Author's Note:
Alright guys, if you've actually stuck with us and read our story 'till the end, WE LOVE YOU . You and your wonderful reviews :D Yaay!
Anyways, instead of wasting your time, I'll tell you what the point of this author's note is.
We're just basically here to tell you to look out for the sequel to this story. Just letting you know, you didn't HAVE to read this story to understand everything because we'll have a summary of this story as well as character descriptions in the first chapter. For those that have read this story, congrats, you'll understand the sequel better and probably find it funnier :D
Ok, just to let you guys know. The sequel is called "High School Drama." It's May and Monica and the gang with all their silly adventures in high school. There's a bit of drama and it's actually working it's way to a plot. We promise you, High school drama will be much more interesting, longer, and funnier than this story. I think it's about fifteen chapters? Not sure, but around that mark.
We'll have a new character entering the story. Her name's An. She's more of the mysterious, scary type. She keeps to herself sometimes, and has a slight obsession with "dead things." She's sadistic, but very funny. Seriously, after finishing planning out the sequel, we were wondering how this one got along without her. It feels empty :D Hopefully, you'll enjoy her.
There's more of Mist, I can tell you that. The evil psycho. She's the group's # 1 enemy, along with her new group of friends. It just adds more drama into the story and tries to turn it into a plot direction.
Ok, I think that's all we wanted to say. You'll see more of past classmates May had and it seems to be very random. Hopefully, you'll like it and keep reading. Just remember to review. The more reviews we get, the faster we put chapters up.
Thanks again for all of those who supported us. You rock!
Monica and Angie (CheeseAddicts)