Heir to the Throne
efphrim: This was the story I was going to use to help break my writer's block, but instead I ended up with writer's block on it too. So excuse me if it's a little messed up.
Chapter Two
11 years later
"Hey sweetheart, I thinkin' I'll enjoy spending some time with you." Lye shivered slightly when he felt the man's hot, sour breath on the back of his neck.
He forced himself to smile and turned to face the new comer. "Darlin' I think you'll absolutly love the time we spend together." He resisted the urge to gag as he looked over the man in front of him.
His long black hair was pulled back into a greasy, dirty horse tail, held there by a nasty piece of string. He had a long, square face, the skin pitted and scarred. Lye kept his beautiful, seductive smile in place, long years of training keeping him from shuddering in revulsion. Instead he took a step toward him.
The man's eyes narrowed angrily and Lye instantly dropped his head and looked at the man through his hair. He knew this type of man, one who enjoyed causing pain to weaker people and became violent when he couldn't make them fear him. The man smiled again but his eyes were still narrowed.
He stepped forward and put his hand on the handle to the whore house, indicating Lye to follow him.
He moved forward slowly, steeling himself for what was to come. Only to be stopped by an arm slung casually over his shoulder. "Sorry man, but this one's mine for the night."
Lye stiffened at the familiar tone of voice, and looked up to see Reg standing beside him. "Who the hellar you?" the greasy man demanded angrily. "I had 'em first, find you another 'un."
The man reached out to grab Lye's arm, but Reg tightened his grip and spun him out of reach. "Vertan, you best keep your hands to yourself," he growled, keeping himself between Lye and Vertan, "or I'll have them removed."
Lye watched as the man's body began to shake with rage. Just when it looked like he would launch himself at them, Reg calmly took his arm from Lye's shoulder. Lye looked on in confusion before his face lit with realization. Reg was pulling the thin leather band from around his wrist and showed the man the tatoo of crossed sword and scythe.
Vertan paled visibly before the anger returned full force. He looked at Lye and sneered. "I'll be back ta see ya, kid."
Reg put his arm back around Lye and looked at the man, his own anger begining to rise. "No you won't. You ever come back here and I'll make sure you suffer for, Vertan. And you'll suffer alot longer than your last playtoy."
As the man backed down the stairs to the street, Lye glanced around and saw that he and Reg were the focuse of attention for most whores lounging on the steps of the House. Lye blushed lightly. He turned back to Reg and lightly slapped his shoulder. "There goes another one Reg. When are you going to quit scaring away my customers?" He sighed and shook of Reg's arm.
"Trust me, Kid. I did you a favor running that one off. He wouldn't have stopped with just the oral." He sat down on the bottom step of the House, and patted the place next to him. Down the street he could still see the figure of Vertan standing there, glaring at them
Lye sat down heavily, his face now a shade darker than it was before. It didn't matter that Reg was his only good friend, it still embarassed him to talk about what he did.
Reg looked at him and chuckled. Suddenly he went still. "Stupid bastard is still standing there." Lye looked down the street and saw that he was right. Vertan had moved a little farther away, but was still glaring at them. "I guess I'll have to leave someone here to make sure he doesn't come back. Don't worry though. I'll make sure he's gone within the month."
Lye looked at him sideways. He knew that 'gone' meant dead. It didn't bother him much that Reg talked openly about killing someone. It was common for someone in his line of work.
"So," he said, hoping to learn the reason for Reg's visit without having to weasle it out of him, but knowing that it was probably asking to much of him.
"So." Reg leaned back and pulled a tabacco pouch from inside his shirt.
Lye sighed heavily, exasperated. "What are you doing here Reg?" he asked bluntly, tired of Regs' teasing.
He looked smugly at Lye before he answered. "Just comin' to see your boss about his payment. He's getting behind again."
Lye grunted knowingly and looked toward the dirty, haggard people wandering down the street in different directions. His House was one of the many whorehouses owned by Tru's 'People'. A group of influential men with to much time on their hand's, in Lye's opinion. But really, the People was a gang that owned more than half the lower city. A gang in which Reg was Tru's righthand man.
They sat quietly until Reg finished his cigarette. Then he stood stretching and patted Lye on the head, laughing slightly as he glared at him. "Watch your back, Kid, and don't stray to far from the House. You never know who might be waiting for you around the corner."
"Your telling me what I already know, Reg. Just hurry up to your meeting." Lye kept glaring at him as he walked away. Then, remebering his problem from earlier, he yelled, "And stop scaring away my customers!"
His only reply was Reg's laughter as he closed the door behind him.
efphrim: Next chapter I'll introduce another new main character. Oh and Lye is the little boy from the first chapter.