My new vampire story. Hope you like it please enjoy. Reviews are welcome (good or bad)
"Damn him, I can't believe he would pull a stunt like this again" you whispered to yourself.
Rolling your eyes, you walked away from your black and red, Dunni 2000; your violet, waist length hair blew slightly in the late autumn breeze.
"Hey gorgeous" a deep voice with a minor English accent said.
"Your late you jerk" you retorted without even turning around, you knew that voice anywhere, it reminded you of velvet.
"I had business to attend to, and I am not late" he said grabbing you around the waist so you would face him, but you still wouldn't look at him.
"Would you like me to leave then?" he asked with a slight hint of a smile on his face, he wanted you to say you wanted him there.
"Go ahead, I dare you" you said, the threat clear in your voice.
"Alright, you win, I'm sorry that I am late and I want to stay to hear you sing..." his words trailed off as he began to kiss the most sensitive spot on your neck, letting one of his elongated canines graze your creamy skin.
You gasped at the feeling and pushed him away. You both knew one of these days you would let him bite you.
"Let's go Steven" you said to get passed that moment.
"Love, when will you let me taste you?" he asked quietly, a seductive smirk playing on his face, still not letting go of your waist.
"Don't do this Steven, please don't do this" you said not looking in his eyes.
You let your eyes travel slowly up his chest, lightly draped with the black silk shirt you bought him. Before you had a chance to catch his eyes, he kissed you lightly and visions of his father came rushing to you, causing you to push him away. He fully knew what just happened, and so he let your waist go and grabbed your hand leading you into the club.
Your band, Fearless, was playing at the crescent lounge tonight and he had to be there to hear you sing. You played several instruments in the band, including piano, violin, electric and acoustic guitar, and drums. You also played the harp but there was a very long annoying story behind that.
You walked in, and saw your one and only true friend. "Hey Nic" you said cheerily breaking away from Steven who simply walked into a seat in the back of the club.
"Hey Jule, you're late" she joked. You both walked towards the very front of the club to go backstage to meet the boys and get ready for your performance.
You walked behind Nicole wondering why she saw so little in herself. She had shoulder length black hair, that she had up today in a style that put her hair in spiked pigtails that left most of her hair on her head, but left enough of her hair down to frame her pretty face and wide eyes. Today she wore a black halter showing her midriff, and a short black jeans skirt with a studded belt.
Finally you reached the guys and were greeted with a long sharp whistle followed by "lookin' good ladies." Chester the bass guitarist said causing Nicole to blush.
You picked up your drum sticks and put them in your hair, leaving a few strands loose.
"I don't want to sing"
"But your voice is amazing, why hide talent like that?"
"I'm not hiding my talent you idiot, I just don't feel like expressing it"
"Soooo much better!"
"Shut up Jimmie, you're dismissed" with that you walked away. You hated when people pushed you to do things before you were ready. That was the good thing about dating Steven.
"Time to go out there guyz," Geno the owner of the club said as everyone grabbed their instrument. Chester grabbed his bass guitar, you grabbed your black and red electric, Nicole stood behind the keyboard, Jimmie grabbed his gut guitar, and his twin brother Toni sat behind the shining drum set.
The stage went lit and you intro-ed the band.
"Paper flowers
Paper flowers
I linger in the door way, of alarm clock screaming monsters calling my name"
(I borrow this song from evanescence, it goes with the story)
You sang for about half an hour singing one song after the other, but playing your guitar along with it. Then Jimmie sang a few more songs as you went from guitar to drums, switching with Toni.
The show ended and Steven was nowhere to be found. You were furious but decided to forget about it and walk home with Nicole. You walked her all the way to her house and began down the unknown road to your own home.
At home you could swear you sensed the eerie sensation of someone watching you. You decided to ignore it, maybe the attention after tonight's show was just messing with you. The aura of your stalker wasn't malicious or dangerous so you continued to walk to your room.
Once in your room you closed the door and soaked in the mood it gave you. The walls where painted your two favorite colors, black and dark purple. You sat on your queen sized bed and removed your long black leather boots.
You then loosened your black and red corset top. Today your mood was red. -Excitement and trouble.- You always wore black, not to seem dark or strange but because you love the color, the mystery hidden in the darkness and the fact that you yourself were a mystery as well.
You walked into the bathroom, and turned the hot water on of your in floor tub. You filled it with oils and cherry scented liquids causing bubbles to rise quickly.
When the water had filled two-thirds of the tub you turned off the hot water and let the cold slowly drip. You lit several scented candles, also cherry, and removed your clothes to get into the tub.
"That jerk didn't even hear me sing" you said to yourself. "I wonder where he is."
Letting out a long breathy sigh, you relaxed your body, thinking of the days to come. You were 16 years old with college graduate IQ. You just began winter break from school and wondered where you and Nicole would be heading.
You got out of the tub about a half an hour later and went to bed.
The next day you awoke seeing a sign you wished you hadn't, a silver rose... The sign of the monster. You ignored it trying to think of a way out. You took a shower, letting your waist length hair fall on your body thinking what that rose could mean. Was it time already? Had so much time passed? Would November 21 be the last birthday you enjoyed? You left the bathroom after ringing your hair of much of the water. It was almost dry.
You got dressed in a purple T-shirt today, feeling slightly uneasy and nervous. Today was the last day of classes before break, which you taught. You were a self defense instructor and damn good at your job, too. You walked out of your house and up to Nicole's.
"Get out here slow poke" you said walking into her front door. She walked down the stairs and smiled at you. "Okay, yes ma'am" you both laughed and walked out. You went to the community center where you taught your class. She sat in a chair and watched for two hours as you reviewed the jujitsu motions you had been teaching.
By twelve noon you were done and followed Nicole to your favorite store, "Hot Topic", to find some nice clothes and maybe a few more corsets, you loved those things! At two you were done shopping and went to Chester's house across town to practice for the next performance.
The days got dark really early so at six, practice ended and you and Nicole left to take the long bus ride back home. You reached your stop at half passed eight and were upset that you were out so long, just on the bus. You began walking with Nicole to her house, insisting that you could handle yourself alone and her safety was more compromised since she couldn't fight.
The two of you began the journey to her house when you heard the "oh so familiar" voice you prayed you would never hear again "long time no see pet, I've missed you, and you even have a little friend."
Without even looking back you grabbed Nicole's arm and ran to a newly renovated home complex you had noticed the day before. You threw Nicole into the front door sealing her in and that evil out with the powers you had. You knew it worked, when the door glowed lavender and shimmered. Hearing her pound on the door calling your name, you ignored her, turning to face the man who spoke to you earlier. Was this why Steven left? Because of him? You wondered. He stopped walking when he was just inches from you and said "come my pet" you knowing better then to piss him off followed him to your fate.