Trapped alone in a cold box
isolated to the end of the world
freezing, shivering, suffering
no kindness here
Trapped under
where evil lurks
not an ounce of good
thieving goblins
treacherous elves
cold-blooded fays
cackling witches
inhuman creatures
with no mercy
none at all
all have one thing in common
their thirst for misery and blood
Trapped in a place
where all is strange
this is not suppose to be home
it is not warm
no laughter
no joy
just anguish and hate
creatures of the dark
feeding on pain of others
entertained by torturing
the weak and innocent
smiling devilishly as
going through victim to victim
one by one
screams of terror
echo through the nights
Trapped where
there is no light
no daytime
no sun
the sky is not blue
it is red for blood being split
Trapped in this wicked world
this is my home
where the make-believe monsters are real
they lurk silently
hunting their prey
snatching their toys
playing with them cruelly
Trapped Forever
I cling to myself
ignoring the screams and sadistic laughter
Pure Bliss
Living in sky
able to fly so high
wings of pure white
not a worry in sight
Sleeping on clouds
soft as a silk
thin as a feather
dreaming has never seen so nice
Playing without a care
chasing friends with such joy
always showing a carefree smile
much to others' delight
Flipping in the air
doing cartwheels and tumbling
with no hands
Fluidly moving with the wind
Living in the sky is pure bliss
my wings are handsomely beautiful
never having to experience loneliness, hatred, or envy
only feeling merry and content
the breeze gently blowing my face
This Is Pure Bliss
The Friendly Stranger
Me and mommy
went to the airport today
going to go to grand pappy and granndma's house
I never been here before
while walking in the huge place
I was amazed at the big airplanes
mommy was holding my hand
pulling me close to her
suddenly a huge bunches of tall grownups
came out of nowhere
pushing mommy away
and me farther away from her
when the big grownups were gone
I saw that mommy wasn't holding my hand anymore
I felt really sad and alone
Mommy! Mommy! Sniff M-om Sniff my
I cried a lot.
I saw a man come up to me
what's wrong little one?
the man looked like he can find mommy
so I told him
I can't find mommy
The man wiped my tears
it's ok little one, stop crying. do you want to see a magic trick?
I really like magic tricks
so I nodded
curious what he'll do
I saw him put his empty hand behind me
then a second later
he pulled out
A HUGE lollipop
my favorite candy
I clapped my hands excitingly
thanking him and laughing
forgetting that I was sad
there you go. do you feel better?
I nod again
then I heard mommy calling to me.
Sweetie!! I am so sorry. Are you ok? Are you hurt?
I told mommy I was fine and licked my lollipop
Where did you get that lollipop from?
I told her that got from the nice man
and pointed to where he was
But he was gone
I dream to be a hero
I dream to be a doctor
I dream to be a police person
I dream to be a firefighter
I dream to be a teacher
I dream to be an artist
I dream to be an inventor
I dream to be a photographer
I dream to be a designer
I dream to be a leader
I dream to be a painter
I dream to be a lawyer
I dream to be a chef
I dream to be a baker
I dream to be a writer
I dream to be a scientist.
I dream to end world hunger
I dream to end war
I dream to end violence
I dream to end global warming
I dream to end killing
I dream to end poverty
I dream to end pollution
I dream to end racism
I dream to end discrimination
I dream to end all that is bad
I dream to cure cancer
I dream to cure diseases
I dream to cure the sick
I dream to cure people's souls
In my dreams,
I can do anything and be
who I want to be
And not be judged
Happily Ever After
There's always
a prince charming
and a damsel in distress
in happily ever after fairy tales
The princess gets kidnaped
locked in a tower
guarded by a huge dragon
and awaits for her prince to save her
The prince mounts on his horse
somehow find the girl's location
fight the dragon and slay him/her
in a matter of minutes
with no injuries
Seeming like
it was all rehearsed
Prince charming runs up the tower
carries the princess
and ride into the sunset
on top of a hill
promising one another
the vow of marriage
and end with a short
sweet kiss
Is this really the happily ever after
or is just made up
for little children
did prince charming and damsel in distress
ever live happy together
did they have a happy marriage
did they truly love each other
what doess happily ever after really mean
First Snow
The first snow of the year
on a winter day
usually in December
the sky drops
a white substance
a white so pure
like the wings of an angel
gently flows down to the ground
Lighter than a feather
smaller than peas
delicate like a newborn child
it covers the ground
turning our world
into a pure clean state
the earth sleeps
the snow covering it
like a silken blanket
The first snow
the gift from the heavens
during the winter
allowing the world to rest in short
sweet bliss
The first snow thought to have been
feathers that
fallen off of actual angel wings
is it true
is that why
the first snow is so pure
The First Snow
the purest of them all
My Guardian Angel
There's always someone I can count on
he's there when ever I need him
he's there when I'm sick or weak
he's there when I'm down
he's there when I cry
he's there when I need motivation
he's always with me
He's my best friend, a father figure, a conscience
I confide in him, telling him all of my secrets and doubts
I trust him with my life
he guides me along in life
he taught me to love, trust, how to be nice,
and never to judge
he gave me lots of memories
that I'll never forget and shall treasure
He is my everything
My Guardian Angel
Why is so hard
why is it so difficult to do
I dropped many hints
to give this away
Are you really that dense
why do you make it so hard to do
is it that hard for you
to open your eyes
and see what has been right under your nose
the whole time
You make me so mad
or really sad
you make me feel jealous
when you put your arms
around someone else
when you just smile at me
you turn me into puddle
in your hands
you make me happy
when you talk to me
you make me lonely
when you ignore me
When I'm in the same room as you
my heart races
six time faster
than normally
I blush scarlet red
when you turn my way
I stutter when I look
into your eyes
Can't you see that I like you
this whole time
Can't you feel the same way
and like me too
why is it so hard
to admit this
is it because
you don't like me
in that way
The Future
Thinking of the future
makes me feel nervous
scared and possibly
even excited
What will I look in the future
will I be taller
will I still have short hair
will I still look like me
What will I doing in the future
will I be an environmentalist
like I wanted to be
or will I have taken a different path
Will I still have my friends that I have today
will they still remember me
will I still remember them
will I make new friends
or would I stay in my shell
What will become the world in the future
will the gas prices be way up
will global warming be prevented
will the ozone layer break
will we ever solve our global affairs
Thinking about the future is nerve wracking,
making me giddy
the future is still an adventure
yet to be traveled
only time will tell
The Past
Many times
I wish to go back to the pass
where I was younger
I missed taking those kindergarten naps
playing with blocks
my old childhood friends
my old teachers
all those fun memories that
are almost nearly
faded away
Past memories of field trips
certain days of school
and funny
but embarrassing moments
I miss those days
where I played with my friends
without a care in the world
those days where I always played make believe
The good times of playing hide-and-go-seek
hiding under the sink
in cabinets
and small spaces
that I can't even dare to go in anymore
Playing tag with my cousins
laughing through the whole thing
spinning around in circles
giggling when we saw
of everything
The good old days
filed with so much fun
and laughter
my childhood
full of mischief
All are left are vague memories
of the past
that passed
long ago
Move On
Here I am
once again
I can't seem
to move on
and get on with life
It hurts so much that you're
not here anymore
never physically by my side
I cry every night
because I miss you so much
I know that holding on is pathetic
I know that if you're here now
that you would say that I should
move on in my life
I remember that you once said that
even if someone you cared about
passed away
they're not gone
they're in you heart and
in spirit
is that the truth
I still love you
and you always my a piece of my heart
after this visit...
...I'll move on
not just for you
but for me too
you wanted me to keep living
that was our final promise to each other
to keep on living
I will not cry anymore
I will live my life
to its full extent
I'll do my best
I guess it's time
to finally move on...