The waves surged against the side of the ship like the breaking tide crashing upon the cliffs. He stood at the wheel, his curly hair as black as ink whipping in the salty spray. His dark eyes lined with kohl held a hidden intelligence. The sharp planes of his face showed the weathered days of his past. A piece of silver glinted in his left. The sun beat down on them as if a desert lay before them, his skin smooth, tan, scarred, a man who had, had many dances with death. He wore black breeches, a white tunic left open to show chorded muscles, and worn leather boots, giving him and air of regal nobility. Hidden under his shirtsleeves, a tattoo twisted around his wrist like a snake coiling around its prey. He held many names; he was like a ghost on the seas. Devyn was his birth given name. He was as harsh and unyielding as the sea herself. As the ship rocked back and forth, he stood with his hands clenched behind his back, and his balance was impeccable. He stood as if he blended into the deck of the ship. His voice was coarse like the sand on the beach. He shouted out commands, "Out and about men!" His voice reverberated through the very woodwork of the ship like the sound of a cannon shaking the walls of a prison. His sarcasm and wit was sharp and to a point like the double edged sword that hung at his belt. The thundering of feet like a spring storm, echoed throughout the ship. The meshing of rank, unwashed bodies left the smell of decaying, rotting flesh wafting around the ship. "Land a'hoy capin'," a skinny, boney man with yellowing teeth shouted as he propelled down the ratline. A hint of a smile flitted across Devyn's face, "seems we're here early lads." An eruption of nose like the clapping of thunder twisted through the air. The massive ship headed towards port. Pulling up at the dock, the men easily tossed the mooring lines down to the dockhands that expertly tied them up. Nimbly each deckhand leaped down form the port side, landing easily on the deck and took off towards the taverns. Devyn held his calm air and leaped down from the side, stood straight, and swaggered into town. Everyone shrank away from the most notorious pirate on the seven seas. Devyn Jones.