"Did you here?" Asked Marni, "It's the latest news, the hottest topic."

"No," answered Liz, "what is it?"

"Well I can't just tell you, I mean not many people know" teased Marni.

"Well what is it?" Asked Liz.

"Well okay I guess I can tell you."

"Well hurry up, I have to get to class!"

"Well here's the deal, we are completely destroying our environment," said Marni.

"Well that's hardly the hottest gossip" replied Liz.

"No Liz," said Marni, "it really is the HOTTEST stuff you could imagine. Or it will be by the time we are old enough to appreciate the world as it is right now! Unless we make a change, and fast!!"

"I have to go, see you later," Said Liz.

Liz spent all day thinking about boys and how she had heard that David and Lisa were splitting up. She didn't even spend a second thinking about what Marni had said to her that morning. When Marni called her later she suddenly remembered there conversation from that morning but still didn't really care.

"So," Marni began, "have you thought about what I said earlier?"

"Sorry Marni," replied Liz, "but not really. I mean what could a couple of kids do about something like that anyway?"

"That's okay; I guess I will just have to get somebody else to help me with my campaign," said Marni trying to flatter Liz into helping, "but I really was hoping you would, I mean you are so good at stuff like that. You even got voted class president based on your amazing campaign!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hold up, what campaign?" Demanded Liz

"Well all this global warming is melting the ice caps and killing all sorts of cute furry animals that need the ice caps to survive. I wanted to start a school wide campaign to stop some of the things that our school is doing that is contributing to global warming!"

"Wait what kinds of furry animals?" Asked Liz

"Polar bears, and seals and all sorts of other animals"

"Seals like the cute ones you see at the zoo? That is so sad," said Liz, "I love animals."

"So will you help?" implored Marni.

"I'll do whatever I can," enthused Liz

The next day Liz and Marni went to talk to Miss Genevieve, their headmistress. They told her about how all they would need would be access to some art supplied to make posters, a couple of hours to inform everyone about global warming and what they could do to stop it, and of course lots of support from the staff. Of course Miss Genevieve agreed immediately. It so happened to be that she was an environmentalist and had been trying to figure out how to rev up the school about the environment for months!

So the next night Liz and Marni had a sleep over at Liz's place and made tons of posters and planned what to say to the other students. They ended up deciding to say this:

Hey everyone, guess what? The world is changing, but not in a good way. We need to find ways to slow down this process so that we can adapt instead of dying off! So here's the deal. We are starting a school wide program called save the animals save the world. I bet you're wondering what this means, well while one of the short term effects of global warming is polar bears and seals and other animals dying, one of the long term effects is our entire planet dying. So is everyone willing to help out by doing a few simple things?

Good. Here are some things you can do here at school that are easy and might even help in other ways then saving the planet, like saving money! First you can use both sides of a piece of paper, easy right? Also try and remember to use those recycling bins in the cafeteria, they're there for a reason! And teachers it's not just the students that can do stuff to help! Try using only a few of the lights in the classroom, do you really need to use all of them? And when you photocopying you don't need to use two pieces of paper when you could just as easily double side one! Even the administration can do something to help! When you order the next set of paper why not order recycled paper instead of the new stuff made out of trees. See how easy it is to help our environment? So starting now lets all promise to try!

When they finished presenting it to the school they were ready to start the program, once a week they would be going around the school to check the progress of each of the individual classes. They developed a point system and at the end of two months the class with the highest number of points would receive a pizza party! The pizza party would be paid for with all the money that they had saved the school by saving electricity. No one knew that they would get a pizza party if there class won yet they still manage to eliminate what would be come approximately one tonne of greenhouse gasses if it continued for a full year. However one class did win and that was Mlle Kepi's grade eight French immersion classes.

"Doesn't it feel good to know that we've done something for the environment?" Asked Marni to Liz.

"You know," replied Liz, "It really does."