Chapter 2
Long ago, a pirate by the name of Captain Lain Jones sailed across the sea. However, what most didn't know was that his treasure was something unreal to the ordinary eye. Now, I know that I can find his treasure,Atlantis, with his help. There are a few things that I'm skeptical about however 1) what if this treasure isn't real? and 2) the Bermuda Triangle is a dangerous place to be. Many have never come back.
For now, though, I disregarded the safety of my crew and myself. Everyone already agreed to this and I'm not ready to back down yet.
The thunderous winds blew the waves out of proportion. It was a horrible day to be sailing across the sea, but we couldn't stop. There was no place to stop, I might add. We were out in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle and no one knows we're here.
"Captain Baker." Yuri came up from behind.
"Again call me Elizabeth." I don't necessarily know why I let him call me that. I don't let anyone else call me Elizabeth; instead, I go by Captain Baker. What is it about him? He's almost like family, but there is an uncertainty about him that makes me feel nervous around him.
I got up from my bed and came closer to the window. Outside, it was complete grey and I could see the waves piling up around our boat.
When I woke up this morning, I immediately put everyone on Code Red to "ensure" our safety. However, when your only shelter is a few pieces of wood attached with nails, you feel somewhat unprotected.
My body began to tremble. Maybe it was the waves or maybe the weather in general. Any who, I don't feel safe. Just then, two bulky, yet slender arms wrapped around my waist.
In my ear, I heard Yuri whisper that everything would be all right. I could feel my body let out one more shiver up my spine. This time, it was about Yuri. He's so close to me right now. It feels somewhat awkward, yet it feels so right at the same time.
The waves kept crashing down, but I found myself only looking up toward Yuri's head. It was perfectly proportioned and his long, wavy blond hair merely covered his bright blue eyes. He seemed almost perfect, in these circumstances at least.
The storm finally passed and Yuri was still holding me. Honestly, I didn't want him to let go. The way my body perfectly meshed with his felt so good. All my life, I was raised to be well mannered and sportive. However, when it comes to guys, my brain freezes. I've never had a boyfriend, nor have I ever fallen in love. Maybe that is the feeling I have with Yuri! Love. The way he smiles and laughs…makes me smile and laugh with him. But is that true love? The truth of the matter is, is that I'm hopeless at this kind of stuff. Throw me a football and I'll catch it, invite me to an elegant dinner and I'll go; but put me in the same room with a boy for a long period of time and I get confused!
My mind processes information like its some sort of mathematical equation. I work too hard to find the answer. It's kind of, like when I was a girl. My mom always told me stories of Captain Lain and his crew. I was always curious and analyzing all of my "data" in my mind. I started to put all the pieces together. However, it took me until just recently to actually finish my puzzle.
Yuri finally took his arms off around my waist. Coolness swept through my bare skin at that moment. It was as if he had been my warmth that whole time. After I got my mind together, I walked off toward the upper level deck. The rain had stopped and the winds weren't as heavy. Slight debris was on the ship, but we could easily clean it up.
It looks like we'll be safe…for now.
"Captain Baker! Captain Baker!" Mr. Coleman shouted out. He was running towards me waving his hands up and down as if he had just found a vital piece of information. Then, it all clicked in my mind. He had.
As he reached me, he was gasping for air. I guess being an eighty-five year old man can really wear you down.
"I was sleeping during the storm."
"Okay." My facial expression must have looked similar to a confused look because he continued.
"That's not all. I had a dream…about Captain Lain. This storm was a sign Captain Baker. A sign." His voice persuading and very enthusiastic.
I nodded. "A sign, you say. What kind of sign?"
"This weather is perfect weather for treasure hunting. When everything is wiped off the ocean's floor and onto land."
I got the jiff and got the underwater materials from the upper level storage room. In my hands, I held a scuba mask and a few air tanks. Apparently, we were going to go down there and check it out. What we find, however, will be a surprise.
I threw Yuri a mask and air tank as well. If I'm going down, I want him to come with me. I slid on the mask and strapped the tank onto my back. Then, I got on the side of the boat. Mr. Coleman was behind me reciting instructions on what to be looking for. Yuri came up beside me. He had his mask and tank strapped onto him as well. He gave me one last look before we jumped.
I took a deep breath right before I hit the surface of the water. From then on, I could see nothing. The seas were mukky green and you could barely see a thing. Yuri and I repelled deeper into the seas. Both of us couldn't see anything.
"Can you see anything?" Yuri asked from his communication system.
"No. The water is opaque."
I could feel my feet touch the bottom of the ocean. In my mind, I immediately thought to turn on the waterproof/underwater flashlight. However, I was in no need of something like that now. In front of me, a road of brightly lit stones glowed in this opaque water.
I gasped as I called Yuri. "Yuri! Have a look at this!"
A/N: That's the end of chapter two. I hope you like it. To me, it seems a little rushed and...well weird. After all, I did right this at like 1 o'clock in the morning because the idea was so strong in my head. Well any please!!