Last chapter folks! And just to warn you, a rather abrupt ending. I rushed it because I wanted to finish before I went to bed the night I wrote it. Oh, and the chapter is rather cheesy as well. Consider yourself warned.

Vampire Love Story

Chapter 12: Confrontation

The next day at school, everyone was staring and glaring. Lily glared right back while Ian was unable to look at anything but the floor. Amy was no where to be found before school, although in their first hour, she was there, and she completely ignored them both.

Ian took this in particular rather badly. "She's always been with me. We've always been best friends. I thought of taking it farther at some point but now…?"

"If she shuns you now, when you need her most, she doesn't deserve you. Best friends don't immediately give up because something happens to one of them. I mean, you're going through something and she isn't even trying to help you through it. I get the feeling she's just making it worse."

"But I love her." Ian said, fighting tears.

"I think you have to let her go. She obviously doesn't care about you like she should." Lily said.

"What are you crying about, Vampire?" a boy asked. He had walked up to them and was now attempting to look menacing.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but you should leave before someone teaches you something about manners." Lily snapped.

"It's no use denying it. Amy told her parents everything, and now everyone knows. Ian's a vampire, and Lily is the vampire's lover. Whore." the boy spat the last word at her.

Lily's eyes widened in rage and she choked the boy while screaming, "What did you say to me you fat bastard?! I dare you to say it again! Go ahead, try your luck!"

"Lily…" Ian whispered warningly.

Lily gave one final huff before pushing the boy away so forcefully that he fell. "Anyone else care to chip in?" Lily asked sweetly. "How about you Amy? You're obviously very chatty."

"They made me tell them! I tried not to, but they made me!" Amy cried.

"What, did they put the thumbscrews to you? Did they chain you to a wall? No. Ian and I probably just threatened your perfect existence so you decided to out us. You're through with the freaks and back to being normal, right? You disgust me." Lily spat.

"Lily, stop." Ian intervened. Amy looked hopeful, but he just gave her a sad look and continued, "She's not worth the trouble. Not now."

"I've had it with these judgmental assholes. Let's go home." Lily said.

"Right." Ian replied, and followed her out of the classroom.


"So I take it school didn't go well?" Aden said when they returned.

"Amy blabbed. If they're going to do anything, it'll probably happen tonight." Lily replied.

"Then we must prepare." Aden said decisively. "Victor? Could you be so kind as to lock and block all the exits and windows excluding the front door?"

"Yes Master." the Hernof demon said with a bow.

"Lily, could you go make lunch? I have something to discuss with Ian." Aden said.

"Of course." Lily replied, and she smiled at him before going into the kitchen.

"I love her." Aden sighed as he watched her go. He shook his head quickly to clear it and pulled Ian into his study.


That night, they stayed up to keep watch. Sure enough, early into the morning, there was a sound of breaking glass and lots of little thuds against the house. Aden nodded to Ian, who went deeper into the house. Aden then squeezed Lily's hand and got up.

"Can't you just make a forcefield around the house until they go away?"

"My powers couldn't maintain that for long without anything to supplement them." Aden told her.

"You're not going out there, are you?"

"I have to. They won't give up the witch-hunt until they've burned a witch. I've seen this before. The mob mentality is overwhelming."

"Then I'm coming too." Lily said, determined.

"I had a feeling you would say that."

And so they walked out the front door together. Once outside the house, Aden raised a force field to protect them from the hail of rocks that the mob threw. It was like a blue-tinted half bubble around them.

"Remember what I said. No suicide."

"What?" Lily asked, confused.

"I love you forever." Aden pulled her in for a kiss, and the barrier flickered for a second before he pulled away. He stepped outside the bubble of protection, and finally Lily understood.

"NO!" she screamed, beating her fists on the barrier. He just smiled at her and turned to face the crowd.

"Good evening. I understand that you're here to kill me. Under normal circumstances, I would simply drain you of your life energy and channel it into the earth to nourish the plant life. However, this would upset my lover. So I'm going to let you kill me, which will upset her far more I'm sure, but I know this won't end without bloodshed." Aden said to them.

His speech was met with silence and stillness. The people of the town stood there with their flashlights and crosses and stared at him. "Understand this, however: if you touch that girl, harm her in anyway, so much as hurt her feelings, there will be dire consequences." Aden said with a growing menace in his voice.

"What can you do after we've killed you?" one person in the crowd shouted.

"Oh, it's not me you need fear. It's the five hundred pound Hernof demon and hungry fledgling vampire you should be worried about. They've both been given instructions that entail mayhem, torture, and the slaughtering of your whole town should anything happen to her." Aden warned.

There was some muttering amongst themselves about this, and a man stepped forward with a gas can and a lighter. "Do we need this?" the man asked matter-of-factly, holding out the gas can.

"No. The lighter will suffice." Aden replied politely.

"Aden stop! Don't leave me!" Lily shouted.

"Shut up whore!" a man at the front shouted. Aden's eyes flashed, and the man crumpled into himself, becoming dust before their eyes. The spot of grass on which he stood grew more vibrant.

"I warned you." Aden said in a threatening sing song voice.

"Just tell them the truth!" Lily shouted.

"What truth?!" someone shouted back.

"The truth Amy obviously didn't tell you. Aden saved Ian. Ian would be gone forever without Aden. So I think the words you're searching for are 'Thank you.', not 'Let's burn the vampire.'" Lily said.

There was a ripple of surprise throughout the crowd. "How did Ian die? Before he was turned I mean." one woman stepped forward and asked.

"He drank from the spring. It kills normal humans, so Aden turned Ian before he died completely." Lily said. "You're his mother, aren't you?"

The woman nodded and began to cry. A man stepped forward to comfort her. "Look, I'm sorry about your son, but he's not gone forever. But he will be if you kill the man who saved him. You heard Aden. Ian has instructions to kill you all if I get hurt. And if you kill Aden, I'll kill myself. I get the feeling that driving me to suicide counts as hurting me. Do you want your son to become a monster, or live as a vegetarian vampire?" Lily asked Ian's mother and father.

There was silence as everyone watched Ian's parents. Finally, Ian's father shouted hoarsely, "Go home." There were protests throughout the crowd. "Go home! It was we who were wronged, but apparently that wrong is a right. Go home and tell your family that you love them."

The crowd dispersed, leaving the yard and going back towards the central area of the town. Ian's parents lingered after everyone had left. Aden let down the forcefield and Lily came running to him. The first thing she did was kiss him, the second thing, slap him.

"You jerk! You were just going to die and leave me alone!" Lily yelled at him.

"I'd hardly call living with Ian and Victor 'alone'." Aden said calmly.

"Can we see our son?" Ian's mother asked.

"Of course. Lily, would you go get him?" Aden asked politely.

"Only if you promise not to play the martyr ever again." Lily replied.

"Fine." Aden sighed.

Lily went into the house to retrieve Ian. Ian's parent's whispered to each other. Aden heard. "You know, Ian is welcome to stay with us. You," he said, pointing at Ian's mother, "faint at the sight of blood. You and your husband are actual vegetarians."

"How did you know that?" Ian's father asked.

"I have my ways." Aden replied mysteriously.

"Mom! Dad!" Ian shouted from the front door, running to them. When he reached them, they embraced, and with Ian's new strength, his parents were having trouble breathing. "Oh, sorry."

"We love you Ian. You know we will always love you. But-" Ian's mother began hesitantly.

"My new lifestyle won't fit with yours. I understand. I love you too." Ian said. "You're probably tired. I'll stay with Aden and Lily."

With an understanding reached, his parents left. Lily helped Aden off the ground and the family bound by blood went inside.

The End

Cheesy,right? I warned you! Lolz, I read this and laugh, it's so bad. But hopefully the sequel won't end cheesily ever after. Haven't finished it yet. Got about two chapters done so far.