efphrim:I could have just slapped myself after taking so long to update, but I lost my friggen notebook and I had to try to reconstruct this chapter from memory.
Sons of Kings
Chapter 1
Drey relaxed into the river, allowing the now calm water to carry him downstream. The river had smoothed out a short while back and now he drifted aimlessly, waiting for a break in the high stone walls bordering the water on either side. Leaves and small branches fell from the trees leaning over the water. He would have found the image beautiful if it hadn't been for the pain he'd suffered from it earlier. A small, annoyed whine sounded above him, and he glanced up.
Paaj rested on top of his head in an attempt to keep dry. Drey could feel the tips of his claws digging into his scalp. Poor spinx. Paaj absolutely hated water.
Drey would have smiled but for the growing bruise over his left jaw. The cold water soothed his injuries for the most part, but there were a few to severe to ignore. He didn't think anything was broken, although it felt as if a couple of his ribs might be cracked. His leg also felt hot and swollen. That was probably fractured as well.
Slowly, his fingers numb, Drey reached his hand into his pocket, and pulled out the one thing he would never give up. The ring was beautiful, made of precious stones and metal. Amethysts and rubies were fitted close together to make a slanting cross pattern, and were set in red gold.
Red gold was extremely rare... and extremely expensive. It was only mined in Liedra, a small town located across the mountains. A piece this size would cost a well off nobleman a small fortune. It was the reason that stupid woman had tried to say he stole it.
He glared at it for a short while, before placing it carefully back in his pocket. He had no clue why he had it. It had been on his finger when he had 'woken up'.
Drey began moving toward the shore, seeing that break he had hoped for. He was careful not to stretch his arms to far, his body sharply reprimanding him when he did.
Paaj began squeaking every time a drop of water hit him. Drey repressed a smile. "Don't worry, Paaj. We'll be out soon enough," he murmured, his words slurred by numb lips.
Finally the water became to shallow to swim in and Drey began to crawl forward at a slow pace. When they got close enough to the bank Paaj jumped down from his perch to splash lightly through the inch deep water, quickly springing on top of a large sized rock.
Drey moaned softly as he stood, muscles in his back protesting the added weight of the waterlogged clothes. Slowly he shed his jacket, lying it in the sun far enough so that the river's mist couldn't reach it. He placed his pants down beside it before laying himself out on another large stone, intent on letting the warm Autumn sun bake his sore muscles.
"Run! Just run!"
The screams of the dying are crowding in on him. Colors, faces, sounds swirl together in a violent, bloody storm. His skin burns with the heat from the fire, blackening, cracking, blood soaking his clothes.
"Where are you?" He screamed in pain as tongues of flame continued crawling over his body.
"Just keep running!!" Dark, malevolent undertones flowed toward him from the words, promising torment worse than death if he stayed. He screamed in agony as a new wave of pain washed over him, adding to the fire that was his body, dragging him steadily deeper into a world from which there was no escape. He was going to die here, alone, with nothing but pain to follow after...
Drey took a deep breath, waking instantly. The dream was pushed to the back of his mind, something more important making itself known. Low vibrations he felt through the stone signaled the approach of riders, and plenty of them.
Damn. They don't give up do they? he though cursing silently. Slowly he eased himself up and sat back on his knees. Well, at least I'm dressed. He looked down at his now only slightly damp clothing, then back down the path beside the river. Some while earlier he had woken and decided it would be a good idea to get dressed. The sun was going down and damp clothes were better than no cloches.
He glanced around wondering if Paaj had come back from hunting yet. Drey wasn't completely sure what he ate anyway. The spinx had always been a private animal, hunting and eating alone. He hoped Paaj came back soon so he wouldn't be left behind.
The vibrations turned to low thunder, and now he could see the riders coming around the turn in the river. A cry went out from the front rider and their pace was increased.
Drey smirked slightly when he caught sight of His Highness. It had been trully amusing to see the anger in his eyes when he defied him after acknowledging who he was. He also knew he was in even worse trouble because of it.
He turned his head a little to the side as the riders skidded to a halt before him, dust and pebbles stinging his face. He hadn't even cosidered running. It wasn't a possibility. His leg was definitely fractured, and extremely painful to walk on.
Within the soldiers had surrounded him, all of which had their swords drawn. A small gap was created in the circle and His Highness nudged his horse forward.
"Now that you've caused your 'little trouble', exhausted both me and my men, you will hand over the stolen ring, and come without fighting," the prince's deep voice rumbled in anger.
Drey struggled to his feet, biting his lip to keep from crying out when pain stabbed through his leg. He glared angrily at the men surrounding him before focusing on the prince. "I'm not giving you anything! I didn't steal the ring! If you think-"
Light flashed violently behind his eyes and he barely kept from screaming. His ribs were on fire and his whole body twisted in agony. His mind took the only escape it could from the pain. He passed out.
Alder sighed in annoyance as he watched the boy collapse, unconscious, to the ground. The man who had struck him grimaced and stepped back.
"Dammit," Alder growled, "Did I tell you to shut him up?"
The soldier stiffened, looking straight ahead. "Sorry, sir."
"Never mind," he said waving his hand. An idea struck him and he smiled evilly. "He'll just have to ride with you."
The man grimaced again, but nodded anyway. Alder didn't know his name and wasn't going to bother to find out. He'd probably never see him again after this anyway.
"Search him for weapons and lets get moving. It's a long way back to the city, so we'll-" He was suddenly cut off by a bellow of pain from the soldier holding the dark haired boy.
Hanging from the man's wrist was a small furry animal. As he watched it continued to try to shred the skin on soldiers hand. Another bellow of pain erupted as the man began violently try to detach the animal.
Alder sighed in exasperation. "Somebody help him," he said, ignoring the snickers from the other soldiers at their brother's expense.
Another soldier held his arm while the captain pried the animal off. "What the hell is that thing?!" The unfortunate soldier staggered back, holding his injured wrist close. Renalds threw it hard to the ground where it lay still.
Something about it immediately caught Alder's attention. He dismounted quickly, taking a small cloth sack from his saddle bags, and walked over to the dazed creature. He touched it lightly with his boot. It looked up at him with endless round, green eyes...
Slowly he reached down and picked it up. It was small; about the size of a squirrel, with a gold-brown coat that shifted colors in the fading sunlight. It's face was feline with small pointed ears on top of it's head and tiny fangs peaking out of it's mouth. Sharp claws curled slightly into his skin as they continued to stare at each other. The more he stared at it, the more he had a felt that it was studying him as well.
Someone cleared their throat behind him, reminding him of where he was and who still watched him. Quickly he stuffed the animal into the sack and tied it. He held it above the tie as the creature inside started clawing through the material.
This, he thought, is very interesting.
efphrim: I know it's a little later than when I said it would be, but at least it's still here.