Culture or Naps, Perhaps (Part One)
by iloveanimecartoons
Original version April 14, 1998
Revised January 16, 2008
Genre: Life/Humor
Rating: K+
My bad hair days must now come to pass
It's time to get my wig done. Let's see…culture or class?
Sure, finger waves are all the rave and those scrunchies, I love a bunch
because they can be done without a perm
Man, does it burn!
But, when the thunder claps and rain slaps down on my wrap
I figure "Raindrops keep falling on my head—perhaps, I'll just wear dreads"
Of course, I love my braids (thought they do tend to get kinky)
But, I love the style they fall in when they're all loose and crinkly
Ladies compliment, guys say "You go, girl!"
When I look like Freddie off 'A Different World'
And have I mentioned extensions with that H.I.B.
(Hair I Bought with my own money)?
"Child, you hair looks cute! Is that all yours?
Yes, it all belongs to me
Maybe Goddess braids to show off the wrath of my badness
Young queen with a hairdo to match
No crown can top that
Just showing off the best of my naturally tight-curled
strong-rooted, thickly-swirled hair that's up there
And, rattail combs, beware!
'Cause my scalp is sensitive to every part that you give
Straight up nappy-headed female from another state
Stating 'Culture or Naps'…and what a hair-raising debate
Aw, hell—maybe I'll just get a wig!