Hayden answered.
"When he says 'we' he really means 'he'. After he climbed up in the tree, we decided to use a ladder." Emmet clarified. Hayden smirked at him.
"Just shows who is braver." He said with his nose in the air.
"No, it shows who is stupider. Dude, you could've killed yourself if you missed the roof." Emmet retorted pointedly.
"I dare to live life on the edge." Hayden said, crossing his arms across his chest.
"Whatever, dude. Whatever."
A very long and awkward silence passed before Rory spoke up.
"So, who's in the mood to get into the hot tub?" I raised my hand, and soon after everyone but Christian's hand was raised.
"I gotta get home and go to bed, I'm running off of 3 hours of sleep. Unlike you puppies, I have to go places on Labor Day." He got up and stretched. "But you kids have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Emmet chuckled.
"Dude, if we actually followed that advice, at least one of us would be in jail."
"Meh, fair enough. Why don't you boys come back to the house with me and get changed. That way, we can put the ladder back as well."
"Sounds like a plan, we'll be back in a few. Okay?" Hayden asked me. I nodded in response as the Cupids made their exit and walked out my french doors.
"So... did you guys use protection?" Adell asked. As Rory busted out laughing I picked up a shoe and chucked it at her, narrowly missing her head. Instead, it flew out my open door and landed in front of my rather surprised looking cousin.
"Vera, could you please tell me why a group of boys were pulling a ladder off of the roof?" She asked me.
"Long story short, they were being boys." She laughed nervously at my answer and ran a hand through her hair.
"Okay, just make sure they don't do any damage to the house."
"Don't worry Mads, this was a one time thing. Or so we hope." Adell said. My cousin shook her head and grinned.
"Adell, you are just the best at reassuring people. You know that, right?"
Adell nodded, "I'm amazing, what else can I say?"
"By the way, Rory, meet my cousin Madeline. Mads, meet Rory." I introduced the two.
"Hi, nice to meet you Rory."
"Oh my God, please tell me you are not Vera's mother." Rory's face was in an expression of complete awe as she looked over my cousin. It was hard to not stare at her to be frank. Her hair was the color of ebony and was cut just above her shoulders. The color of her eyes was an intense green that could capture anyone's attention. Her lips were full and always smiling and her 5'9 structure was one of a supermodel.
"Haha, no not at all. I'm her cousin." Rory sighed.
"Phew, I was about to freak out on how old you must have been when you got pregnant!" She placed her hand on her chest, "But how old are you exactly?"
"I'm 22."
"And single?" Mads gave a sad nod.
"Ever been to the Bungalow 8?" she asked, a curious look on her face. Madeline shook her head.
"I've always wanted to. It looks to retro and chic and fabulous! And with all those gorgeous men that go there, I'd kill to have the chance to flirt with them!"
"You just earned yourself two VIP passes, Miss Madeline." Rory announced with a coy smile playing on her lips.
"Wait, but how?" She asked with disbelief.
"I partially own the place. I'm Aurora, daughter of George and Scarlett Hightower." She said, grinning at Madeline's look of shock.
"Yes." I laughed at my cousin.
"Well, sorry to break it to you but we should probably head out to the hot tub before the guys get there and think we aren't coming." Adell nodded and got up off my bed.
"I'll go get it up and running." I gave a quick nod and walked to my bathroom to grab towels.
"So next time I'm over here I'll give you the passes and I'll choose something out for you to wear!" I heard Rory say with excitement.
"Okay! Sounds like a plan to me!"
I walked out as Rory gave a quick wave and bounded down the stairs, leaving Madeline leaning against the door frame.
"She seems nice." I nodded.
"Yeah, she is." I replied.
"Well I have to go work, but I want to know what's new so I'll talk to you soon. If you need anything I'm in my office." She said, giving me a quick hug.
"Thanks, Mads." She smiled and walked down the hallway and into her office. Sighing, I walked down the staircase and headed outside, grabbing my iPod off the counter on my way. As I made my way over to the extended patio, I saw that Rory and Adell were already in the hot tub, splashing and giggling at each other.
"Turn on the jets!" I called to them. After I set down the stack of towels I pulled off my shirt and pajama pants, allowing the warm breeze to brush against my bare skin. Anxious to get in, I plugged my iPod into the speaker system and went into the 'My Jams' playlist. In a few seconds, Elevator by Flo Rida came on and everything was set.
After checking that my bikini was on securely and that it wasn't revealing anything, I threw my hair up into a messy bun and stepped into my hot tub. I slid into the corner seat and let the jets massage my sore back while I sang along to what was playing.
My first flow stopped on a gold digging woman
Money cash flow all big faced honeys
Frontin' on the floor got them d-boys running
Shorty got both broke can't see what's comin'
Wear them apple bottoms, wear them apple bottoms honey
Dolce and Gabbana and she get up on my money
Louis bags, Rich, Gucci, Fendi and Armani
See the carrots on her wrist now she pimps bugs bunny
My rapping was interrupted by Hayden's voice.
"Make room, ladies!" He called out. Instinctively, I turned around and let my jaw drop.
"Hot damn!" Rory said, her voice basically a squeal.
"I'm running out of fucking self-control. And I'm pretty sure I mean it literally." Adell added.
The sight of three guys with gorgeous faces could make anyone squirm. But the sight of three guys with gorgeous faces, ripped eight pack bodies and bare chests could make a religion guru feel sexual in a second flat.
My hot tub seated five; there were four corner seats and then a seat in-between two of the corner seats. This clicked in my mind as the three boys got in to join us three girls.
Oh, that's just great.
Blaine and Emmet took over the two remaining corner seats, which left Hayden standing outside of the tub. Personally, I didn't care because I had a perfect view of the washboard abs, but yet it would seem rude to just leave him out there.
"Someone is going to have to share a seat you guys, that way Hayden can get in." I prompted. For a brief moment, we all looked at each other in silence, debating who should get all close and personal with who.
"Oh for the love of God." Rory sighed. "Blaine, scoot over."
"What?! Hell no!" He shouted. Crossing his arms like a two-year old, he glared in Rory's direction.
"It's either beside you, or on top of you." The look of malice was once again on her face and for a moment Blaine looked... scared almost. I laughed as Emmet and Adell started humming the Jeopardy tune.
Without saying anything, Blaine reluctantly shifted over two inches at the most. Rory smirked and waded over to him, smiling victoriously as she turned to sit down. After two seconds, her eyes widened and she blushed furiously.
"Um, I can't sit here." Blaine raised an eyebrow.
"Wow, you hate me that much?" He asked, surprisingly he sounded hurt. Rory shook her head.
"I have a jet streaming under some place it shouldn't."
"Oh, really now?" Blaine asked, leaning in closer so that their noses barely touched. I looked over at Hayden with a very confused look. He shrugged and pointed to the other two, who were staring so intensely they could've been taking notes.
"Flirting?" Hayden mouthed to me.
"I thought they abhorred each other." I mouthed back. Once again he shrugged with a nonchalant look on his face. But that look soon turned into a brilliant grin as the next song started playing through the speakers.
"Blaine, you're making me uncomfortable." Rory said, her voice a low whisper. Taking his initiative to the next level, he held the back of her head and kissed her senseless.
Simultaneously, Emmet and Adell gave a silent cheer of rejoice while Hayden rolled his eyes.
That was unexpected.
As Rory and Blaine's make-out session continued, Hayden got bored and resorted to flicking water in my face. Finally sick of it, I put my hands side by side and shoved a wall of water in his face. Giggling at his shocked face, I climbed out before he could attack me. It was a good plan, except I totally forgot that he had the ability to also get out. Immediately I started shrieking my apologies as I sprinted around my back yard, and as I looked back, I saw that Hayden was close on my tail. Turning my attention in front of me, I couldn't see where I was going.
"Holy shit!" I yelped as I narrowly dodged the giant oak tree. Stopping, I turned around to try and warn Hayden. "Hayden! Stop!"
"Very fun--"
"Argh! Son of a bitch that mother-fucking tree is fucking hard! My damn nose feels like it isn't even on my damn face anymore!"
Well, unfortunately he still had the ability to talk. Fortunately, he was alive. I scurried over to his body which was crumpled into a ball on the ground. After moving his hands away from his face, the first thing I saw was the blood.
The second thing I saw was what used to be his nose. Well, of course it was still his nose, but with all the bruising and swelling it looked like anything but.
"Is it bad?" He asked. His voice was muffled, but I could still hear the fright in his voice. Trying to think of something to say other than 'it's fucking HUGE!', I couldn't find the words. All I could do was stop and stare.
A/N: So if you don't like this I'm really sorry because I've been so busy and such. Like I mentioned before, I revised and edited a ton so if you are confused, go back and reread. I hope you like Madeline! Tell me your favorite character so far!
Hugs and Kisses
--Marie Jane