"Hey, Tina," Jason Adahlia greeted his boss as he entered the coffeeshop he had been calling his place of employment for an estimated year. She smiled her typical, cheap red-lipped smile back at him, then returned her attention to her current customer.
Jason's cheery smile soon faded from his pale, full lips as he stepped inside of the stockroom.
He brushed his chin-length dark brown bangs out of his face as he reached up to the top shelf, removing the communal inventory clipboard.
Jason let escape a bored sigh as he lesiurely checked off the items present on the clipboard, his tongue playing with one of his shiny snakebites.
"Well, that's done," he said, tossing the clipboard along with the weathered pen back up on the shelf and exiting the drab room.
The only aspect of this job that he found even moderately amusing was the people-watching it permitted.
He took his place behind the cash register that had been recently vacated by his aging boss and scanned the passing faces on the street.
It was noon on a warm, spring Saturday in Los Angeles, so there was a mass of people passion on their way to the beach.
'Oooh, he's hot,' Jason thought as his black painted fingernails tapped rhythmically against the countertop.
At his high-school, he was known amongst his senior class as the "gay emo kid with a nice sense of humor". Jason thought of these as words of endeerment, seeing as he believed them to be true in his point of view.
The bell above the door tolled, breaking Jason out of his daze reluctantly. His eyeliner encased eyes wondered over to the slim boy who had just entered the shop.
There wasn't one aspect of him that Jason missed, taking in everything from his choppy blonde hair, tight t-shirt, and black Vans.
The boy approached the counter that Jason was manning, smiling slightly at him.
"Uhm, do you know who I could talk to if I wanted to apply for a job?" the boy asked, his bright blue eyes sparkling under thick eyelashes.
"Well, if you were going to apply for said position, I suppose I would be your best bet. Our manager's off somewhere doing...manager things, but I'm Assistant Manager," Jason said, his perfect white teeth gleaming as he flashed the gorgeous boy a warm smile.
"Cool, so...job application?" the other male asked, his tenor voice chiming with laughter.
"Oh...yeah. Here you go," Jason said, snapping out of his hot-guy induced daydream and pulling a piece of paper out from behind the counter.
He passed a pen over the countertop, observing the other's nimble fingers as he picked it up.
'He's really hot,' Jason thought as he watched the other move to sit at a table. 'He must be a guitarist, with fingers like that. Either that, or really "experienced"...He looks like he's my age, too. Why the hell haven't I seen him before?! Did he drop out of school or something?'
His thoughts were yet again interrupted as a balding man cleared his throat, having been standing in front of Jason for a few minutes.
"Dude, you interrupted my hot guy daydream!" Jason said, turning to stare at the man exasperatedly. "Welcome to Solar Eclipse Cafe. What can I get you, sir?" he asked, his expression abruptly changing to that of an interested worker.
The man smiled and placed his order, waiting patiently as Jason prepared the caffienated drink.
The blonde kept his eyes fixed upon the paper, filling everything that was required of him with a blank expression playing on his flawless features.
"Have a nice life," he said pleasantly as the man made to leave, giving Jason a concerned expression upon hearing his departing words. He dropped the coins the man had given him into the hollows of the cash register at random, not caring where they were meant to be placed, and doing the same with the bills.
The other boy came back up to the counter several minutes later, handing Jason the paper and pen.
"I'll have that chick give you a call when she decides," he said, examining the paper closely as the boy exited the cafe.
He took one last fleeting glance at the gorgeous boy, then returned to his examination.
Name: Caleb Fauhlmann
Age: 17 ('Yes!')
The list continued on with cell phone number, place of residence, and typical things like that.
Jason absorbed all the necessary information, smiling to himself evilly.
"I have no progressed to regular stalker..." he murmered to himself as he walked away from the counter to Tina's office.
"We just got a job application," he said, flopping the paper onto her desk in front of her sleeping form. "Tina! Wake up, you dipshit!" he yelled, slamming his hand down on her desk.
The woman woke with a start, her heavily make-upped eyelids fluttering open.
"Heh?" she asked, removing her shirt of the wrinkles it had gathered in her bout of unconciousness.
"We got a job application. And you better hire him 'cuz he's fucking gorgeous!" Jason said, turning away from her and returning to the front counter.
He smiled to himself silently, Tina coming to him after an hour or so, informing the beaming male that there would be a new man added to their "team".
"It's going to be up to you to train him," she said, eyeing Jason seriously.
"That'll be no problem at all," he answered, smirking evilly.
Tina gave him a confused/suspicious look, then retreated to her office to inform Caleb by way of phone. Jason, meanwhile, was thinking of how much fun this was going to be and looking forward to the start of his shift on Monday, that day also being Caleb's first day on the job.