Disclaimer: The characters are mine, the plot mine too. All that may happen in this story is product of my imagination. Any resemblance to someone's life is pure coincidence. I do not own: "Low" by Flo Rida feat. T-Pain, "Whatcha Got 2 Lose" by Blake Lewis.

Author's Note: Thanks to MonkeyStar and Dominican Lady for making this story one of their favorites in their profiles. Also I've run out of chapters written so I've actually started writing all the chapters now (I'm up to date). And what better way to write these chaps with boybands playing in the background (currently A1, Blue, BSB, NSync, Bbmak, 5ive and so on…) hey I'm 25 and when I was a teen they were the rage…

Rating: R, for bad words, situations and sexual content.

Summary: She's a college student, broke as she can get. Her best friend is her 5 years from now. Will she be able to keep her anger in check while she falls in love? Will her best friend stop talking slang and being slutty?

Mystery Train 2.0v

Chapter 35: Dr.Jekyll is Mr.Hyde

( A few days later after Diego's arrival)

" So, babe what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. How about we go to that club? You know, the one your friends keep talking about?", said Diego laying on his back on Rachel's bed.

"I can't. I've got a test tomorrow."

"But, I am here. I thought you wanted to spend some time with me?" he righted himself a little bit, resting his weight on his elbows.

"I DO WANT TO SPEND ALL THE TIME WITH YOU, but I've missed all my classes all this time you've been here. I knew in advance there's a test and I'm pretty screwed without going to the class with all that's happened in my life up until now."

"But don't you want to go dancing with me? I'll make it your worth while." He got up from the bed and got behind Rachel and put his arms around her waist, kissing her neck once their bodies were touching.

She groaned from the feeling and her skin got goosebumps, "Oh damn do I WANNA go dancing. But I just can't Sweetie. I'll flunk for sure, the least I can do is take that test and try… try being the key word here, TRY to bump from F to a D, a C if I do an all-nighter studying while you go dancing…", she turned to kiss him and he complied.

" Please? Come with me?", he made fake puppy eyes.

" Diego, baby I want to so much but if we want to spend the summer together in Argentina, I HAVE to take that test. Otherwise I'll be spending summer in the same stinking class with the same stiking professor and the same stinking test".

He took his hands off her, " Fine, but don't say I didn't want to dance with you!"

"Don't worry, besides I was thinking: Once I come back from class and you've woken up, we could… you know do something like horizontally speaking?", Rachel lifted and eyebrow trying to look as sexy as she could muster without looking at herself in the mirror.

"Now THAT I know we CAN DO!".

They kissed for a couple of minutes and Diego went to the hall to make so phone calls.

!! !!

There was a knock on the door and Diego got up to open it.

"Hey man! You ready to go?", asked Tyler all dressed up.

"Yes, wait a second." Diego turned and walked over to Rachel's desk where she was sitting and pulled her up.

Rachel put her arms around Diego's neck. "Do you have a key to the room?"

"Yes. Now, study hard and try to get an A so we can be together the rest of my stay and I get to spend all the time with you, ok?"

Rachel smiled and kissed him goodbye.

"Hey Rach! You've seen Jessica lately?" Tyler said.

"Hey dude. No, and aren't you her boss? Doesn't she walk your dog too?" Rachel sat back down to study.

"Yeah, but I still don't see her most times, except for pay-days. Just wanted to know how she was doing…" he said walking back to the door.

"Yeah right. See you 'round".

!! !!

"So, Tyler my friend where are the pretty girls here?"

"You left them where you sleep man"

"Nah, I mean those girls in MTV… The ones that love flashing and drinking and Spring Break"

Tyler just laughed and drove while Diego fiddled around with the radio. Once they got to the club it was obvious that what Diego had said was not a joke. He was scoping out girls as soon as the bouncer let them in.

"Hey man, I'm gonna go get something to drink alright?" said Tyler trying to separate himself from what he knew was going to happen.

When Tyler came back after 10 agonizing minutes of trying to get the bartender's attention, he found Diego bumping and grinding some ditzy blonde on the dance floor. A girl came over and asked Tyler to dance and he made his way with her to the dance floor and danced a couple of songs before politely telling her he wasn't interested in her. He caught a glimpse of Diego with a new girl dancing and kissing.

Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans
Boots with the fur With the fur
The whole club was lookin at her
She hit the flo She hit the flo
Next thing you know
Shawty got low low low low low low low low

Tyler watched as Diego dug his own grave and waited, drank some water and listened to the music. A couple of songs later Diego came over with the girl in tow.

"Man why are you so stiff? There's so many beautiful girls here. Find one and go crazy!", he said grabbing the girl's ass and smacking it. The girl giggled and whispered in his ear something then left.

"Nah man, I'm good. Take it easy man. You've got Rachel back home."

"What Rachel doesn't know will not hurt her, right?" he smiled and cocked his eyebrow.

Tyler took a deep breath. He knew Diego was counting and daring him to tell on him. "Rachel is my friend and you are her boyfriend, whatever happens is between you two. But if you hurt her, Jackson and I will trample you. Got it, loverboy?"

Diego just laughed, "relax, bro! Have fun! Girls are plenty and we gotta get off, right?"

"Whatever. I pass. I'm going home. I've got some meetings tomorrow. "

"I am not ready to go. I will catch a ride with the girl I was dancing with."

"Which one!?"

"The one that's buying me a drink. Her daddy gave her a brand new car for her birthday…" he laughed and at that moment the girl returned with a beer for Diego and a blue drink for herself (Hypnotiq I pressume).

Tyler said bye to Diego and the girl and got out of the club and into his car.

!! !!

Rachel got up from bed and went to the bathroom to get a drink from the tap. When she came back to bed she remembered Diego. 'Where the hell is he?... Hope he and Tyler didn't get into trouble'. She drank from the glass and went back to bed getting comfortable and turning off the lamp on the bedside table. Not five minutes had passed since Rachel got in bed and she heard the door open. When the shadow from the door closed it, she smelled the cologne and new Diego was back. 'It's 4:21 in the morning. Where tha hell was he?'

Diego creeped into the room. He went into the bathroom and took off his clothes. He smelled them. 'Still smells like cologne. Must wake up before Rachel comes back from her test to wash the smell off the shirt.' His shirt smelled like his cologne, alcohol, cigarrettes and some girl's perfume. He got into bed with Rachel and spooned her as if nothing had happened, and fell asleep.

!! !!

It was now 3:30pm and Rachel was done with her test. All in all it wasn't so hard and the semester was half over so she still had time to make up for lost classes. She made her way back to her dormroom and walked in to find Diego sitting in bed with breakfast. Her roommate nowhere to be seen.

"Hey Sweetie", he said taking a bite of a hamburger.

"Hey. How did you sleep?"

"Good. You woke me when you went to classes… I missed the warmth you give in the mornings", he said popping a fry in his mouth.

Rachel smiled too. "Yeah, it was so nice and warm but I had to get up. Hey when did you get back?"

"I don't remember."

"Well, did you have a good time?"

"Yeah, the best."

"Where's Tyler?"

"I don't know, he left like an hour after we got into the club…"


"I don't know"

"Then who gave you a ride here?"

"A couple of guys I met in the club. They were pretty cool", he took a sip of his soda.

"Oh, did I miss anything exciting while you were there?", Rachel said walking into the bathroom. She went to splash some water in her face but the smell of alcohol and cigarrettes got her distracted. While Diego told her about the club (skipping all of the details that dealt with the girls he made out with) she started sniffing around until she found the shirt Diego had worn at the club. She brought it closer to her nose just to make sure it was the source of the smell and she caught a whiff of female perfume. Rachel came out of the bathroom with all the seriousness of the world plastered on her face.

"You're lying to me."


"I know you are. Your shirt smells like Chanel #5, a girl's perfume."

"So what? I was dancing with girls there! You didn't expect me to just hang around the corner or dance with Tyler only the whole time, did you?"

"No I didn't expect you to, but I also DIDN'T expect you to come home at 4 in the morning reeking of slut!"

"What are you talking about!?"

"Your shirt! It's got lipstick all over the neck and sparkleson the inside!? What tha hell where you doing? Banging Raibow Brite or what!?"

"Rachel, calm down you are blowing this out of proportion! Nothing happened with no girl. The explanation is simple. There were too many people in that club, a girl got pushed against me and she must've gotten the lipstick and sparkles that way. It also explains why I reeked of alcohol since I didn't drink much". The last statement was the ONLY bit of truth he gave her.

Rachel didn't quite believe him but she didn't want to spend the rest of his trip mad and fighting with him so she just went and stood next to him. "You wouldn't lie to me, would you?"

"My darling, I will NEVER lie to you", he turned and hugged her. "Now go shower, Tyler called and he said he wanted us to come over and to tell Jessica too."

Rachel hugged him back and gave him a quick peck on the lips before getting into the shower.

"No te preocupes mi amor, que si es por mi tu nunca sabras como me pase a las gatitas del club" (Don't worry about me, my love. If it's up to me you'll never know how I tapped that ass at the club).

Till she realizes what she needs
Let go and just release herself from love not working
Till she realizes what she needs
Let go and just release herself from love thats hurting

A/N: So I had to cut this short because somehow it wasn't all going to fit in the way I wanted and planned to. Sorry but what's written in Spanish isn't what's written in English… it's a rough translation that has the same contextual meaning. The REAL literal translation would be: Don't worry my love that if it's up to me you'll never know that I screwed those pussies at the club. And I meant pussies as in kitty cats not THAT kind of …well cat.