"Yuri, load the boat now!" My command was powerful; my presence overwhelming. I can't help but make the weaklings tremble by my very existence on this planet. However, when I, Elizabeth Baker, want something, I go all the way.
When I was a child, my mother used to tell me of a pirate by the name of Captain Lain Jones. He was legendary at sailing the seas. His eyes were always open for the glimpse of something glistening far, far away. It was said that he had a treasure greater than all other. The sight of seeing that makes my mind explode into a billion puzzle pieces.
My mom always said I was adventurous, a young soul. She never expected me to leave my hometown in search of this 'treasure.' Is it real or is it not? The stories that she told me as I was growing up, the picture I could see in my mind; they were eyes guiding me to my 'treasure.'
In my dreams, a dark spirit followed me. It wasn't bad; in fact, I think it was trying to tell me something. Now, I'm older and I can live on my own, fulfill the prophecy.
Yuri came up behind me. "I'm done."
I walked along the wooden plank, stepping onto the gigantic, wooden ship. It was plain, not much detail. On the bow, a woman carved out of wood, is watching over us. Every night and everyday she watches our movements.
"Come on, we're about to be off."
I took one last look at my hometown of Savannah, Georgia as we sailed off toward the vast span of the Atlantic Ocean called the Bermuda Triangle.
A/N: Sorry, it's really short, however, it's only the prologue. I already started on the first chapter and I'll most likely update it either today or tomorrow. I would appreciate some reviews. They'll help me a lot.