A Goodnight Kiss

by Frank Taylor

October 9, 2006

It had been nearly a week since Kyle's girlfriend had left him. It was the latest in a long string of failed relationships. The only explanation that she gave him was a note on his nightstand that read, "We've had fun, but I don't love you." He had to give her points for her subtlety and tact. To be honest, most of Kyle's relationships ended that way. It might not be a note on his nightstand, but they all said basically the same thing, "It was fun, but I don't love you."

For most guys getting a message like that wouldn't be a bother at all. On the contrary most guys would find it convenient. They'd see it as an opportunity to move on to the next 'uncharted territory' and find another beautiful young woman who would leave on her own before he was too bored of her. That was the problem though. Kyle wasn't bored of any of them. He had enjoyed every one of the women he'd dated and felt very strongly for each. So, when they left him so abruptly, it always hurt.

Kyle decided to go for a walk. Maybe the fresh air would do him some good. He desperately wanted to figure out why every person he dated left after just a few weeks. Honestly, his longest relationship had only been three months. That was probably just because she had always been out of town on business. It was obvious that something was wrong and he had to make a change. He wanted something serious. He was tired of women always leaving him the moment any kind of emotional involvement appeared in the relationship.

The park was always a great place to go for walks when he felt down. It was especially beautiful that night with Halloween just around the corner. The tell-tale nip in the air as fall wrested the temperatures away from summer's grasp had forced Kyle to wear a jacket as he strolled through the park. The wind picked up giving him a chill and he dug his hands deeper into his pockets.

It seemed the night air was doing just what he had hoped and was clearing his head. He had finally pieced together the one thing all of his relationships had in common. He had gotten too physical, too fast. Every one of the women he'd dated had just been looking for a good time. When he started getting serious with them later in the relationship, they didn't want to deal with the 'party guy turned boyfriend' and escaped as quickly and quietly as possible.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't even see the pretty young woman leaning over the bridge rail until he had bumped into her, nearly knocking her over.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry! Are you ok?" he asked as he caught her and turned her away from the rail.

She clutched his biceps, her eyes huge with apparent fright, and nodded her head.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked to which she shook her head no.

"Boy, you sure gave me a fright," he chuckled still holding on to her waist, "Listen at me. You gave ME a fright. That's funny. You're the one who nearly got tossed off a bridge."

She smiled slightly at this while still looking up at him. Her hands were still on his biceps, but they were relaxed now. The urgency of their impromptu embrace diminished, replaced by an unexpected intimacy. Kyle instantly found himself attracted to this girl. He noticed how soft her eyes looked, the very slight curl to her hair, her soft inviting lips. He wanted to hold her, to kiss her. He had been leaning in to do just that when he snapped out of his reverie and realized he didn't even know this woman.

"What's your name?" he asked, gently letting her go. She took her hands off his arms, but didn't move away.

She smiled with a twinkle in her eye and tugged at the collar of her shirt.

'What a funny response,' he thought and then realized she was wearing a name-tag. Obviously she had decided to walk through the park on her way home from work. She was still in her uniform.

"Jill, huh? That's a pretty unique name." he teased. She smiled at his lame joke.

"I'm Kyle. It's nice to meet you Jill." He said extending his hand.

Jill took Kyle's hand and shook it gently, but he could feel strength in her grip. She had a better handshake than most men.

"Wow, it's getting dark really fast. Do you live around here?" asked Kyle.

Jill pointed down the darkest path in the park.

"Are you kidding? You're planning to walk down that alone! There's no way I would feel right letting you walk that by yourself. I may not know you, but that's like sending a sheep to slaughter if you ask me. I'm walking you home. How's that sound?"

Jill smiled shyly and shrugged noncommittally.

"Then it's a deal. I'll walk you home and then you agree to meet me tomorrow, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel?"

Again she shrugged, but her smile widened just a bit.

"Then it's a date! So…," he began as they started walking down the path, "I guess you work near here. You wouldn't be hanging out in a uniform unless you could walk to work. Let's see, Riverside's right up the hill isn't it? You probably help up there don't you?"

Jill hesitated and looked at him suspiciously.

"I knew it! I knew that someone as gentle as you are would be just the thing for the poor souls they keep up there. The beautiful eyes, the delicate features, your warm, inviting smile…" Jill smiled as he had hoped, "Well, all that and I just happened to recognize the uniform. I have a friend that used to work as a janitor up there."

Jill had come to a stop and was again eyeing him warily.

"What's wrong with being a janitor? As long as it pays the bills, right?"

Jill smiled slightly, but kept a suspicious eye on him as she started walking again.

"What gives? Do you think I've been stalking you? Are you worried that I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing? Tell you what. I promise that I'll keep my hands to myself and I promise that you'll get home safely. I don't want anything to jeopardize our second date, you know."

Jill was smiling again and Kyle began whistling tunelessly. She was a very quiet person, but that was ok. She was probably just shy. Besides, it seemed that tonight he had more than enough to say for both of them.

As they walked Kyle watched the leaves blow across the path. "So, I haven't seen you out here before. Are you new to the area? Let me guess, you just got out of college, got offered a job up at Riverside and moved into an apartment in the low-rent district until the paychecks start coming in. Am I right?"

Jill smiled again and glanced from the sidewalk at her feet to his hands as if making sure he was keeping them to himself.

"Man, I'm good at this. Got it on the first try! I should be a detective. Then I could wear one of those cool hats, a trench coat and smoke a cigar. Scratch that, I don't smoke. Maybe I'll just use one of those bubblegum cigars that they give out when babies are born."

Jill laughed lightly making Kyle smile.

"She can laugh! I was starting to wonder if you ever made a sound. I'm glad to see that my interrogation techniques are working."

Jill cocked an eyebrow and looked at him quizzically.

"Well, you wouldn't speak. I couldn't get a peep out of you, so I had to think of something. I figured if I could make you laugh, at least I'd know if you're able to speak. You are able to speak, aren't you?" he asked.

She stopped, turning to look him in the eye, hurt written all over her face. Kyle suddenly felt awful.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean…, I didn't know. I was just teasing because I thought you weren't speaking on purpose. I didn't realize that you couldn't… Please don't be mad…" he stammered.

"Peep." Jill said quietly.

Kyle stared at her for a few seconds, not understanding what just happened until the smile started to cross her lips. Then as he realized she'd been joking with him, he roared into laughter.

Jill was laughing too, but quietly as before. Kyle made his way to a nearby bench and sat down.

"Whew, all this and a sense of humor, too. Are you married? No, I don't see a wedding band. You've got a boyfriend though, don't you. There's no way that a woman like you could possibly be available."

She shook her head no and smiled as she sat down next to him.

"Well, then you must be some kind of dangerous psycho that drags guys out here in the middle of nowhere to kill them, huh?"

Jill's eyes got huge and she jumped to her feet.

"What?" Kyle asked startled, "Oh hey, I'm sorry, Jill. I wasn't thinking. I had completely forgotten where you work. I didn't mean it. I was just making a joke because you seem too good to be true. That was rude and inconsiderate of me. I won't make anymore jokes like that. Do you forgive me?"

Jill eyed him for a few seconds then she relaxed, nodded slightly, and sat back down.

"Whew, I thought I was a goner there for a second. I have the worst luck with relationships. I thought I had just set my new best, or actually worst, record. Yes, 'worst' would be the right term."

Jill looked at him confused.

"Let me explain. See, I have this problem," he began to which Jill began to chuckle.

"Hey! Not that kind of problem." Kyle said. He was glad to see her laughing again.

She nodded her head giving him the 'sure, I believe you' look.

"Anyway, wise-guy, I have this problem…"

Jill burst out laughing. It was a clear, liquid laugh that seemed to flow through Kyle and set every part of him at pins and needles. She laughed and laughed until tears filled her eyes. Her laughter was infectious and pretty soon, Kyle was laughing too.

When they had finally calmed down, Kyle realized they had somehow moved much closer together. Her lips were just inches from his own, her eyes seeming to draw him in. He leaned in to kiss her and once again snapped back into reality at the last moment.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean…" he mumbled.

She pulled away from him; hurt once again showing on her features.

"Don't be upset, please let me explain," he began, "I have this problem…"

A hint of a smile touched her lips. He smiled in return.

"I've dated what seems like dozens of women in the past few years," he said and she stared at him.

"No, it's not like that!" He smiled at her disapproving look. "Let me finish my story, Ms. Judgmental! Anyway, every one of these relationships has failed. My last girlfriend left me barely a week ago. So, that's why I came out here. I thought the fresh air would do me some good and help me figure out the problem. Well, it did!"

She continued to stare at him, suspicion written all over her.

"See, in every one of my relationships, I've gotten too serious too fast. It all starts out innocently, then one thing leads to another, and by the end of the night on that unlucky first date, we've already condemned the relationship. So to speak…"

Jill had gone back to her disapproving look and had started to get up and walk away.

"Wait! Hear me out, please!" he begged. She paused and turned, unwillingly back to face him.

"See, that was the problem! I felt something for every one of them. Not on the first date, no, but by the time they invariably dumped me yes! I had started to develop feelings for them. A few of them I think I was really in love with. The problem was, they only saw the physical side of the relationship because that's how I let it all start! I never really thought that a guy could be used. I guess I was wrong. Once the fun wears off, they're out the door." He said, staring at the leaves blowing against his feet.

She had started to lose some of the disapproving look and something else was becoming evident. Was it pity? Sympathy? Regret?

"Every relationship I've ever been in I've promised myself, 'This one will be different. This one will work.' But, none of them have! And tonight, I figured out what the problem was. I realized it just as I nearly dumped you over the bridge, actually. Would you like to know what I realized?"

She just looked at him, as if not believing a word he said.

"It was the good night kiss! Well, not necessarily that specific kiss, it might have been early in the date, but just the fact that I kissed her on the first date changed something in the way we perceived and treated each other. Pretty much every time one kiss would turn into another and the next thing you know we're having breakfast."

"Well, as I was bumping into you, I realized that if I ever wanted a relationship to work, I had to work harder on getting to know the person before we became intimate. Build a solid foundation and all that. Do you know what I mean? How does that old song go? How can we be lovers if we can't be friends?"

She nodded slowly.

"So, how about it? Can we be friends and see where things go?" he asked.

"I'd like that." Jill whispered.

"She speaks!" Kyle jumped to his feet dancing around like an idiot and yelled to the darkness, "She's cured! I've cured her, she is mute no more!"

Jill giggled and Kyle sat back down. "I'm sorry, I guess I should be more serious shouldn't I? I mean, after all. You haven't spoken in what 2 years? I should be more respectful!" he joked.

"Five," she whispered, smiling.

"Five? Oh, well all the more reason for me to be happy then! You chose to speak to me! I guess I should buy the ring now, huh? I mean since you've broken your vow of silence the only reasonable thing left for me to do is to make an honest woman out of you. It only seems right with your life in the convent being over and all."

Jill laughed and said quietly, "What about being friends first?"

"Wow, get you started and you just don't shut up do you?" Kyle teased, causing her to giggle again, "Seriously, I was seriously being serious about that… seriously."

Jill laughed again and Kyle noticed that she was shivering.

"Here, take my coat. I'd better get you home before you freeze. I can't have you missing our date tomorrow because you've got the sniffles. We are still on for tomorrow, aren't we?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Jill smiled.

Kyle couldn't remember a better first date, or being happier for that matter. Here he was walking down a moonlit path with a beautiful girl that had already agreed to a second date and even seemed to understand his problem with relationships! Sure she was quiet, but she would probably open up more once they got to know each other better.

They walked a few more miles and then turned away from the low-rent district, which surprised Kyle. Jill led him down a dirt road that he thought had been out of use. After a short time, they came to a broken down house. She paused at the drive and turned to him.

"Are we home?" Kyle asked, "It's… nice…"

She eyed him suspiciously.

"OK, it's CREEPY! You LIVE here?" he asked incredulously.

She just nodded her head.

"You're not afraid of ghosts, or axe murderers or werewolves?" he asked.

She giggled, "Only werewolves. But I have actual silverware, so I could stab them with a fork if I had to."

"Well, I'm glad you told me that. Now I know who to look for the next time we have a werewolf epidemic." Kyle said earnestly.

She giggled and leaned closer to him.

"Well, I guess this is good night. Will you forgive me if I don't kiss you good night?" Kyle asked.

She nodded her head slowly, "Only if you tell me why again."

Kyle smiled, "Because I want us to be friends first. Then we can worry over the other stuff."

She smiled at him expectantly.

Might as well go for broke, he thought, "And I really like you and I want this relationship to work."

She smiled up at him as he said it and his heart skipped a beat.

"I – I'd better get going. I really want to kiss you right now, but I promised us both I would keep my hands to myself. And I don't want to ruin our chances."

She bit her lip and looked up at him through her eyelashes which made his knees weak. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and said, "Same time tomorrow at the bridge?"

"I'd like that." She whispered.

They looked into each others' eyes for just a second more and Kyle awkwardly said, "Well, good night," and stepped away.

"Good night. See you tomorrow?" Jill asked quietly.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Kyle whispered in return.

Jill smiled and hesitated. Then she quickly ran up, kissed him on the cheek and then ran to the house. She stopped at the door and called back with a wave, "I never made any promises." Kyle laughed, rubbing his cheek and waved back as Jill disappeared into the house.

The whole way back to his home Kyle was walking on air. When he was about two blocks from home his teeth started chattering. "Jill's still got my coat!" he laughed. "Well, at least now she has to see me tomorrow." He laughed at his own joke, knowing that he would see her regardless on the bridge tomorrow. Maybe he would surprise her with flowers. That might be a bit too much. Maybe one flower would do.

Kyle barely slept that night and woke up late to the sound of someone knocking on his door.

"Who can that be. Nobody even knows I'm home today. I said I was going to be out of town. And Scott won't be back until Tuesday."

The knock came again.

"Just a second, let me get some pants on." Kyle called.

He pulled on his pants from the night before and was tugging a shirt on as he opened the door. Standing at the door were two uniformed police officers, one of whom was holding his coat.

"Good morning, I'm Officer Russ Stanton, this is Officer Jim Darings. Are you Scott Levin?" asked the officer holding his coat.

"No, he's out of town until Tuesday. What's this about, and why do you have my coat? Is Jill OK?" he asked suddenly very worried, "Please, tell me she's OK. I walked her home last night. I even made sure she got inside safely. I was teasing her because that old house looks so creepy. She's not hurt is she?"

"Calm down son. May we come in?" asked Stanton.

"Oh! Yeah, sure. I'm sorry. Come on in." Kyle answered.

"Who's Jill?" asked Darings as they sat on the couch.

"I don't know her last name. I met her in the park last night. I almost knocked her off the bridge and offered to walk her home because it was getting dark. I know she works at Riverside! Does that help?" Kyle asked hopefully.

"Son, Jill Mallory, the only 'Jill' that works at Riverside has been in a coma for a week," said Darings.

"But, we had a date tonight." Kyle whispered, "She promised to meet me at the bridge tonight at the same time."

Darings held a picture out to him, "We believe that Jill was attacked by this resident who stole her uniform and has since killed six young men fitting your description. That's one every night except last night. When we found your coat on her, we thought for sure that you were victim number seven," said Stanton, "But, you were the only one not still in the house. The emergency contact info in your wallet gave your friend's name and this address."

There in the picture was the girl from the night before. She looked different, hollow, empty, almost like an animal in the picture.

Kyle choked back a sob, "It's her," he whispered.

Stanton shook his head and began to explain, "Son, that girl's name is Catherine Hucks. Five years ago she was prom queen at one of the local high schools. Her quarterback boyfriend walked her home, to the same house you took her to. Her folks were out of town, so she let him in. One thing led to another and when she said no, he raped her."

"When he didn't come home, naturally police were sent looking for him. We found her rocking in the corner bruised and bloodied, still in her torn prom dress. She was cradling the knife that she'd killed him with. She had waited until he fell asleep and then… Son, we had to use dental records to prove it was him! All she said was 'He just wanted a kiss.' Since then she hasn't spoken a word to anyone."

"Only one other person has ever dared to touch her. Three years ago, an orderly at Riverside thought he might take advantage of the 'pretty, helpless, young girl.' He lost the use of his left eye and she very nearly unmanned him before she was restrained," continued Darings, "He lost so much blood from all the lacerations she put on him that he had to be revived twice in the O.R. before they got the poor bastard stabilized. A witness said that when he kissed her, she changed from the quiet little girl they were used to into a murderous beast. It took almost a dozen orderlies to subdue her."

"So you see," finished Stanton, "you must be mistaken. If that had truly been Catherine Hucks you were with last night, we wouldn't be talking to you now."

"It was her," whispered Kyle, sobbing quietly.

"Then how do you explain her letting you go?" asked Darings.

"I didn't kiss her good night."