Rosaline sat on the ground frozen by fear. Ok maybe not fear but definitely shock. 'Why do strange things like this always seem to find me?' she thought. She looked up and found the newest weirdo to enter her life, as he walked through the entrance of the cave. He set down the sticks and branches he carried in a pile a few feet from the fire. As he tended the fire, Rosaline looked him over.
He was strong with well-defined muscles. He was tan all over and when he stood was about 6 foot 3 inches. With his shoulder length shaggy black hair and chiseled features, he could be the spokes-model for sex. If you did not know any better, you would think he was just some normal hunky guy that just happened to live in a cave in the middle of the forest. That was until you looked into his eyes. As if reading her mind Mr. Sexy took that moment to fox those eyes on Rosaline. They were the eyes of a predator. A rich molten gold that had the ability to be the eyes of cold and brutal death. Yet underneath held heat and passion. The eyes of an animal, the eyes of a wolf.
Even though she attracted a lot of weirdness, she was still a little weary. If she had not witnessed the transformation herself, she would never fully believe either. Still even seeing it with her own eyes her brain refused to process the information completely.
He walked over, sitting down next to her. He rummaged through a sack on his other side and finding what he wanted offered Rosaline a piece of what she thought to be dried meat.
"No thank you," she said.
"You must eat something or you'll starve," he replied holding it closer to her.
She swiftly turned her head the opposite way putting her nose in the air. "I don't eat meat. I'm a vegetarian."
He let out what Rosaline believed to be a growl and rummaged through his sack again. He pulled out an apple, orange, and mango holding them out to her. Rosaline chose the apple and he returned the orange and mango back to his bag. When he looked back Rosaline was just staring at the apple.
"What's the matter now?" he asked.
"You wouldn't happen to have anything to peel this with would you? I'm not too fond of the skin." Rosaline replied looking up at him.
He stared at her dumbfounded.
"You're kidding me right?" he asked still not believing her request.
"Why would I kid about something like this?" feeling as though her request was every bit reasonable.
"Women" he muttered under his breath as he pulled a knife from his bag. He took the apple from her hands and began to peel it. After he finished he handed it back to her. "Does it now meet your standards my Queen?" he asked sarcastically.
"Yes. Thank you." she replied hotly and took a bite. After a few more bites the silence was beginning to get to her. "So what is your name? Unless you don't mind me calling you Wolf Boy."
"Seth and yours."
"A beautiful name." he smiled at her exposing his prominent canines.
"Thank you." Rosaline replied nervously, looking away, she took a few more bites of her apple. "So…how did you find me out there, and why?"
"Your scent." he said simply.
She looked back at him and lifted an eyebrow. "Excuse me? Care to elaborate?"
"Not really." he said smugly, stretching out his legs and laying his head against the wall.
"Fine you don't have to care one way or another but you're going to tell me what you meant." Rosaline said with a tone signifying she always got her way.
She brought the apple again to her mouth but before she could take another bite Seth took it from her hands and fastened his mouth to hers in a passionately hungry kiss. He pulled his head back and now it was Rosaline's turn to look dumfounded. She blinked a few times trying to unscramble her thoughts. Finally, she stammered, "What was that for?"
"You amuse me." Seth said. It was just the response to kindle Rosaline's temper. However, before she could combat with a witty retort he kissed her again. Turning her rising anger to a fury of heated passion.
She couldn't help herself she feasted on his mouth matching his hunger. Seth tossed the half-eaten apple to the side and moved his hands under her blouse and over her torso. Breaking the kiss only long enough to pull it over her head. He laid her back and left the sweetness of her mouth to trail kisses down her neck to her breast. He took one of her taught nipples into his mouth. Suckling through the thin lace of her bra. Rosaline arched beneath him feeling his arousal through the material of their jeans. She raised her hands to try and und the fly of his jeans but he moved so she couldn't. He undid the front clasp of her bra, removing it, and tossed it to the side. Then he turned his attention to her other nipple.
He unzipped her jeans and pulled them, along with her lacy underwear, off. Rosaline gasped when he inserted his fingers into her wet core. Slowly, he moved them in and out teasing and bringing her to the edge of pain and pleasure.
Rosaline let out a small whimper when the moist heat of his mouth left her breast to trail kisses down her torso. 'What was she thinking? Whimpering like a like a needy puppy for his touch. It wasn't sensible and it certainly wasn't dignified." Her thoughts were just beginning to make sense again until she felt him replace his fingers with his tongue. Then every sensible thing in her brain fragmented and something primal took control. It didn't care that having sex on a cave floor with a man you barely knew wasn't rational. All that mattered was sating its hunger for pleasure.
Rosaline fisted her hands in Seth's dark hair and arched her hips upwards trying to satisfy her need. His tongue dove in and out just like his fingers had moments ago. Swirling around and teasing her small nub of pleasure until she was about to fall over the edge. Then he removed his mouth from her core and rose above her. He unzipped his jeans and pulled them off, as he kept his golden eyes fixated on Rosaline.
Poised over her he kissed her fiercely and plunged himself into her welcoming heat. Rosaline arched up and let out a cry of release into his mouth. Repeatedly he surged into her, now trying to sate his needs. Building the friction and pleasure with each thrust. He quickened the pace and thrust harder and harder until he finally buried himself as deep as he could into her core. They both let out cries of pure heavenly bliss as he filled her with his seed. Seth rolled over pulling her on top of him. Rosaline rested there as content as a kitten until her thoughts once more turned to the reasonable.
She raised her head and met his gaze. It took her a minute to gather her thoughts and speak. Finally she said, "That was amazing," and cursed herself for it. Of all the things she had thought to say! What happened to 'What the Hell just happened!' or 'If I get pregnant I'm going to kill you!' Yeah that's what she had meant to say. As she reprimanded herself Seth lifted his head and kissed her. Smirking, he lay his head beck down and replied, "Yes it was. Now just think of all the 'amazing' times we'll have in the future."
Before she could comprehend, Rosaline found herself smiling and shaking her head like an idiot. Then the word 'future' registered. 'What future?'
"Hold on wait a minute! What do you mean in the future?" She tried to sit up and pull away but Seth was faster and flipped her so she was once again under him.
"I mean that we are going to have a lot more times in the future like this."
"What make you think that?" Rosaline asked nervous of his matter of fact tone. "Someone's a little conceited in their sexual skills," she added covering up her fear with sarcasm.
Seth let out a throaty laugh. "With the sounds you were making I think I should have reason to be."
Rosaline gave him an evil glare even as her face turned red with embarrassment. She was about to reply with a snappy comeback but he beat her to it.
"But even though that's the case that wasn't what I meant. I said it because you are my mate now and…" now it was her turn to interrupt.
"What! MATES? What the hell does that mean?"
Seth smiled down at her. "It means we get to have many more lovemaking sessions together."
"But why? How? Me?"
"Yes you me dear. I didn't believe it at first either, but if the fact that you just reacted the way you did didn't solidify it, your scent did."
"My what?" Rosaline questioned raising an eyebrow.
Her temper was rising and that was making her look even more delectable. Looking at her naked form laid out beneath him made his desire rise again. Rosaline felt Seth grow thick inside her and looked at him in surprise.
"I'm sorry me Sweet but I don't care to explain that to you at this moment either." He lowered his mouth and kissed her passionately.
When he broke the kiss to look into her eyes she replied huskily "Fine but after this you'd better." They both smiled and returned to their lovemaking.
After a few more sessions of not getting a complete answer, Rosaline decided to let it go. She didn't care how their relationship came to be. She was just thankful it had. Maybe it was high time she embraced the weirdness that came into her life.