The definition of Man is a male who eludes sex and not the raunchy kind. Instead, the very moment you lay eyes on him, your jaw has dropped to the dusty floor, you're breathing rapidly and oh god your heart, it is jumping around like it's being hijacked. And the instant his eyes trails from the boring cream colour of the wall and the tall leggy brunette who is blessed with the body but not so much the face and finally to your eyes, holy shit. That's all you can think.
Holy Shit.
The way his face is arranged is enough to end the beating of your heart and start it all over again because gazing at him once is just not enough. He gazes at you for an instant and slowly, his eyes flicker up and down your entire body. You don't mind-hell no-you more than don't mind-you love it and as he scans you, his obvious action is returned.
His chiseled features-his sharp, sharp jaw not only deserves to be on the front cover of Flare, but photocopies of his sexual face must be made and distributed to every teenybopper who still believe the guy from High School Musical is male.
His intensely striking eyes are sizing you up and from far away even without your wonky glasses, you can clearly see each individual lash carefully inherited to him my Apollo himself. It looks as if it's outlined by permanent black marker-to make a clean, captivating picture.
You lick your lips and you are not the lick-your-lips type of person but in this case something is controlling you and your body is just being. His lips cherry and full drives you to accidentally bite your own similar to when you are consumed with devouring down something delicious and in your blissful haze, you bite down on your lip…hard.
The leggy brunette drops her purse on the floor, and as if by instinct, he bends down to pick it up and what you see nearly drives you to the loons. Even with his plaid shirt over top, you can still see his shirt and the way it hugs his lean yet muscular figure and his dark jean hugs his ass like a fine piece of treasure. And his gold skull and crossbones chain necklace dangle out at the side of him and you just want to sashay over there, grab it and pull him over.
You find your legs making motion and they seem to be heading towards him. He doesn't see you because he's chatting with the leggy brunette and she's thrown her head back laughing with severe disruptiveness that somehow, does not irritate you to the core. You trip on something on your way (a careless shopper's Jacob's bag you find out later) and he turns to you. He rushes to you and holds our a hand to help you-willingly, you grab onto it and he helps you up your feet.
What a gentlemen.
The leggy brunette smiles warmly at you and in response, you shoot her a sheepish smile.
"You alright?" His voice sounds as if he's not from around here, perhaps, a foreigner.
"What's your number?" Must you be so forward, you ask but you don't regret it, not really.
"My number?" he chuckles. "Er if it's okay with my girl," he says looking at the leggy brunette.
The definition of Man is unattainable. Maybe he shouldn't have spoken at all. He was more attractive when he was silently eyeing you. Now the very moment you lay eyes on this male, you literally fall on your feet. As soon as he helps you, you thank him silently and scurry off before he has a chance to respond.