Challenge#27- No Need to Say Goodbye.

Description: Goodbyes are the hardest. Unfortunately for our protagonists, they will have to bid each other adieu and it is unlikely that they will ever see each other again.

Requirements: 1) An actual parting between the protagonists--whether they come back together is or not is up to you. (Read the second stipulation under "optional"." 2) A creative way of saying goodbye without actually saying it (read the second stipulation under "No" for details) 3) The reason for the parting has to be WILLING--this means that nothing is forcing one to leave the other. It must be otu of the character's own volition. 4) Cell phones must make several apperances. 5) Setting must be in the Fall/Autumn Season.


1)Both are leaving for different things, instead of one leaving the other behind. 2) They are reunited. If you choose to do this, however, they must be separated for at least a year. (Absence makes the heart grow fonder, anyone?) 3)Cell phones are a key part of the story.

No: 1) Airport/bus terminal goodbye scenes 2)actual usage of the word "goodbye" or any of its variations in any languages (this includes "see you later", "'bye", "farewell", "arrivederci", "adios", "hasta la vista", "adieu", "aloha", "au revoir", "auf wiedersehen", "adeus", "paalam".. whatever else you think of) by either protagonist in dialogue 3) text messaging or chatting online. As much as I love to do both, I hate seeing it in fiction.

In the Sun

I could feel his shoulders blades, warm and sharp, pressing into my palms. The warmth of his body closed over mine, holding me, protecting me. I breathed in his scent, trying to commit every piece of his body, his smell, his feel, to memory. I didn't know when I was going to be able to see him again. I didn't know when we would both get the chance to lay here in the grass like this again, our bodies intertwined, limbs so entangled and snared that our bodies couldn't be told apart.

"I'll miss you," his mouth whispered against the silk of my tears.

"I love you," my mouth breathed into his skin.

He rolled off of me. His fingertips ran across my skin softly as the sun beat down on us. We lay there and let the silence engulf us, clothing our bodies in a truth that we both couldn't avoid, that we both knew had to happen.

"What time does your flight leave?" He pressed an arm over his eyes.

"Five," I answered quietly.

"You don't have to go." His voice was barely a whisper.

"I need to," I gripped his hand tightly against mine. "I have to leave here as much as you do."

"But you don't have to," his voice stressed every syllable as he pulled my body into his.

"Why? Why would I stay? There will be nothing here left for me. You're leaving. I'm leaving. I have nothing," my words were etched with the stress of the situation.

"You could come with me," his smile lit up as the sun splayed across his face.

"I can't."

"You can."

I pulled my body from his grasp and stood up. "I can't." My words were more forceful than I wanted, but I was so tired and so stressed; I didn't want this to be the end. I didn't want us to be over, but we had both made our decisions and we couldn't change our whole lives for something that had happened over two months. I couldn't alter a decision I had decided years ago over someone who had let me down before.

I saw the shadow of hurt cross his face; the wall that had taken so long to chip away slowly reforming. I wanted to say something else, something more final; something that would cement this moment in both of our minds. I wanted to say words that would slowly wash over him, sink deep beneath his skin, make him want to remember me.

He stood up slowly. His arms outstretched towards me and I fell into them like I always did, like I also do because it was so familiar, so right. There was no way that what we had was wrong.

We stood like that for a few moments. Our bodies so tight I could feel his chest expand and contact with every breath. I felt it before I heard it; the small vibrations splayed against my leg. Hurt built in my chest as I felt his arms leave me to answer it, answer her.

I saw his mouth move over the words.

"I'll be home in an hour."

Heard his voice smooth over the lies, "me and the guys decided to grab a beer."

Felt her disbelief at his obvious lie, "no, we grabbed the beer after the round of golf."

Saw his face brighten and a smile tug at his lips as she talked, "I love you too." His turned his back towards me. His voice being lost in the wind, his words became whispered secrets.

I knew in that moment. No matter how many times he asked me to go with him. No matter how much we loved each other or we wanted to be together, she would always come first.

I grabbed my purse off the ground, the strap warming my shoulder as if his palm was still searing my skin. I could fear the tears burning my skin as they fell from my eyes, hot, burning, unforgiving.

I walked away from him, then. Walked so fast, I was almost running. I heard him call my name as I reached my car door. His voice stopped me in my tracks.

I turned to see him before me. His face was creased with guilt and sadness.

"I'm sorry. I know-" I held up my palm for him to stop speaking.

"Please just let me go." I felt his finger tips brush away my tears. His head bent slightly and his mouth hovered gently against mine. "Please just let me go." I whispered softly on his lips.

His forehead pressed into mine. His hands dropped slowly from my face. "Okay." His voice was quiet. "Okay. I'll let you go, but that doesn't mean that I am letting you go forever. This," He waved his arms in the air, "doesn't mean that I won't find you because I will. I love you, no matter what you think. I love you."

I wanted to tell him that I loved him too. That if he asked me again to go with him that I would. That if he really just asked me one last time I would change everything about me to please him, but instead he turned his back to me and walked away from me. His hair shone brightly in the sun. His white cotton shirt blinded me slightly. I climbed into the car. The need to say 'I love you', still held me tightly, but as I drove away, I saw the glint of red as he placed his cell phone against his ear. I saw the smile slowly spreading across his face, and as I drove farther away I knew deep down in my heart I had done the right thing.

Big thanks to my wonderful new beta. (Who I swear I can't remember her screen name right now, but I am sure from now on you guys will hear me rave about often.)
