Once Upon a Wicked Night

The world has been covered, yet again, in a dark blue cover. Small sparkles sprinkled over the sky trying to bring light to the cold night. The city lights easily outnumbered them, but none could measure up to the goddess of the heavens. Slivery and bright the moon's rays descended upon the Earth. The girl felt that if she reached out, she could almost touch them. Gazing dreamingly from her balcony, the girl listened to the moon's gentle whispering. She knew it was meant for her from the one she admired.

The goddess, with an elegance few possessed, watched over the world at night. She had guided the girl many times and was the heroine of many stories the girl had heard. Never could something as trivial as the sun obtain such a grace as that of the goddess. Tonight, she seemed more mysterious than ever and the girl felt she was looking right at her. As the wind brushed against her ear, she closed her eyes and heard it.

She may have imagined it, but even if she had, she didn't mind. She believed and that had kept her going every time.

Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.

She had decided the minute she had heard about it. She would go. There was no more doubt left in her. There hadn't even been doubt; it was only a figure of speech. She refused to put up with all of those useless people staring right at her face, taking in only who she appeared to be. No! The night was to be enjoyed. She would delight herself in the pleasures it would bring her as much as she wanted to. No one could stop her. After all, the night was hers.

She would attend their ball. If she had to dress up, she would do it for a reason that she found worthwhile. The desire to go there had been with her ever since she heard about it. The more dangerous and forbidden things were, the more they appealed to her; this ball met both requirements.

There wouldn't be that much to worry about either. No one knew her and even if, by some ghost of un-luck, they did, well that was the whole point of the costume. It was the perk of the Halloween Night. She could be whoever, whatever she wanted to be and no one could question it.

More gently than a cat, her friend entered the room. Still gazing at the distant stars, resting her head on her hands, she knew who it was. She didn't need to turn or ask, because she was one of the best.

"Casey," she said in calm, almost bored but teasing voice. "The ballroom is two floors down. I think you missed it, by a lot."

She didn't have that many people close to her, but the few that were, meant more than a whole country of others. Loyalty was something she held above all, sharing the good and the bad. That was why she wanted to enjoy this night with them as well.

"I'll come with you." Casey's voice was soft, but determined.

Her lips curled into a light, sly smile. She had known her friend would give in. After all, as much as she tried to hide it, Casey enjoyed their escapades. Yet, she needed to be sure. She didn't want to pressure her. Everyone had their right to an opinion and she didn't want Casey to feel uncomfortable; but her skin itched in anticipation at the thought of the excitement waiting ahead.

"You don't have come." She stood and turned to face her best girlfriend. "I shouldn't have overreacted earlier. It was selfish of me. You-"

"I want to come and so does Tyson." Casey's lips spread into a wide smile, an almost shy smirk. "We can't let you have all fun, can we now? Besides, you're bound to try something stupid and reckless. Someone has to be there, to look out for you and make sure you get out. I think that describes our job perfectly, don't you?"

Suddenly, the door opened and closed before any of them could blink. A dark blue haired boy turned to the two girls wearing a relieved expression. His crystal blue eyes matched the hair, giving him a devious allure. He grinned wholeheartedly.

"Phew!" he relaxed his shoulders. "Your guard almost got me! You shouldn't have told him face on you didn't want to come!" he whined.

He was Tyson. Her other best friend; the one he had just referred to was her father. Earlier she had refused to attend the ball he was giving in honor of her twenty-first birthday. Yes, she was born on Halloween. It was her night, one she would enjoy to its fullest.

"That's only because you walk and breathe loudly. A dragon's snore is quieter than you!" she retorted, rolling her eyes. (Not that she'd actually ever met a dragon – just a figure of speech)

"Aw! You're being mean again, Jade!" he fake-pouted.

Ever since he had met her, he found that expressing what he felt was very simple. Nothing held him anymore, knowing that she would always back him up and that he himself could beat anyone who tried to stop him.

She had had that effect on both of them. She gave them the courage to be themselves. Since she was so reckless and independent, they couldn't help but want to be right there beside her; in all her outrageous ideas.

Always unique, outspoken and stubborn, she, Jazmyn, Jade or Jazz was their best friend and they were proud to say it. Not only because she was best held at one's side rather than labeled as the enemy, but because she didn't judge the way others did.

"Jade," Casey broke the tension. "Why aren't you dressed? Don't we have to leave soon?"

"No particular reason." Jade shrugged. "I'll go change now."

Swinging her hips, an elegant habit of hers, she walked over to the dresser, where her dress was hanging from.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm a pirate," sang Tyson. More out of curtsey, Jade turned to take another look at him. The costumed fit him. Though until now, she never pictured him as a thief of the oceans. But he wouldn't be so bad after all.

He had it all: the hat, the boots, the shirt, the belt, the pants and even a sword. Secretly, she hoped it was real.

She nodded, smiling wickedly and raising her eyebrows. "Are you a Jack Sparrow wannabe?" she teased him.

He frowned and folded his arms over his chest. "Well, what are you going as, that is so much greater than me?"

Her smile widened. "An angel," she answered simply.

"But that's so plain!" he protested. "Don't you have anything better? Where was your imagination when you chose it?!"

It earned him a glare, which shut him up, although she meant it rather playfully.

"No, it's not. I don't see anything wrong with it. And my imagination was where it has always been." She waved her hand dismissively. "Now, do step outside, so I can change into it."

When he didn't exit, she awarded him another glare which didn't allow objections. Grumbling, Tyson stepped out into the hallway, taking care in closing the door behind him. Casey giggled, knowing that Jade wasn't normally bossy, but she could be scary when she wanted or needed to be.

In Tyson's case, he was just easy to tease.

"So, what are you supposed to be?" asked Jade from behind the changing panel. Sure, she had seen the dress, she just wanted to make certain.

"An 18th century maiden. This is what they wore in France during that time." She explained.

Emerging from behind the panel, Jade studied her friend closer. Casey was wearing a light purple and white dress, with laces and frills and bows. It seemed to fit her personality and her eyes at the same time.

Casey smiled at Jade's costume: black dress, black mask, black heels and small black fake wings. It matched with her pale complexion. Her long black hair had been let loose, the silver and green highlight, shining in the moonlight. Jade got an approving nod.

As cliché as it was, it fitted her. She supposed she was a bit cliché as well. Not that she would admit it to anyone. However, sometimes (only very rarely), cliché isn't that bad.

With only an understanding glint of the eye, they exited the room. The both of them grabbed Tyson, without giving him the chance to protest and they crept along the dark hallways and left the house through the back door and then out to the backyard.

They approached the mansion casually, losing themselves in the crowd. However, Jade saw the two giants posted at the gates, who made sure that no one, without the invitation, passed.

Beautifully lit and decorated, the mansion attracted lots of kids and by-passers. There were pumpkins along the pathway, each sculpted differently and holding a candle inside. Also, there were orange and purple garlands hanging from tree to tree. The house itself was white, but there were colored searchlights playing on it.

The two guards were also giving candy to the children that came asking for it, while checking the persons that wanted to come in. Though, no one older than ten approached the house, after seeing those standing before it.

"Wow! This place is huge!" Tyson stared at it. "I have to admit that they've got style. Just look at all these pumpkins and the lights and the spider web and-"

"There is no need for you to enlist all of that out loud. We can see it just fine. And I think the spider web is real." Jade clapped her hand over his mouth a little too forcefully.

"Ow!" he pouted from underneath it.

She pulled it away and cleaned on his jacket, as he faked death.

"Jade, what are we supposed to do about those guys?" Casey pointed unsurely at the guards.

"What would you like to do about them?" she raised her eyebrows.

"Well, then from where do you plan on going in?" Tyson chipped in. "We can't jump over from here, we have to go around-"

"I don't think we understand each other. We will not be sneaking in. We will use the front gate, just like all the other guests." Casey and Tyson looked skeptical, so Jade sighed, rolled her eyes and produced three purplish-orange, shiny, rectangular pieces of paper. "See these? They are called invitations. People use them to-"

"We know what they are used for. I'm not even going to ask how you managed to get them, because this is you we are talking about. I don't even know why I doubted you. I think I was expecting you to pull something like this." Tyson said and they all laughed some more.

"Don't worry so much. It's not like I killed someone for these or anything. You're exaggerating. I never did anything bad-"

"Just illegal, unorthodox, shameless and some other 47 dangerous words." Tyson interrupted her and it was Jade's turn to pout.

"That's going out of line a bit. You make me sound like an ordinary thief."

"Stop it you two," came Casey's voice, with more determination than usual. "If you keep this up any longer we're going to miss the party."

"Since when have you been a party girl?" Jade raised her eyebrows.

"Since you dragged me all the way to here, on foot, in these shoes only to stay in front of the gate and quarrel with him." She pointed at Tyson.

"Hey! I've got a name, you know!" he whined.

"You're right! Let's go, loser. We'll leave you here if you don't hurry up," she yelled as Casey and she made their way to the gate.

"You're both horrible!"

She showed the guards their invitations and the guards made small bows, allowing them to enter. The walk to the main entrance of the house was rather short and they reached the door in no time. There, they were greeted by a butler, who offered them a glass of champagne.

First, they stepped into a hallway, richly decorated for Halloween and then they walked into the ballroom. All of them had to admit its grandeur and style. Descending the stairway, they positioned themselves near one of the pillars.

"Amazing!" wowed Tyson in an almost inaudible voice.

"Close your mouth. If you keep drooling I'll pretend I don't know you," Jade informed him. "Our ballroom is much bigger than this and better decorated as well. Besides you saw all those people putting up our garlands and ornaments."

"Well, that is true, but this is different. I don't think I have ever been to such a place."

"In that case you should get out more," Jade retorted. Casey had to bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. It might attract unwanted attention, since no one could hear her friends. If anyone in the room tried to pay attention to them, they'd only see their lips moving very fast.

However, the arguing stopped when Jade diverted her eyes elsewhere. She had spotted the reason she had come to this in the first place. This 'Halloween Party' was but a cover up for the real reason for the ball. In fact, it was in the honor of the new Head Hunter.

She had been very curious about the person who was to take over. She had wanted to see for herself what kind of a person he was. She wanted to meet him and that was her plan.

He was standing in a corner, surrounded by gentlemen, most of which weren't wearing a costume, only elegant suits and a mask, though less decorated Jade's costume. He was talking animatedly with them, obviously joking since they were laughing.

Wearing a knight's armor, he had a sword attached to his belt, but no helmet. His straight light brown hair reached his chin, falling into his brown eyes in a very cute manner. He had a kind smile, but she could see the determination engraved on his features.

It made her only more curious, but she knew that she would know by the end of the night, because she always did.

"Jade!" she snapped out of her trance as Tyson hissed her name, waving his hand in front of her eyes. She raised an eyebrow and he shook his head, turning to where she had been staring. He smirked and seized the opportunity to tease his friend. "Aw! Was it love at first sight? Is our little Jade growing up?"

She glared at him. "I'll tell you because I pity you." They both stuck their tongues out. "He is the new Head Hunter. He is the reason I came here in the first place. I wanted to check out the competition."

"I would consider him the enemy." He muttered, and then signed in defeat. "Alas, I should have foreseen this being more than an escapade. You wouldn't wear a dress, heels and make-up for anything less than this."

They all sensed the man approach them and changed their conversation before he could even realize they had been talking and not just studying the crowd.

"Good evening, my lady." He made a small bow in Jade's direction. She didn't bother extending her hand since she absolutely hated to have it kissed. The young man – not older than twenty-seven – wore black jeans, a black shirt and cloak and fake fangs. He was pathetically trying to imitate a vampire. Jade couldn't hold back a small smirk.

"Good evening, sir." She responded, matching his formal tone, but made no bow.

He lifted himself at his full height and extended his hand. "May I have a dance?"

"That would be a fantastic idea." She smiled and pushed Casey forward.

Blushing, Casey put her hand in his, but he hesitated for a moment, still looking at Jade.

"Charm, him" she whispered to her friend. "I need a diversion."

The man didn't even notice her lips move, but the second Casey locked eyes with him, there was no going back. Tyson pitied him, for he had no idea who he had chose to mess with. He turned to Jade, as Casey and the man made their way to the dance floor.

"So, what do I have to do?" he knew she would do what she wanted to. Thus, he might as well help her while he could.

"Go to the orchestra and make sure they put on a waltz."

"What's the plan?" he asked.

"When she starts the dance, they will glide with a grace out of this world. Moreover, if they waltz, he will not be the only one charmed. You have to make sure no one makes any other loud noises. During this time, I'll go and get him to follow me. There are way too many people around to go and talk with him now. I can't afford being noticed by so many. No one will remember what had happened with them after the spell breaks."

"You do realize I can't stop the clock to beat midnight, right?" he said, because the noise would surely get the guest out of their trance.

"Yeah, that'll be my queue to leave as well. We will meet where we agreed, okay?"

He nodded. Jade had got hold of the plans of the mansion and they found the ideal meeting point in the case of their separation.

Tyson and Jade parted ways, him reaching the orchestra right before Casey and the man took their dance stances.

Jade positioned herself nearest of Raven – the one who she had come to see. He, just like everyone else, had been startled by the sudden stop of the music.

As the conductor tapped his wand and started the waltz, no one could help but turn their eyes to Casey and her partner. Some even moved closer, to get a better view; those surrounding Raven were no exception.

She seized the opportunity to lock her eyes with his, making sure he wasn't caught as the rest of them. Her mischievous dark green eyes pierced his light brown one's making them widen in surprise, before she went out of his visual range.

Again, she appeared to him, drawing him away from the dance floor. She then went out onto the balcony leading into the garden.

He didn't know what made him do it. He couldn't understand himself anymore. Something inside pushed him away from the crowded dance floor and after the girl. Never before, he had wanted to know anything as much as he wanted to know her. Long ago, he convinced himself that he didn't need a partner. He refused to endanger another soul. There had been many, who were more than fitting for what he did, but none ever truly caught his attention or managed to make him change his mind.

Curiosity was pulsing throughout his veins. He needed to catch her, even if for one moment. He needed to see who she was. Did he know her? Was she new? Why did she have this effect on him? Had he imagined those dark green eyes that held so much mystery? How could he have?

Then, there she was again, just outside. The moonlight fell over her, giving her an eerie glow. Her eyes met his once more and he couldn't look away. If she hadn't broken the contact he wouldn't have been able to move. With one last smile, she turned and jumped over the edge of the balcony leading to the garden.

Shocked, he ran to edge, only to realize the distance wasn't that big. How foolish of him. It was his house, how could he forget that even he liked to jump over this particular edge as well. He trailed the stone path with his gaze and saw a glimpse of her black dress, before she disappeared behind the green walls of the maze.

He hurried after her, any sense of ration having been lost on the way.

The maze had been designed along with the mansion and it was meant to stop intruders from escaping by using the back of the house. There was only one set of blueprints – the originals – and no one but the main family could look at them.

He briefly questioned her choice to go in there. One could so easily get lost in it. Why would she take that way? There were many other places of the garden, which were more fitted and better known by all those who had been in the house.

Anyone could have said that something was going on. They would have seen the danger in following a stranger, but he was no longer thinking. A hungry curiosity had taken over that would not let him do anything but go after her.

Who was she?

He needed to know.

Thus, he chased after her, catching only occasional glimpses of her dress or masked face. He didn't pay any attention to where he was headed. It didn't occur to him that she may be going somewhere. To him it looked like a game of tag and the prize was to see her face.

Suddenly, he made a turn and came into the center of the maze, which was a round space, with a fountain in the middle. Within the walls of the circle, there were episodic cuts – most likely routes of the maze.

The fountain was large and filled with pure-white lilies – the symbol of his House. Legend says that the one who created the maze, sort of an ancestor of his, carved it. In it, standing at the center was the statue of an angel. It too had long hair, a simple dress, but bigger wings than the girl he had been chasing.

Carefully, he turned around trying to see which way she had gone, but found no sign of her. Sighing, he sat down on the edge of the fountain. He found it hard to admit that he lost her trail. How could he consider himself the best hunter, when he couldn't keep up with a girl in his own back yard?

Angered and disappointed at his self, he reached out and gently brushed his fingers on the petals of the nearest flower. He was getting ready to pull it out when a smaller hand stopped him.

Amazed that someone had sneaked up on him like that, he trailed his eyes upwards onto an arm, naked shoulder and then a masked face. His heart jumped. It was her! The one he had been chasing all this time. She was right next to him. So close. Her hand was touching his. It was so soft, so small and delicate, he felt afraid that it might break.

She smiled. "You shouldn't pull it out of the water. It will die. If you let it there it will be much happier."

Her voice was so entrancing. He could do nothing. All that he wanted to ask her was forgotten. Time had no more meaning for either of them. It was only the other that mattered; each sitting in front of a mystery that needed to be uncovered.

His ration was screaming danger, without him realizing why. Her ration was screaming danger, and although she knew full well how this could be the end of her, she didn't leave.

He was the one to break the silence. "I am Raven-" but stopped as she pressed her finger to his lips.

"I know who you are. But I'd rather not hear you say your full name. For now, please be just Raven. I find you much more intriguing." It was true. She had come to see the new Head Hunter, but she found she wanted to know who he truly was. Unlike his father, he seemed more serious and caring for his underlings. He didn't let himself be controlled by his human desires.

He removed her hand, not letting go of it. "As you wish. But please tell me who you are, because I have no idea. If you know me, have we met? I don't know how I could have forgotten you." He voiced his deepest desire. The reason he had come all this way. To solve the mystery that seemed to surround her even as she was sitting next to him.

She laughed lightly. "No, we haven't met. I just know." She paused. "As for me, I believe I am a fallen angel." She grinned.

It took him a few moments to realize she was talking about her costume. However, he wouldn't disagree. He could have even mistaken her for a true angel, regardless of her black dress and hair. The moon gave her a glow out of this world.

"What is your name? What I am supposed to call you?" he pleaded with her, hoping that he might gain a small clue about her identity.

"If you insist, you can call me Jade."

He frowned lightly and smiled quizzically. "Like the jewel?"

"I'd rather you not make that association. It makes me sound like the chihuahua of a spoiled brat."

This lightened the mood immediately, both of them bursting into laughter. All the tension was gone. How could she make him feel so comfortable? He never felt like this near girls. It might have been because they were making shameless advances, but also because none of them refused to be thought of as a jewel. She was definitely a mystery. No matter how much he looked at her, he could not seem to figure it out.

"I can't tell you my full name. It's not midnight yet. You can't go against the rules." She explained, answering the question lingering on his lips. "Don't you know how costume parties go?"

How did she know?

"Then I just have to keep you near until midnight." He grinned at her and held her hand tighter, without hurting her. "I won't let go."

"I never said I won't stay," she replied and he felt his heart speed up. What was this? What was she doing to him? How could he feel like this in such a short amount of time?

Ironically, he was the one to break the silence. He had never found it so hard to control anything about his self. How could this one girl make him lose it? What was so special about her? He wanted to know it all. And he didn't even consider that 'Curiosity killed the cat.'

"Why did you come here, tonight?"

"I wanted to see the new Head Hunter. I had heard he was quite amazing for his age. However, you distracted me from that."

Weirdly, he liked not being spoken to only for his position. He understood what she wanted to say. He was happy that she could see more in him than his name. If he thought better, he didn't need to know her name. She was here with him and that was all he wanted.

The one thing he still needed, though, was to see her face. He wished to be able to take her mask off. Slowly he reached to caress her cheek. She tensed at first, but then gave into his touch, closing her eyes. However, when he touched the mask, she stopped him.

"What are you doing?" she pulled away.

NO! Don't go! His inner self screamed.

He didn't mean it. He didn't want her to go. She had to stay with him. She couldn't leave. She just couldn't.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Please don't go!" his voice came out a bit desperate. He needed her to stay. He could wait for her to take the mask off on her own.

However, when she got up he felt his spirits lowering.

Unwilling to let her leave so easily, he jumped up and caught her by the waist, making her look into his eyes once more. He held her close, not wanted to let her go. They fitted perfectly and subconsciously, he knew not even she could deny it.

"Stay with me," he whispered as he leaned towards her. She didn't pull away, but raised herself more, because even on heels she was shorter than him. The kiss was gentle at first, him securing his hands around her waist bringing her closer, her wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him to her.

It was so deeply wonderful that neither of them could deny the chemistry.

Gaining confidence from her response, he ran his tongue on her bottom lip. She opened up and their tongues began a game of domination. They fully explored each other and were reluctant to let go. He was to one to back first and she realized it was because he needed to breathe. She then pretended to inhale herself, so he wouldn't get suspicious.

No one could say how long they stood there gazing into each other's eyes. Though hesitant, he reached to her mask and when she didn't move to stop him, his heart rate speeded-up. Unfortunately, their time together ended all too soon, for the alarm went off. Both of them knew what it meant and they tensed instantly, for opposite reasons.

He knew that he had to go; after all, he was the new Head. However, he didn't want to let go of her, feeling she might vanish if he did so. She had just responded to him and he was so close to seeing who she was.

She knew they must have found Tyson and Casey, though that didn't worry her. They had been in more dangerous situations than this. However, she knew that when she left, the magic spell would break. The next time they would meet, he was likely to have realized who she was. She couldn't be sure that there will be the same closeness. She didn't know why she enjoyed it, but she did and she craved it.

Due to her knowledge of sealing away her emotions, she found it easier to lie to him, making him leave.

"You should go. As the new Head, it is one of your responsibilities."

"You're coming with me."

"Don't be silly. I can't fight."

"You can't stay here either! What if they come this way? I will not put you in danger, besides I already said I won't let go."

She smiled and nodded, knowing she would have no trouble slipping away. It was selfish, but she couldn't help but want to spend more time near him. She enjoyed his protective side.

Holding his hand tight, she followed him until near the exit. There she could see that all lights had been turned on and she could hear the men shouting at each other. Without him noticing, she slipped out of his grasp.

When he realized he was no longer holding her, it was too late. She had already gone deep inside the maze, moving fast and soundless even in heels.

He would have gone after her in his madness, had Bryant – his best friend – not spotted him.

"Raven! Where have you been?"

"In the maze." He replied calmly.

"They sneaked in. That girl who danced with me got us in an illusion. Frank dropped his glass and the noise broke through." He breathed. "There was another one with her too. They're trying to figure out how they got the invitations but we couldn't catch them. Didn't you see anyone?"

"Why would they come through the maze?"

"I don't know, but I think there might have been another girl. One dressed as a black angel. I remember asking her to the dance but she pushed forward her friend. The next thing I know I am on the dance floor and everyone is crowded around me."

A mixture of emotions took over him, making it impossible to make out what he truly felt. Was it anger, because she lied or because he couldn't catch her? Was it disappointment because he hadn't seen her or because they had broken through their defenses?

Yet he couldn't help but wonder what she wanted from him. Was she truly one of them or maybe she had been blackmailed into this affair? Would she have killed him or did she just want to know him? Had she had a change of heart?

Then he swore he would catch her and make her tell him everything. He would get to the bottom of it.

"Raven, did you see anything?"

On his own.

"No. There was no one in the maze but me."

Bryant nodded. "Then we should go. The others were worried for you."

"Let's go."

Raven made his way to the house and patrolled all night. He searched everywhere but he could find no traces of the girl.

They stopped the search in the morning and he retired without many explanations. As he lay in his bed, he cursed himself for deciding to have such a useless party in the first place. He cursed himself for allowing such a thing to happen. Between the annoyance and frustration, he couldn't deny the lingering sweetness of her kiss on his lips.

He had to figure out his feelings unless he wanted to lose control; the thought of her was no help at all.

That same night, Jade went directly to her room, but all her thoughts went to him, stopping her from getting any rest.

She wondered if he told them about what happened. She wondered if he wanted nothing more than to kill her.

Idly, she reached up and touched her lips. His kiss was lingering on them. She liked that feeling, but she knew that it would not happen again.

She had never thought of herself as sane but this went over the line. What had got into her? It was more than just the promise of danger and the forbidden sign that attracted her to him and she didn't like it.

She wondered if they would meet again and what would happen if they did. As she gazed up at the moon she smiled at the faint whisper of the night's goddess: "There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable." And she couldn't agree more.