OK. So, I want to explain a little about some of the characters, and some animals.
Paaj - He's this little squirrel-like creature, but looks like a cat, with the pointy ears, fangs, and claws. I want him to be sort of like a mini Sphinx. He's supposed to be Drey's guardian animal. He's a shape-shifter too, but only when Drey is in some serious trouble.
Drey - The classical 'missing prince'. He somehow lost his memory of who he is. But that will be explained later. He's goth dark brown hair and green eye's - just encase I forget to mention it in the story- and is about 5' 8".
Alder - The bad ass warrior prince who catches Drey after he's been falsely accused of theft. He is heir to the throne -naturally- and has a somewhat violent attitude at times and is almost nice to Drey. He's got the usual blond hair, gold eyes.
Then there are carriers. Their the men with the genetics to have children. Only the royal family -Drey's- have these genes. So there's you a little foreshadowing.
Oh, another thing. Drey's and Alder's countries are at war with each other. It's all because of a caravan carrying King's Gold went missing... Or somethin' like that. The result: war. It's been going on for like, 10 years before this story takes place.