Punch Buggy!
Admit it Libby, you want him. You want him bad. You want to handcuff him to your bedpost and make sweet, sweet passionate love to him.
This is what my best friend just sent me, my best friend who has obviously tried that crack i-doser thing she was talking about the other day. And overdosed. Well, if you can even do that. I tried it yesterday, the 'quick happy' one. It gave me a headache, how's that for happy? (note: i-doser is music intended to change your frame of mind)
Darlene, what have you been smoking?
This was my response; I thought it rather eloquent, actually. It was entirely appropriate; she was talking about him of all people. I mean, even if I did want to do all that, why would he even glance my way?
I glanced up and looked in his direction; he was shaking some chicken salt over a pile of chips.
"Who're you messaging," someone said in a quiet, but deep and confident voice, "If Mandy sees you, you can kiss that phone good bye, trainee worker. How 'bout we actually do some work, and not burn people's meals?"
I looked down. I dropped my phone. It sunk down into the hot, boiling oil. I plunged my hand in after it, and for a moment felt joy when my fingers wrapped around it – then I realised the oil was hot – duh? – and that my hand was very, very ouch-y.
I screamed.
Mandy came running over, "Oh no honey, you burnt the chips. It's ok, everyone makes mistakes – have you been using your phone?"
Tearfully, I blinked multiple times to reduce any chance of spillage of salty liquids coming out from my eyes and looked hopefully in Lucky's direction. He would come and rescue me, kiss my red, blistering hand better and then move onto...other targets. Such as my lips. Just like the song, he sang about his Cinderella in the School Idol. I know it had to be me, it just had to. I mean, I was blonde, right?
Lucky turned, and I just knew what was coming. I was finally going to get my wish, my prince would come. Just like he said in the song.
"Damn," he said, making a face at my hand. Damn is right, Lucky. Now kiss it better. "Looks like you won't be able to hold that mike for the finals, Libby."
And then he turned around and started wrapping up the chips.
That was it?
"I think I'm going to have to confiscate this," Mandy said with a shake of her head, pinching the phone from my hands. I just squeaked in response. I mean, what did I care? The phone didn't even look like it was working, the screen was all flickering and stuff, "sorry Libby. You know the rules – hey what is up with your hand?"
I felt Alex take my hand – my other hand – and give it a squeeze, "Come on, I think we better get you an ice pack, huh?"
Nodding, I followed him over to the freezer in the staff room. Alex was my science lab partner, meaning The Guy I Had Made Do All The Dissecting For A Whole Two Months – so far. He also told me to put in for this oh-so-fabulous job, and I had agreed. If only to get closer to Lucky, which is what the mike comment was about – I had also tried for the School Idol so that we'd have more in common. I also, much to my own surprise, had scored quite well.
Something was shoved into my view and I jumped, but then realised it was just an ice pack. I took it and gave him a watery smile, "Thanks."
He smiled charmingly, "Welcome."
He walked back out to trash my burnt chips. I sighed and looked over to Lucky, was he ever going to notice me?
Well, when I'm not making an embarrassment of myself.
"What is that?" I said, making a face at the slimy thing in his hands. I mean, who the heck would want to touch that? Dissecting should so not be part of the curriculum. "Some kind of sushi meat?"
"Octopus," he said, knifing one of it's tentacles off with a grimace; "I suppose it could be sushi, not sure if it's the right type."
I would hope not, doesn't look like something I'd stick in my mouth. The only kind of octopus or squid – whatever they were – I ate would have been in calamari rings.
Alex was looking a little queasy, had he been forcing himself to do this? Oh my God. He looks like he's about to pass out.
"Alex, do you want me to do it?" I asked, glancing worriedly at him. Was he alright? He didn't look queasy all the other times he did this, maybe he had eaten something at lunch that didn't agree with him? "You don't look very well."
Maybe he had been looking queasy all the other times, and I just didn't notice?
I snatched the knife out of his hands and bumped him aside with a hip; no way was I going to let him continue with the way he was.
"I'm fine," he said, and then reached out for the knife. I hid it behind my back and he glared at me, gritting his teeth, "hand it over. Now."
"No way," I looked down at the octopus and snatched it up with my free hand, dangling it in front of his face. He turned a shade greener. "I knew it! Seafood sickness!"
"So what if I happen to dislike the smell of anything in or from the sea?" he said, shrugging, "doesn't mean I can't dissect it. Now, hand me the knife."
I plonked the octopus back down and started poking at it with the knife. I just had to cut all the legs off right? No big deal. I started to attack the legs, the only reason we had to do this was because our science teacher couldn't be bothered thinking of anything better to do.
"This actually isn't that bad," I said, pushing aside a leg I had amputated, and wincing a little. Hand was still a bit sore. "How was work without me?"
He smiled, though for some reason a bit sadly, "Boring as all hell, Lucky has missed you..."
"Really?" I brightened, and watched as Alex's smile became a little dimmer. For some reason, this fact made me feel awful. Which would explain why I offered to give him my cheesels, even though I liked cheesels. I liked them a lot.
"No I'm right," he laughed and shook his head; my heart did this weird skittering thing. I gulped, and then smiled back at him. Although I must have smiled a bit too long because he started to look a bit confused, oops.
"Um," I said, trying to think up an excuse. He quirked an eyebrow, and I was desperately trying not to blush – why did I even feel like blushing?? "Punch buggy!"
I punched him in the shoulder and turned my back to him, even though I hadn't seen a punch buggy. He cleared his throat and said, with a slightly pompous tone, "There are no beetles to 'punch buggy' at, so with that I – double punch buggy!"
He just punched me in the shoulder. I looked at him, narrowing my eyes. He just smiled. Jerk.
Although, I couldn't help smiling goofily back.
He had dropped me off at the concert, so I could sing with Lucky, wasn't he a sweetheart? That's what I thought, anyway, as I made my way up to the stage. It was my dream, I mean what more could a girl ask for? I lost the idol, so Lucky being the doll he was, asked if I could go up and sing after him anyway. Wasn't he a sweetheart?
Boys are such sweethearts.
I found myself subconsciously looking around the crowd for Alex; he was going to stay...wasn't he?
Panicked, my eyes darted across the crowd violently, what if...what if he wasn't going to watch me sing? What if he came to drop me off, and that was it?
My eyes settled on him and he grinned at me and did this cute little wave of his. My heart did the skittering thing again. I swooned – no, no I did not swoon.
But I almost did.
What should I do? Should I wave back? What should I say? Oh wait, he can't hear me. Bother.
My pocket started to buzz and I reached in and pulled out my still oily phone, I was surprised it still worked.
You know what I said about Lucky?
I messaged back a yes? and then saw a microphone being shoved into my face.
"So, Libby Lane, what are we singing tonight?" Lucky asked, winking and flashing every one of his sparkling white teeth at me. Strange thing was, it didn't make me want to giggle girlishly like it used to.
My phone buzzed again.
"Just a second, OK?" I said into the mike and flashed him a charming grin of my own. I eyed the phone with annoyance.
Forget about Lucky, you want Alex to handcuff you to his bed and make sweet, sweet love to you.
"I do not!" I protested aloud, albeit not realising it, "I do not want Alex to make sweet, sweet-"
Someone coughed in the crowd, and a mother covered her child's ears as I let out the last words of my sentence, trailing off. Lucky just stared at me.
"Cookies with me?" I tried lamely; I didn't dare look out into the crowd. Which, by now, was laughing it's ass off apart from a few outraged mothers and embarrassed school staff. Alex probably thought I was a psycho, Alex was probably considering relocating, Alex was-
Heading right towards the stage.
I swore into the microphone and the distressed mums started glaring at me. I swear I said sugar, I swear. Well, with a s and a h and an i and t.
Lucky cleared his throat, "Um, sorry folks, what was the name of that song again, Libby?"
I swore again.
"Yeah, Libby," Alex walked up the stairs of the stage, and I gulped, "what was the name of that song?"
Oh. My. God.
Quick, think of an excuse Libby, think of an excuse. Get yourself out of here.
"You know what? That was my Mum; she wants me to call her." I said and then I spun around and started fast walking off stage. But not nearly fast enough because I was yanked back on stage as soon as my foot hit the first step off.
Once more I spun around, though this time involuntarily. Alex looked down at me with his special grin and hooked his fingers through the belt loops of my jeans, tugging me towards him. He looked over my shoulder and grinned, poising his hand back and crying cheerfully, "Punch buggy!"
My eyes squeezed shut; I was expecting a punch in the face. In fact, I'd totally deserve a punch in the face. I mean, I'd totally punch me. But he didn't. Well, much, his fist barely touched mine – and even that was as gentle as a light breeze – before he unclasped his hand and took my chin in his fingers.
And then he kissed me.
My heart didn't do the weird skittering thing, oh no, it exploded. And as much as I'd have liked to kiss him back, it's just that I had been forgetting to breathe for a bit so I totally made this weird gagging noise in the back of my throat.
Alex stood back up straight and looked embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I just – I guess I had the wrong idea and-"
But I didn't let him finish, after sucking in my breath loudly like Sasuke before he spits out the fire ball, I launched myself at him. And then we were kissing, just like that.
Well, may have had something to do with me flinging my arms around his neck...and ahem, my legs around his waist. I'm surprised he didn't fall over backwards. But it was a total notebook kiss. Only well, I didn't have my mouth opened ridiculously wide before he kissed me.
Then came the wolf whistles.
Our lips parted and I muttered, "Double punch buggy."
Because, of course, there was no punch buggy behind me at the time when he said it.
I went to punch him, but he started kissing me again. It is hard to punch someone when they have their tongue in your mouth.
But I like it this way anyway.
I'm sorry, I KNOW I haven't posted in a while it's just...I have been incredibly lazy and have had writers block? I hope this makes up for it. Oh and school is back, and we are learning surds. Something that sounds like noodles, only isn't noodles. It's maths. And I hate it. Anyone care to tutor me?
Be warned, I am incredibly infuriating to teach. Well, that's a lie. But it takes me a while when the teacher doesn't sound like he knows what he is talking about. Like mine.
Ps. or lunch, actually.