AN: The name is kinda lame but its only there for lack of another idea at this present time. This was just a random story idea that popped into my head when thinking about good things to do during Summer :P... Constructive criticism is very much appreciated but please dont write stupid things like "i hate your story it sucks" if you think it sucks tell me what you think I need to change, the plot, the grammar etc... xoxo Sarah J.
I fiddled with my curly reddish-tinged hair, twirling it around my finger then watching it spring back up into its original shape after I let go of it. Anyone who knew me well enough would know that I was nervous. The twirling of hair only ever happened when I was nervous. But I suppose now I think about it the only person who would really notice is Summer. I'd become rather introverted, my best friend, other than summer, was my simple pink notebook.
I know you're probably quite confused now. Who's Summer, why are we named after seasons and why would she be the only person to know one of my obvious character traits? Well to answer your first question Summer is my (fraternal) twin sister. She's gorgeous with wavy blonde hair and blue-green eyes. Just like the month she is named after Summer is warm and outgoing with heaps of friends and admirers. To answer your second question well... I'm going to have to tell you my dad's favourite story and most god-damn annoying story.
Our names began the day we were born. Ok so that was typical and obvious but I mean really began. The day we were due to be born our parents being the indecisive people they were still hadn't thought up names for the two of us. I mean they had vague ideas but nothing really jumped out at them. That was until my sister popped out at around 11.55pm on the last day of summer and I popped (well not exactly popped) out 10 minutes later on the first day of autumn. My dad, thinking it was amazing that we were twins born on a different day, in a different month and a different season (with the permission of my mother) decided to name us Summer and Autumn.
It seems like Dad chose right because we turned out exactly like our season.
Summer and I may be fraternal twins (basically meaning that we're twins but don't look alike) but we are the complete polar opposites. Summer is outgoing, beautiful, graceful and has millions of friends. Hot in both senses of the word. I on the other hand am a brown eyed red haired awkward loner. I spend my lunch hours hanging out with Summer and her friends but you couldn't really call it hanging out I just listen in on their conversations or read a book. I'm the invisible girl, the silent wall-flower. I don't really feel that bad about the fact I have no friends because I have Summer and she always goes everywhere with me.
Until now...
I slouched in the backseat of my dad's four-wheel drive as we bounced along a rocky country road (and I don't mean the food kind... unfortunately). It felt like my heart was going to burst right out of my chest, I can't believe I'm doing this, I wish I could just beg my father to turn around and head back home but I know I can't. I don't actually know why I am here and why I am going to this stupid Calamatter Beach Camp.
Well truthfully I actually do know why and it's all Summer's fault.
This whole Calamatter Beach Camp thing began with one of Summer's phases. Summer is as prone to phases as a lion is prone to eat meat, and she obsess over a new one every week. Her phases are about everything and anything ranging from movies (reciting the catch phrases, dressing like the stars in the show and watching the movies all the time) to strange accessories, that she always looks perfect in (Wearing them everywhere and telling everyone about them). Camp is her newest phase and as her twin sister I am always pulled along into the drift of the phase, along with the rest of Summer's friends. I like only having Summer as a real friend because all Summer ever seems to get out of her friends is some fun times and a whole lot of hurt, backstabbing, rumours and secret being exposed. So I actually like only telling stuff to my sister because I know that she would never do anything to hurt me... well not intentionally. Anyway I better get back on track. Summer convinced her friends and I to go and sign up for this summer camp because and I quote "It will be so much fun".
Unfortunately it definitely didn't go as planned.
Summer got sick a few days before the camp was due to begin. It wasn't badly sick not sick enough to die or anything but it was sick enough for her to definitely not be heading off to Calamatter. Her friend's immediately pulled out of the camp. They didn't want to be there without Summer because she's the life of the party.
I considered pulling out as well because without Summer I would be alone and I didn't even want to go there in the first place. But my mum looked so happy when Summer and I told her that we would be going to camp.
She was absolutely thrilled that I would finally be going somewhere without Summer, so I could make friends. I just couldn't disappoint her. But my unfortunate niceness is going to put me through a whole lot of torture.
So that's how I got here, sitting in a hot and strange smelling car driving along bumpy country roads trying to get to the camp I will be spending the next six weeks at. The scenery isn't too bad, there are some beautiful rivers and I'm starting to see some of the ocean but it doesn't make up for the feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach.
"How you going back there," My dad grunted to the rear vision mirror.
"I'm ok," I said forcing an all-to-bright smile onto my face.
He just couldn't give it up could he? It was six years ago, why can't he get over it?
When I was about ten we were driving up-state and we'd been in the car for about five hours when I started to feel really sick and I don't mean the 'I have a headache' sick but the 'move over or I will throw up on you sick'.
Not wanting to complain to my already agitated parents, who had been arguing for the past hour I decided to keep quiet and try to deal with it myself.
Unfortunately that lead to me throwing up all over the car floor about 20 minutes later. My dad was definitely not happy about spending another two hours in a car that smelled of spew and now he continuously asks me if I'm feeling ok.
I am so not looking forward to this trip.