The More Chaos, The More Permanence

this is just another love poem for destruction.
scribbled illegibly on the backs of palms and cigarette packs
with pens stolen from hotels,
or on the sides of buildings made of only glass and steel
with spray paint colors in the primary.
this is the overlooked song of the car alarms
when the morning's ripe,
or the overlooked beauty of the middle aged widow
as she poses on the balcony watering the hydrangeas.
this is the ode for the anorexic film stars
who overdose on beauty
burning out before 30, the very martyrs of youth.
but mostly, this is just another love poem for the red of your lips
in the shape of an "oh!"
(some sort of realization or epiphany)
and the way they spilled air (the very smog of this city)
as you balanced on the ledge
of the tallest skyscraper, flirting with demise,
and before jumping into the camera crews below, said:

"this is how you stay remembered."