"I'm going to miss you."

"Yeah," I say.

"I won't forget you."

"I know."


"You won't forget me, right?"

I don't say anything. Instead I just stare out the window and pretend I didn't hear you though we both know I did. I watch as we pass the clouds and as the sky changes different hues of blue. I wonder what the world would be like with white sky instead of blue. Everyday would be rather depressing, I think. No one would look at the sky and see beauty. They would just see endless white stretching on and on until they couldn't see anything anymore.

"Hey," I hear you say and I turn my head around.

"What?" I ask rather rudely. I can see the muscles on your arms and the way your veins stick out on your hand because you are gripping the steering wheel so tightly. There are tears swimming on the edge of your eyes. I stare at them, waiting for them to escape and roll down your cheek.

You don't say anything for a while. I can hear you swallow several times though. I get tired of waiting for your tears so I turn back towards the window. Then,

"What are you thinking?" Your voice cracks. I shrug.

"I dunno."

"You have to be thinking about something."

"Not really."

"So what are you doing staring out that window that's so damn interesting?" You voice rises, and I feel my insides sigh.

"I'm just staring," I say.



I wish I could get out of this car. This air is so thick, I would need more than a knife to cut through it. This feels like a movie scenario or something out of a book.

I wish the car would take off the ground and we could fly around in out hover jet and visit all the places we wanted to visit. We could go to the beach, or to Australia. We could grab some bread at France or some dessert as Italy. We could see Japan at night as our eyes would widen at all the lights and people.

Instead I sigh.

The echo in the silence fills my head. It rings in my ear and all I can do is concentrate on that sound. The fooosh going through my head like a broken record. I want to sleep in the sound.

"Will you call?" I frown and sit forward, facing the front.

"Yeah sure." I tune the radio dial, though I'm well aware that nothing will be on that I will even remotely like. So I press the CD button instead and wait until the music fills the empty, lonely air.

"You promise?" I can hear the tears in your voice now. I look over and see you crying into the air, you nose and forehead wrinkled and scrunched together. You sob silently and I don't say anything as you pull onto the side of the road. You immediately let go and throw your head down into your hands. I stare and wait as you cry.

I look over and see crows standing on the telephone wire a way from where we are. They stare back. It seems as if they are waiting for something to happen. It feels like they are waiting for something to save them from their boring lives. I wonder if they would turn to stone if they waited long enough.

"I just—I'll miss you so much." Gasp of air. "I'm sorry. It's just—I love you."

There. You said it. Finally. The breath I was holding in lets go and I lean into my seat, closing my eyes.

I can hear you call my name. Softly at first, until it reaches desperate octaves.

"What's wrong with you?!" I hear you yell.

I open my eyes and sit up, leaning towards you and pointing a finger in whichever direction it happens to point at. I snap.

"Nothing's wrong with me! Everything's wrong with me! Everything's just wrong! Can you feel it??" Your eyes widen and you lean against the door. I watch as your chest moves up and down in fast breaths.

"Well I can't!" I continue, desperately. "I can't feel anything! I feel dead and empty! I feel hollow; if you looked inside you wouldn't find a thing. Look at me—no, look at me—can you see anything?! Look into my eyes—just look goddamnit!"

You slap me hard. My face grows hot and stings from your hand. I close my mouth. You sob loudly into the air. I frown and turn away, ignoring my cheek.

Eventually you stop, and turn the ignition back on. You pull the car out and drive back onto the highway, silent.

When I wake up, I feel the tears moist on my cheek and pillow. I taste salt. I am confused as to where I am, and after the recollection of the dream, I lay my head down and cry again into the empty air of the bedroom.

I keep forgetting you are gone.