Random Funny Moments
Provided by my beloved boyfriend, Jesse
Heaven for a Heathen:
Background: Jesse has this agnostic friend named Ryan, and one day they were playing Xbox Live together, and this conversation came up.
What is Heaven like? I mean... what do you believe it is like?
Well, *dramatic pause* It's this big room. It's a white room. And in
this room there is a working Nintendo 64. There are only 3
controllers *Ryan laughs* and Golden Eye 64 is the only game. *Ryan
laughs again*
Yeah... Dude that game WAS made by God!! Haha!
And everyone that died a believer gets to take a turn playing Golden
Eye. God is always first player. He's got a special controller and
everything. But whenever you play against him he won't cream you, but
he'll give you just enough of a challenge that you'll leave satisfied
after beating Him. Hehe... but sometimes Jesus will take a turn.
That's when everyone gets off because NOBODY wants to play against
Jesus Christ. *Ryan laughs even louder than the previous 2
Jesus really doesn't like to go easy on anyone... He usually just
mops the floor with your face and hangs you up to dry.
Haha... "Crucify me, Will you!!!"
Now Im just paraphrasing Revelations here. This isnt exact science. I
could be wrong.
Background: Apparently, Jesse speaks poetically on Xbox LIVE and one time he sacked Nathan and he said:
Nathan: Dude, now I can't have kids.
Jesse: Oh, woe unto the nations for you hath not a lineage to bear for them. 'Tis my fault your ancestral line has come to a halt. Forgive me, my brother.