A/N: Edited version up! :)
Chapter 1
I was in the kitchen of my flat that I happily shared with my best friend Emma. I was so happy when she told me that she could move in with me because I really thought that she wasn't allowed to do so, since her dad was strict and all. But after my mom went to see her dad... tadah! That was all it took for her to be my flatmate. I love my best friend, she is the sister I never had. People were surprised we were even friends. Why you ask? Easy, she's gorgeous and I'm not. She's the most popular girl in school, and I'm the most popular 'best-friend' of the most popular girl in school. We are totally different in the looks department. She's every guy's dream...and I'm every guy's nightmare.
Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against my best friend. I love her for what she is humble, nice, happy-go-luck person. She's smart, talented and gorgeous. I'm not a tomboy okay? It's just that I'm proud; at least my friend is gorgeous. We've never fought about anything and there's never been a time that I wanted to strangle her, wring her neck, or toast her alive...
Not until this day.
I stopped writing my report and looked at my flatmate. "Say that again?"
Emma closed the refrigerator behind her with a glass of water in her hand. "I said I have a new boyfriend."
Oh, hold on a second... I never mentioned to you this part to you. Oh gosh... I'm so sorry. Well, you see, the friend I told you about being smart talented and gorgeous? Well there's one thing that's she's not so smart and talented about...
It wasn't a News headline that she's dating someone new again, I have nothing against it as long as she's happy. I've even gotten along with her old boyfriends; they weren't that bad...they were gorgeous and hot...but they're jocks. And I hate jocks. I do, and she doesn't. They were nice to me only because they knew I was her best friend. At this point in time, I accepted that fact. Well, they weren't bad. In fact, they could actually be nice when they have to. I can at least tolerate them. Well, except for this new boyfriend I heard her say just a few seconds ago.
I certainly don't think so.
Or maybe I was just hallucinating. So what else to do but to confirm it right?
"No, the last part." I dropped my pen and glared at my friend. "I didn't catch that."
She finished her water, placed it on the table and faced me. "Hales," she started, "Hunter and I are going out."
I gaped at her, thinking that I might have heard her wrong. She could not have mentioned the name Hunter right? I mean the Hunter. Maybe she mentioned, Hunder? Or maybe... Hunper? Or maybe – Humker? Yeah, I think its Humker.
Yes, maybe I'm just deaf. "Oh."
She stared at me and tilted her head a little, as if waiting for me to continue. And I didn't. "That's it?"
"What 'That's it'?" I asked, nonchalantly. Well, what does she expect me to say? I sighed. "I just hope you're happy with Humker."
"Who the hell is Humker?"
"Your boyfriend?"
Emma groaned. "It's Hunter. H-U-N-T-E-R. Hunter." She spelled what's-his-name as if she was teaching a grade one student.
"Ah." I answered her, a little deflated. There was something inside of me and it made me feel really uneasy.
"So it's okay with you?" she asked as she sat down. "Really okay with you?"
I bit my tongue to control my mouth from asking who was this Hunter she was telling me about. Although part of me already knew." Why would it be not?" I smiled, unsure. "It's your choice who to date, not mine."
"You're my best friend of course, it's important to me of what you think."
"Thanks," I said and picked up my things, standing up in the process. "Just don't get hurt okay? Or I'll break the neck of that guy, whoever he is."
The doorbell of our flat rang and Emma stood up. "I'll get it!" she said, and before going to the door, she smiled and suddenly hugged me. "Thanks a lot. I knew you'd understand! I won't get hurt, don't worry... I don't' do serious." She winked.
I chuckled and pushed her off me. "Right." I shook my head. "Poor guy."
Her eyes went wide and she looked at me, unbelieving. "Wow, that's...odd."
"What's odd?"
"You...having sympathy for Hunter." She answered, and the doorbell rang again. "I better get that or he'll be furious."
I gulped, a little nervous. He'll get furious?
What does that mean exactly? Slightly feeling that I know what she's talking about, I ignored it. I refuse to believe that it's the same person she is referring to. Of course, there's a lot of Hunter's in this world. And besides, he lives thousand of miles away from here. Right? And she knew how much I hate him. And that's all she needed to know. That's what the entire whole world needed to know... that I hate Hun- 'what's his name'.
"Hey babe! Come in." I heard Emma's voice from the living room. "I'll get you something to drink."
I'll get you something to drink?! Since when does she get her boyfriend something to drink without even telling me that her boyfriend would be visiting when all I'm wearing is my shorts, I mean as in short shorts, tweety socks and Winnie the Pooh shirt? You've got to be kidding me.
Emma appeared in the kitchen again and I grabbed her arm. "Emma."
She smiled nervously. "Y-yes?"
Setting aside the matter about what's-his-name's identity, I raised my eyebrow at her. She obviously knew that this was about to happen but she chose not to tell me. Whenever her boyfriend or friends or whatever came over to our place, she made sure to tell me or inform me beforehand. This is our apartment, and that's our deal. Who would want someone – most especially a guy – to see you in your sleeping clothes??
"Did you just invite your new boyfriend to our apartment without telling me or giving me at least a hint?" I let go of her arm, and my voice got a little louder. "You just started dating! He's still a stranger-"
I wasn't able to finish my sentence when a husky voice behind us suddenly said. "Sorry to interrupt," said that familiar but infuriating voice, "But I'm not a stranger. You've known me longer than Emma."
I stiffened at the sound of the voice that made all my nerve endings burn with rage. I heard his footsteps coming closer to us – to me - until he was standing right in front of me. I didn't want to look at him, so instead I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth.
With a mocking tone evident in his voice, he asked, "How have you been, Hales?"
I slowly opened my eyes and took a deep breath. I glared at him. "Hunter."
Thanks for reading guys! please review and tell me what you think! :)
Thanks to blondie2, my beta, for pointing out the mistakes.
Review review! :)