oh....my...GOD. im SO SO SO sorry about how long this took me to upload!!! T.T my life has been nothing short of INSANE and i've been unable to have the time to write let alone surf through fictionpress.
this chapter is very very short but its what i managed to post just to let you know i'm not dead.. yet.
i can't say when the next chapter will be up... i really hope i'll be able to find the time to write on this story again; but i can't promise.
i'm so sorry to all of my amazing watchers who waited so long... i'll do my very very best to carry on for you guys!!!
thanks so much for all the feedback and comments. love you all.

Chapter 32

Glassy eyes stared up at her from a pool of water, Leara couldn't move she couldn't breathe, the eyes remained fixed on hers the lips were thin and pale; open, as if trying to call to her. A raven cawed somewhere out of her line of sight and the hand resting in the water shifted the sightless orbs blinked. Leara tried to back away but was held by some invisible bonds.

The pale thin hand stretched towards her, the lips whispering her name now in a voice that was so familiar yet so deformed by death. Leara blinked and tried to wash the terrible sight from her eyes, then she saw the blood… that was blood not water. It stained his hair and his skin, dripped from his eyes and mouth.

Leara suddenly realized who it was she was looking at and this time managed to scream his name "RYU!" she fell to her knees in the blood and grabbed his limp hand. His glassy eyes stared up at her, his mouth unable to form words. She sobbed his name and then screamed in horror when she saw the blade of a curved weapon lift from his chest.

Leara's eyes followed the handle of the huge blade up and terror made her heart stop. Blood red eyes and long black hair drew her attention in, then the short fangs and otherworldly snarl. Ryu's hand suddenly tightened around hers and her eyes shot back down to him.

His eyes had cleared and were filled with tears "Run Leara…please run…" he chocked and his grip on her hand slipped away; then his eyes clouded over and closed. Leaving her alone with the red eyed monster; she screamed.

Leara's mind tore from the nightmare and she flung herself to the side and off the bed onto the floor. Her entire body was shaking and trembling, she could hear herself taking short panicked gasps. Tears streaked her face and sweat prickled all over her skin.

"Leara! Leara…its okay it was just a dream its okay you're safe…" arms encircled her waste and pulled her back against a warm chest. She couldn't turn to see who it was, dead eyes still hung in her vision.

Lips pressed to her ear and whispered her name over and over again, her mind finally cleared enough for who to realize was holding her and she twisted around grabbing his shoulders with such force that he winced.

His curls were mussed and his soft brown eyes bright with concern and fear. Leara tried to slow her terrified breathing trying to focus on Sam's eyes and forget the others.

Just then the door to their room slammed open, Leara whirled around and fear clutched at her chest, she screamed again and scrambled to get away from Sam. Desperate to do as Ryu had told her. The figure in the door dropped the sword he was holding and ran towards her. She screamed and then curled into a trembling sobbing ball within Sam's arms.

"Is she alright? What happened!?" the voice was sharp, pointed…familiar to her. She remembered it. "Leara…please what happened…" the softer version, gentle and loving. She knew that one too.

Leara lifted her head and her eyes jerked to the face hovering next to hers. Pale, thin, dark brown eyes burning with fear and concern; long black hair hanging around the perfect features. She lifted her shaking hand and brushed it across his white skin. His eyes closed and he pressed his cheek against her hand. Leara stared at his face trying to remember why she had been so terrified of it in the first place…

Run Leara…run! Red eyes… Leara snatched her hand back and sat up leaning away from him. Shay's eyes suddenly flashed in agony and he leaned back away from her crouching onto his toes. Leara felt the arms around her waste loosen slightly and she turned to look up at his face. He was gazing back at her with a frown on his forehead. "Leara…its just Shay, it's your brother…" Her brother…yes she knew that.

She looked over at the pale face again, and the sad eyes. Those thin lips lifted into a slight smile and his face seemed to open to her slightly, exposing the care there. Leara took a shivering breath and extended her hand which he took slowly. Then she let herself be drawn into a hug against a chest. His heartbeat pressed close to her ear was beating faster then hers, his forehead pressed against her shoulder. She hugged him back letting the tears spill over.

"Sorry…I'm so sorry Shay… I had….I had a nightmare about-" he lifted his head and took her face in his two hands.

"I will never hurt you." His words were heavy and strong and Leara felt a chill run down her spine. She nodded and he pulled her in close again. "I'm so sorry Leara…forgive me." His voice was a whisper and she wrapped her arms around him closing her eyes.

"I know Shay, I know…" She whispered into his ear. His body trembled and she sighed closing her eyes.

Shay lifted his head and found a pair of warm brown eyes staring at him. Sam.
His best friend eyed him carefully then his eyes drifted to the form slumped in his lap. Leara.

Shay's head had fallen against the bed and Leara into his lap. They had both fallen asleep. He lifted his hand and brushed it across her soft tangled hair. "She'll be okay…right?" his voice was hoarse as if he had been screaming. Sam bit his bottom lip and looked away.

"From the nightmare? Oh yeah… she'll be fine. Don't worry about it." He smiled and Shay's lips twitched then his eyes lifted to Sam's again.

Sam sighed and shook his head "As for the entire thing… I really don't know Shay. I don't think any of us know if we'll be okay or not." He paused and flipped out one of his knives testing the edge with his thumb. "All we can do is fight and protect. And you and I are both protecting her." Sam paused and sighed dropping his head into his palm. "She scared me…she just screamed then fell and wouldn't let me touch her. I thought…" he trailed off then shook himself.

"C'mon, let's get her back into bed." Shay nodded then carefully and gently collected her frail form into his arms and lifted her up and onto the bed. Sam pulled the covers up and over her then bent and kissed her forehead. "Let's let her sleep…" Shay turned and left the room silently, picking up his sword on the way out.

Sam cast Leara one last concerned and loving look before following after the raven haired man.

Andre met them in the hall. His blue eyes were sharp and narrowed slightly when he saw Shay with a drawn sword. "What's happened?" his voice was low but sharp. Sam saw Shay's sword shift nervously and stepped in quickly.

"Leara just had a bad nightmare; she's sleeping now. We got her calmed down sorry for disturbing you." Sam spoke softly gesturing to the door behind him. Andre's shoulders un-tensed but his eyes still trailed along the silver edge of Shay's sword.

"And you're armed because?" Shay stiffend and quickly sheathed his sword. His dark eyes met Andre's blue ones and suddenly understanding flickered through their crystalline depths. "Ah, I see you met my friend. She does have that effect doesn't she?" Sam watched as Shay's face paled another shade and he frowned.

"Wuh…" he trailed off and Andre chuckled softly in response to Sam's unfinished sentence.

"We'll leave at dawn under her guide if Leara is well enough to travel. Ariee is a strong presence; I'm not surprised she scared you. My apologies." Sam looked utterly confused now and Shay was carefully avoiding his eyes as he responded in a low undertone.

"Never before has someone managed to read my expressions well enough to know my feelings and thoughts. Never have I seen such an impressive weapon…she said she was from a dying race." He paused and Andre's lips twitched into a smirk. "What does that mean exactly?" Shay finished hesitantly.

Andre chuckled and looked down at the ground then squinted up at the wooden ceiling with a sigh. His eyes returned to look directly at Shay; within them was some terrible sadness and pain. Shay shifted back a bit as Andre spoke. "Ariee is one of the last of her kind; very few remain. Those who do keep to themselves so they may as well not exist. Ariee is with the council though and is a very good and long time friend of mine." He paused and then smiled and nodded slightly. "She's an Elf. One of the last, I'm sure you noticed her eyes and hair when you saw her?"

Sam's mouth hung open and Shay's spine tingled. He had guessed correctly then; she was a creature. But not just any; she was an elf one of the very last. Her way of speech, her luminous violet eyes…and that silver hair. "Traits of the elves I would imagine?" Shay said softly.

Andre nodded and then gestured that they got to his room. Sam and Shay followed the tall wizard quietly. Once they were in the room Sam watched Shay tense and seat himself as far away from Felix as possible. The read head's green eyes were sharp with powerful emotion.

Andre seated himself on the rocking chair between the beds and Sam plunked himself down on the empty bed. Andre withdrew a pipe from the folds of his cloak and lit it. Wisps of lightly scented smoke floated through the room as he spoke. "Traits of the Elves, yes you could say that." He chuckled. "I'm sure you of all people Adrian, noticed her sword." Sam raised an eyebrow when Shay nodded.

Andre smirked "I thought so. Impressive is it not? They forge those themselves; to wield an elfish blade was to go hand and hand with a dragon. Those weapons do not break, scratch or bend. They ring with the purest sound and the blade its self is curved softly and carries the outward appearance of near liquid silver… am I correct Adrian?" Shay nodded and touched the handle of his sword that seemed worn and damaged in comparison to the beautiful weapon he had crossed with.

Andre drew in a breath from the pipe then continued. "Her silver hair is something not all elves have. Usually that trait is found only in the noble blood lines." Andre shrugged softly "All elves seem to carry the aura of nobility about them but that is simply their culture. Ariee is of a high bloodline, her hair is silver and her eyes a strange shade of violet because of her heritage. The 'commen' elves usually have either brown or blond with green, brown or blue eyes. Though no elf is simply 'commen' in any sense." He paused again aware that Sam was rapt in his description, Shay was deep in thought his eyes fixed on Andre.

Felix was sitting up in bed, staring at the side of Andre's head listening very closely. Andre smiled softly. "They are a proud race; their skills surpass even yours Adrian. Without Ashayus's assistance even a weak and ill elf would be able to best you in a matter of seconds within a battle. You are close in ability to elves with Ashayus within you, but do not try to pick a fight with Ariee. She is a trained solider, guard, assassin, and of her people. You would be killed." Shay gave a slight nod and Sam swallowed and blew a low whistle.

"Sounds like some girl." Andre scoffed and flicked his finger. Sam was knocked backwards by an invisible hand shoving him. Shay blinked and smirked at Andre's use of magic. The first he had seen it used for something trivial.

"I would advise you do not speak of her in such ways. She will be angry." Andre said with a low chuckle. Sam sat up again and grumbled something about 'grumpy old wizard's' which earned him a hard look from Andre. He grinned sheepishly then fell silent.

"Where's Leara?" Felix's voice was soft and slightly strained. Andre turned to look at his younger cousin but Sam spoke up first.

"Resting, she had a nightmare." Felix stared at Sam for a long moment as if trying to ensure it wasn't a lie. Sam tilted his head to the side slightly, Felix looked different. His skin was a sickly off white, his lithe body thinner then usual and his bright hazel eyes burned with a different kind of fire then his usual bright and happy light. His hands trembled as he picked at the blanket on the bed.

Sam's forehead wrinkled as faint memories of his mother smoothing his hair with trembling hands; how desperately ill she had looked. Felix was suffering from his illness... just as his mother had before she had died. Sam swallowed hard and watched as Felix's eyes darted to Shay and then quickly drifted off the ex commanders form back to Sam. He swallowed and felt compelled to say more to ease the starving look in the young mans eyes. "She's fine." Felix relaxed and sighed softly.

"Good…" he stated in a weak soft voice. He trailed off then rolled over and ended their conversation there.

hope it was alright.
i dont know when the next chapter will be up; but thank you so much if you've stuck with the story for this long!!!