Our People


I stood on the west balcony and watched as he rode into palace courtyard, a small group of soldiers following. He sat upon a large grey stallion at the head of the caravan, his every movement showing that he was the one in charge. There was no sounding of horns, no waving of flags, or any other embellishment that signaled the caravan as anything but military.

He was exactly the same way. His bright hair was cut short, and neat, the same as evey other soldiers. The only thing identifying him were three small gold rings in his left ear. His clothing was clean and well taken care of. He wore no decorations other than the small silver fox pinned to the left breast of his shirt, which symbolized that he was a Beast of the Mind.

"Nice to meet you, my chosen," I whisper softly. There was no possible way he could have heard me. The distance seperating us was to far. But still he turned, his eyes searching until they found me.

I stood leaning against the the rail, my clothing blending in with the dark stone of the walls. I knew he couldn't see me, but it still felt like he did. He stared his brow furrowing in confusion. Then he frowned and shook his head, and dismounting.

I dispelled the magnifacation I had used to see him clearly and stepped back into my room. There was little reason to stand there any longer. I would meet him soon enough.


I dont know why it felt like someone was watching me, but my sking began to tighten and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I wasn't one to ingnore such such a warning. I had always been told to never distrust my insticts, and I wasn't about to start now.

I didn't turn my head, but casually glanced around at my companions. A whispered breath of words flowed around me.

My head jerked upward, and my gaze raked across the walls of the palace. The words 'my chosen' were still ringing in my ears and I could have sworn whoever said them was standing right beside me. But somehow I felt compelled to look upward instead of back.

I frowned. I couldn't make out anything but the sunlight glinting off of the light glass windows that stood against the dark stone. The building strechted out in either direction for about half a mile, the widows breaking the smooth suface of the stone at radom. I stared at a single spot, felling drawn to it, but not knowing why.

Shaking my head I dismounted, tossed my reins to a waiting stable-hand.