Chapter One:


"Oh my god, I think I need a manicure! The sun I swear is bleaching out my golden hair. Red Blue Yellow Green, what's the colour of my team, I don't know, I don't care, how should I, do my hair? 16, 24, I don't even know the score, go go, fight fight, gee I hope I look alright, go go get it, go go go get it!" I cheered in my most high-pitched voice, twisting my face to make it as cheerleader-ish as possible and thus succeeding in making the whole table burst into laughter.

"Melody Waters to a T!" The guy opposite me, Seth Adams howled with laughter, spewing biscuit crumbs all over the table.

Ew, that was so typical of a guy to do – eat messily. But of course, I had gotten used to it a long time ago. Seth was the joker of the group, and loves teasing and poking fun of people. Especially me. But we all know he does that in the name of fun, so we forgive him for being such a lovable pig. Aww.

"Oh Mia, you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are greyyyyyyy," Ryan Phillips, who was sitting diagonally opposite me cooed, clutching his chest where his heart was supposed to be.

"And you're my sugar pie honey bunch," I replied, smiling sweetly, sending him a flying kiss which he caught in his fist and put close to his heart.

Our antics just made everyone at the table laugh even more, which was really a daily affair. Ryan was the school's resident playboy, and there has yet to be any girl who hasn't succumbed to his charms. Except me, of course. Then again, I really couldn't be considered as the other girls of the school, could I.

"Cuz, you're really full of shit," Zachary Edwards said from the end of the table, throwing at me a handful of peanuts. I stuck out my tongue at him playfully, throwing back at him some chips which I had been munching on, making him duck under the table for cover. Zach was my cousin and we've hung out with each other since we were born. Although we argued a lot, he really does love me. Just that he shows his love in a different way. Snorts.

And then there was Edison Duberry, sitting next to Ryan, dozing off as usual. It was shocking that with the noise we were making, he still could sleep soundly. He's filthy rich too, seeing that his father practically funded the whole construction of our school hostel. Thus, he could fall asleep during lessons and still the teachers don't give a damn. Talk about special privileges huh!

"Come on guys, enough of the food-fight," Connor West said in mock- seriousness. Con was Mr. Nice Guy of the group and was even too nice to reject even the bitchiest girls! I always had to do the dirty work for him. Tsk. After all, the girls who stuck to him like honey were always whiny and irritating, so I had to do something to get rid of them, didn't I? Leave it to me to handle those snots. Grins.

"Nat! What time's basketball practice?" Zach asked the black haired guy sitting next to me. That was Nathanael Crawford, the school's basketball captain. He was definitely one of the best basketball players around, not to mention good-looking. But he wasn't your typical jock who parties non-stop and goes for random hook-ups, that's more of Ryan. Instead he's a rather quiet and reserved guy, but that's not stopping girls from throwing themselves at his feet.

"5PM," Nat replied, before returning back to daydreaming about God-knows-what.

Last but not least, there's Alex Humphrey, the latest addition to our group. Although we've only known him for 2 years, we get along like we've known each other since young. He's tanned with blonde hair and blue eyes and attracts girls like a girl magnet. Then again, all the above mentioned guys do.

And those are my 7 bodyguards. Nah, just kidding, but to speak the truth, sometimes they do act as though they are my bodyguards. And who am I, you may ask. I'm Mia Stevens, hottest girl in the planet. Right. Just kidding, I'm just your typical high-school girl living her own life. You must be thinking I'm the luckiest girl in the universe, having 7 hot guys as my best buds.

But as much as life was enjoyable with them around, everything does have its pros and cons, including this.

The sad truth is…

I have never had a steady boyfriend.
