Today, I wake up with the sun in my face. Yesterday's clouds disappeared, and the world smells new and clean, the way it always does after rain, like a reminder that each and every day is a fresh start. That's why today I can get ready for class with joy and actually floss my teeth when I'm normally so lazy. In fact, I feel so rejuvenated that I'm going to make myself look nice instead of just wearing whatever clean clothes my hands reach first. A few spritzes of perfume, a little blush on my cheeks, a smack of lip gloss and I'm a new girl.
Why eat the bacon and eggs when I can opt for grapefruit and oatmeal? If I don't say so myself! And when I'm done with that, I can go to class early and find a good seat that's not too close to the board and not too far in back.
Yesterday was yesterday, and maybe yesterday was bad. So he rejected me yesterday. So what? Today is today and I can do everything again. Maybe he didn't like me yesterday and maybe he doesn't like me today, but tomorrow is tomorrow and things change. In fact, I'm going to make them change. "Just a friend" are the words of yesterday and not to be paid any attention. A little rejection is not going to get me down, not while the world keeps turning over new days.
Look out, boy, here I come. And I don't plan on stopping because defeatist words like "unrequited love" aren't in my dictionary. There is only "love waiting to begin".
Author's Note: I recently found these vignettes of sorts on my computer after having not looked at them for quite a while, and so I published them all in one go. They are immature and corny and a bit naive, but they are each reminders of a person I might have once been, so I post them in hopes that they might perhaps mean something to anyone else.