Summary: A world reborn from twin brothers. A second chance at life. For Daire, it begins when he's carted off to the mysterious place known only as The Institute. He begins his new life knowing that he must one day be bound to the cold Aleksei. Just when he thinks things can't get any worse, life suddenly becomes incredibly dangerous for him when men start lusting for his body. Aleksei realizes that if he does not stake his claim now, Daire will be lost forever and as much as he hates admitting it, the young boy has grown on him…slash, mpreg, and many other things.
Warning: This is going to contain slash, which is a malexmale pairing. If you don't like the idea of two males engaging in sexual activity, then I suggest you don't read this. It's also going to contain twincest, which is incest with twins so if the fact of twin brothers having sex scares you, read with caution-just skip the italic parts. There will also be mpreg-male pregnancy, some graphic sex, strong language, violence, and some childbirth scenes. Read with caution!!
Notes: This is version 2.0, the revised version of Identity. I went back and did some revisions, added in some more detail, stuff like that. I also corrected any mistakes I made.
My twin brother Hayden and I always knew that we weren't what you would call normal. Well that can be inferred because both of us were born from test tubes. We also have the ability to bear children. Both of us are male, mind you. But both of us could have children, just in case one of us was barren. It increased our chances of reproducing. That's why we were created; when the apocalypse came and destroyed Earth, we would survive and reproduce. We remained in our test tubes until our fourteenth year, after the apocalypse had wiped out any life on Earth. We were fully grown, almost and equipped with everything necessary to survive.
At once, Hayden took control. He is older than me, after all. He's also a natural leader. He immediately assessed the situation and made sure that it was actually safe before venturing out. He didn't really like what he found. We really were the only ones left. The world had ended after a giant nuclear attack decimated the majority of the humans on Earth followed by the apocalypse that destroyed the survivors. Now, the scarred surface had finally cooled off and life was starting again. Hayden estimated that it had been at least a thousand years since Earth had been inhabited. Everything they had built was gone. We would have to start all over again. Like I said, Hayden wasn't happy. It was probably because we would have to break the biggest taboo of human society by having sexual intercourse, though I'm not sure why--there are no more humans and no human society.
Chapter 1
2000 AA[i]
Daire did not know the men who came to his house, though he knew what they were coming for. He had been branded a Bearer--a Breeder capable of bearing children. The Breeders were a mixture of males and females. Although females could also bear children, only males who could bear children were called Bearers because they were unique. In truth, there were few male Bearers left in the world after the human race had repopulated and the blood of the Bearers thinned out and became more and more female. The males were treated with extra care and cautiously bred with other males to try and bring up their numbers. After all, the human population had been reborn through two male Breeders and it would never do to let them completely die out.
Daire was one of the few male Bearers, and had known so since he was a child. He had always known that he would be called back to The Institute where he had been birthed to begin his duties as a Bearer.
"It's time to go," one of the men told him in a low voice.
"I know," he replied.
"Do you have what you need?"
"Yes. Let me go and get it."
"You have five minutes."
Breathing heavily, Daire moved swiftly through his house and went to his bedroom. The bag he had prepared days before lay waiting on his neatly made bed. His foster parents were both at work, though they had said goodbye to him in the morning--they had known that today was the day he would be leaving them, after thirteen years of being their son.
Daire sighed softly as he pulled on his coat and picked up the bag filled with a few precious things: photographs of him and his foster parents and a few books he was allowed to keep. Then, he closed the door behind him and went to the front of the house where the men were waiting. He could now see that all of them were large, hulking men at least twice his size and three times his weight.
"Are you ready now?" the man Daire understood to be the leader asked.
"Yes," Daire answered, nodding his head.
He followed the men out of the house, making sure the door was securely closed and locked before trudging after the men to a waiting car.
The town where Daire had grown up had never looked as beautiful as it did now. He felt tears well up in his eyes and pushed them back, angry at himself for losing control of his emotions. He was a Breeder now, and he needed to start acting like one.
They soon left the city and entered the countryside. Daire stared out at the gently rolling hills. Water from an earlier gentle spring rain dripped from the leaves of trees. The driver had rolled down all the windows, allowing the sweet after-rain perfume fill the car.
Finally, they came to a large sprawling estate guarded by a tall gate. The car stopped at the front gate and the driver spoke to someone over an intercom. A few seconds later, the gate automatically opened and the car entered. They traveled down a long gravel driveway and then finally stopped in front of a large white building that seemed to stretch for miles. The doors opened and they got out.
Daire couldn't help feeling nervous as they went in. He found that they were in what looked like a reception area in a hospital. There was a TV hanging from the ceiling with some news channel on, uncomfortable looking chair set up in rows, tables with old magazines on them, and a young but plain-looking receptionist with strawberry blonde hair pinned back behind her head, sitting behind a desk looking extremely bored. One of the men went to the desk and talked to the receptionist in a low tone. Then, he returned and motioned for Daire to sit in a vacant chair.
"Someone will be with you shortly," he said gruffly.
Then, he and the other men left. Daire fidgeted nervously and looked around the room. It was deserted except for the receptionist who never said a word. He didn't know how much time had gone by when finally, a stern-looking nurse came out of a door next to where the receptionist sat and told him to come with her. She was in her forties with blonde hair pulled back into a tight bun at the back of her neck. They went down the whitewashed corridors and stopped in front of a scale.
"Shoes off, please, and step onto the scale," she said crisply.
Daire obeyed her without question. She made notes on a clipboard she carried with her and measured his height. Then, they went into a small examination room and he sat in a chair. Looking around, Daire could see a table in the corner with a some sort of a thin paper covering over it for sanitary reasons and cabinets over a counter for the doctor's use. There were posters depicting the human body plastering the walls, which were painted a faint yellow color.
"What is your name?" the nurse asked.
"Daire," Daire mumbled, shifting slightly in his seat under the nurse's frown.
"How old are you?"
"I just turned thirteen."
The questioning went on. The nurse took his temperature and blood pressure, and listened to his pulse. Then, she went to a drawer and tossed him a flimsy paper gown.
"Take off all your clothes--even your underclothes and put this on. The doctor will be in shortly," she said, tossing the gown at him.
She left. Trembling slightly, Daire stripped off all his clothes and put the gown on. Shivering slightly, he sat on the chair, waiting. There was a sharp knock on the door and the doctor came in. He was around thirty or so, Daire guessed. His short black hair stood on end and he looked sort of like a mad doctor with his stained lab coat, however his hazel eyes twinkled kindly in the light.
"Hello Daire. I'm Dr. White. I'm going to do a physical, so if you'll go and lay on the examination table," he said, motioning to the table in the corner. Daire did as he was told. The doctor pulled on a pair or rubber gloves and examined every inch of his body. Finally, he spread Daire's legs apart and put a finger inside him causing him to jerk upwards and blush.
"Yes, everything looks all right. It seems you are good to go." He withdrew his finger. "You already know about Breeders?" he asked.
"Yes," Daire mumbled, embarrassed that the older man had touched him like that, doctor or not.
"Good. All you need to know for now is that your mate's name is Aleksei. Don't forget that name, okay?"
"You will be bound to him, but not for a while. Your body needs to reach sexual maturity first. Your first heat won't come until your fourteenth year. Then your physical bond with your mate will begin and you will start bearing children."
Daire nodded. He didn't notice Dr. White rubbing his arm with a cotton ball.
"We'll be in touch later," Dr. White said. He stuck a needle into Daire's arm and something was injected into his body. He yelped softly, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears. His world began spinning around him. All he knew was a rush of distorted voices and blurred images.
"Take him into OR three. I just want to make sure there's nothing wrong with him before we let him go with the others," a man said.
"Yes doctor," a woman said.
Daire was aware of some movement and laying on a soft bed. Someone closed some curtains around him and a blurred image of the same nurse as before came into his view.
"Just relax," she said soothingly. "Don't try and fight. It's going to be all right."
She pressed a mask to his nose and mouth and he felt himself drifting away.
The next thing he knew, he was lying in what appeared to be the bottom level of a bunk bed. He could hear the voices of several boys whispering to each other and strained to listen.
"He looks awfully pale," a boy with chocolate brown hair whispered.
"Well duh," a second boy with dark hair that looked almost blue snorted. "They gave him tranquilizers to keep him quiet. He should be coming around in a minute."
Daire blinked and the room came into better focus.
"Hey," the dark-haired boy smiled. "How do you feel?"
"Like I was run over by a truck," Daire groaned.
"You look like it too," the brown-haired boy smirked, earning him a smack from the other boy. "Ow! What the hell was that for Caelyn?!"
"You deserved it." The dark-haired boy rolled his eyes. "I'm Caelyn and that, unfortunately, is Aidan."
"I'm Daire."
"Welcome to The Institute," Caelyn said with a smile.
Aidan peered at him curiously. "Are you a Bearer?"
Caelyn smacked him again. "Of course he is you idiot! Why else would he be here?!"
Aidan backed away, muttering curses under his breath.
"Sorry about him. He can't help being an idiot."
Daire smiled. "It's all right."
He slowly sat up and bonked his head on the bottom of the top bunk. He rubbed his head, uttering a few well-chosen curses.
"You okay?" Caelyn asked.
"Yeah," Daire replied. He glared upwards. "Somehow I have the feeling that I'm going to be doing that a lot."
"I did too," Caelyn said.
Daire slowly slid out of bed and when he came into the light, Caelyn gasped.
"Sorry," he immediately apologized as Daire stared at him. "I just forgot how young they bring us in."
Aidan wandered back over to them and when he saw Daire, he gave a low whistle.
"Man and I thought you had a pretty face, Cae."
Caelyn smacked him again. "Show some tact!" he hissed in a low voice.
Daire just blushed. In the light, he could see his two companions better. They were around his age, possibly a year or two older him. Daire couldn't tell for sure. Aidan's brown hair was cropped short so it stood up in short spikes. His face was round and smooth and oddly matched the shape of his eyes, which were a warm brown color that reminded Daire of melted chocolate. Caelyn, on the other hand, kept his long black hair long, down to his waist. His eyes were a stunning aquamarine color, which clashed oddly with his dark hair. Caelyn saw Daire staring at him and smiled.
"I know I look pretty odd right now. This isn't my natural color. I dyed it thanks to this idiot." Caelyn motioned to Aidan, who swore under his breath. "We were playing cards and I lost and I had to dye my hair black. In time it'll grow back to its natural color, which will make me look even weirder."
"What's your natural color?" Daire asked curiously.
Caelyn smiled mysteriously. "You'll see."
Daire studied his companions a little better. Both of them were dressed in plain clothing, the same outfit in fact; a navy blue cotton shirt, a pair of navy blue pants, navy blue socks, and a pair of ankle-high black boots. He looked down and realized that he was wearing the exact same outfit as them, though without the boots. He had no idea how he had gotten into the outfit. Someone must have dressed him, he supposed.
"So who's your mate?" Aidan asked.
"His name is Aleksei," Daire answered.
"Aleksei?!" Aidan gasped. Caelyn growled something unpleasant under his breath.
Daire stared at them. "What? What's wrong?"
"Are you sure it's Aleksei?" Aidan asked.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what the doctor said," Daire answered. Caelyn and Aidan glanced nervously at each other, which made Daire nervous. "What's going on?"
Both Caelyn and Aidan looked at him. Daire could see that both of them were worried.
"Please tell me what's wrong," he said softly.
Aidan gave a soft sigh. "It's just that…well, Aleksei is sort of…cold I guess you could say."
Caelyn snorted. "That's putting it mildly. He's a cold, heartless bastard. Neither him nor any of his friends have ever been mated and they've been here for three years. The doctors are afraid to mate them with someone because they're…well…rough."
"It's easier to show you rather than tell you. Come here." Caelyn held out his hand, his voice gentle.
Daire took it and unsteadily walked forward. The dormitory was as plain as everything else Daire had seen at The Institute so far. The walls were whitewashed, the carpet was a neutral color, and the bunk beds set up around the room were all made with a simple metal frame. The bedspreads on all the beds were navy blue. At the end of each bunk bed were a pair of wooden trunks, most likely for all their personal items. At the moment, all the other bunk beds were empty.
They finally came to a glass window that extended from the floor to the ceiling and Daire could see another dormitory much like theirs on the other side. The only difference was that it was inhabited-about twenty or so boys lounged around, some on the beds and others spread out on the floor.
"Those are the other Breeders," Aidan explained. "We're the Bearers--we actually have the children. They are the ones who…uh…you know."
Daire nodded, getting the picture.
"They separate us from our mates until we go into heat. That way, there's no risk of us getting hurt because they can sometimes be on the aggressive side. My mate is Ian, over there." Aidan pointed to a boy with bright violet hair. "His hair isn't always that color. He likes to dye it depending on what his mood is." He paused. "Actually, I'm not sure what his natural color is."
Daire nodded again.
"And Cae's mate is over there--Halen." Aidan pointed to a dirty blond. "And I'll show you Aleksei and his friends." He pointed to a group of four boys in the corner. There was a tawny brown boy, a silver-haired boy, a black-haired boy, and a red headed boy. "Aleksei is the red head." Daire stared at him, pressing his hand against the glass. Though his back was turned to him, he could still tell that he was a dominant figure. His posture was rigid and it was clear that he was the leader of the small group. "He's more aggressive than the others, especially if he's in a bad mood."
"Oh great," Daire muttered.
The silver-haired boy noticed Caelyn and the others were staring at them and tapped Aleksei on the shoulder. He murmured something into the red head's ear and he turned. There was a sneer on the silver-haired boy's face as he pointed at Daire. Daire felt his heart skip a beat as Aleksei looked at him. He couldn't help gasping softly—Aleksei looked so cold. His piercing blue eyes held no warmth at all as they traveled down Daire's frame. Caelyn frowned and the other boys glared back.
I have the feeling he's not going to welcome me with open arms. Daire thought darkly. This is not going to be good. Not good at all.
To be continued…
[i] AA stands for after apocalypse and refers to the years following the destruction of the Earth and the rebirth of the human race through the twins Hayden and Harou. 2000 AA means that it has been 2000 years since the apocalypse.