I rolled over in Lisa's bed and looked at her. She had fallen asleep thirty minutes into the movie. I'd decided I really didn't want to watch whatever it was without her so I got up and turned it off. As I slid back under the sheets she sighed and rolled over to face me.
"You turned it off?" She said groggily.
"Yeah, you fell asleep." I smiled and pushed her hair off her forehead.
"You coulda watched it without me..." Her voice started to trail off as she rolled over again.
I set my arm on her side, my hand resting on the bed in front of her, and began to hum to myself softly as I lay my head on the pillow behind her.
For six months we'd been spending most of our time together. We weren't seeing each other in any official sense, we hadn't even talked about it, really. I guess we just both felt like it didn't really need to be discussed. We were happy- I was happier that I'd ever been. Even now, just lying in bed, waiting to fall asleep, I couldn't think of anything I'd rather be doing.
There was a lot to be said for that- being happy just being in the same room as someone- just knowing they were around.
As my eyes closed and I started to feel sleep creeping through my head, I felt her roll over, and could almost hear her signing under her breath.
"In the air I flew... Through the clouds I fall.." Her voice was soft- barely over a whisper.
"And all the things I've tried to say, were never easy to explain..." I felt her kiss me and tuck her head down near my chest.
"...They were always meant for you..."