YAY! I'm so glad you guys liked it! Especially Amm, Cheese and Paige (I am waiting for that long comment you promised Drea! XP Looking forward to it lol) But those three who have reviewed so far (I'm not counting anyone out but these were the only last chap reviewers when I wrote this) It seems you are all screaming for a sequel, ne? lol And it seems I even got Paige to cry XD That means I have achieved my goal. Yes I strive to make you laugh and cry and worry and love the charries and I have achieved that so happiness ( does a happy dance)
Now don't you all worry I had already planned a sequel, but I can't guarantee when it will get written I need to edit this one first, I am adding to it and all that fun stuff. I also need to get back to a Chinese story I was working on before I took a long mourning break from the other one which is a sequel as well. As soon as I finish that I swear I'll get to work on this sequel, I haven't decided which (cause there are a few more books I plan for it that involve the other charries) one I want to do first, but John and Kate will still be good fixtures in those books, but I am planning at story with Paul as a main char since he seemed so popular and truthfully I grew to love him much myself. Lol
So while waiting for said sequel, feel free to go read my other works, I could use more reviews for the first Chinese story Mangmu Ai, as it is good and finished and it was my fault for uploading it all at once (slaps forehead with palm).
So off I get to editing and working on the Mangmu Ai seqaul…I need to go back and fix stuff starting on chap ten…I let her get way too depressed…I won't tell you why :o lol
Thank you all again for your support. Paige (hug) , you are my friend and have constantly encouraged me. Amm thank you so much for sticking around even when you first thought ill of Kate, but you weren't rude about it like a few people had been and I greatly appreciate your honesty and kindness and I am so happy you loved the story (hugs). Cheese, you have always been an exciting and fun reviewer that always gave words of praise and encouragement and you always got what I was trying to do (massive hug) you are my new friend, I luv ya, lol You also had a tendency for long reviews that, I must admit, are still very fun to read.
I do read the reviews several times when I need encouragement and don't lose sight of why I write. I'm glad you all love the characters as much as I do and your enthusiasm (even for the not so present characters like James and Paul) makes me continue to right with much vigor XD I don't want to make empty characters, so I'm glad, those two especially, came out so liked….even though James was a cold and evil bastard…I liked him too lol
Drea (hug for you too) You, like you said don't review much, but that's okay, you are a fun reviewer too and I am thrilled you love the characters and the story and your last review made me laugh….my husband is pretty evil lol when it comes to this story……so glad I didn't take the advice of ending it on chap 20…..i'm not that mean XP
Irene (hug) you don't really review, but you had PM'd me a review some time ago, of which I am most honored to have received and I hope you too enjoyed the ending.
Vampire 0175, your reviews are short and sweet, but I thank you most generously for them, I hoped you liked the end
And for all those I managed to catch and perhaps left a post when they caught up to where I was at the time thank you all, even the non-reviewers who still enjoyed the read, thank you for your time. (bow)
Thank you everyone!
Keep an eye out for me. I will be editing and reloading this story some time in the future, I have already reloaded up to chapter 5 I think and I will be writing a sequel, sometime in the future after I finish a different sequel….and perhaps if I don't stress myself, I may be able to do both lol, since I had such fun doing Brothers of Thunder….
If you want to understand the title…it isn't really necessary, but for those who are curious…it was inspired by a story my husband told me about. I never really went to church…I'm not uber religious, but I do believe. The title refers to two of Jesus' disciples John and James….brothers who were quite opinionated and wanted to be closer to their lord Christ (if I'm getting anything wrong…forgive me, I only got the short version of this from my husband) But anyway Jesus referred to the both of them as 'Sons of thunder' or 'Brother's of Thunder' and I thought that that was the best title in the world so ran with it. Lol
As you can tell the story is hardly religious, but there are small things here and there such as other assassin's names….some of which are disciple names, which is kind of twisted just like the whole logic of the 'Agency'. There was Mark….the guy found dead in Kate's apartment, and Paul of course and Tom (short for Thomas) and all that. It isn't really based on any of that, but for those people who enjoy symbolism I have plenty of it in there as little surprises (I love going back and reading books to find little symbols like that now and again…but I'm strange XP) So don't read into anything religious it was just a reference since their names are John and James like those two 'brothers' or 'sons' of thunder. It's just an extra treat if you enjoy that kind of thing, but I made it so you could understand without knowing the symbols.
If you're curious about anymore of those symbols check out sites on 'the language of flowers' when you go to the site you'll understand and anyone who likes flowers or read manga will probably understand what I'm saying, but check out the meaning of white Lilies which are Kate's favorite and what else it meant when John presented them to her. Also, again only if you are interested (it isn't mandatory for you to know), check out color meanings keeping in mind the colors that both Kate and John wear, the color of their cats, even their bed sheets and James' black suit with the red vest and see the underlying meanings of it….for fun, of course (heh)
Well that's all, again keep an eye open for the sequel and go ahead and read, if ya like, my Chinese story. Thank you all again so very much for your support!
If you feel the need to contact me I am on AIM mostly: SeijuroKasumi1 -that is a one at the end….kind of hard to tell in bold type
I am also on yahoo on occasion: kasumiseijuro (there is an underscore between kasumi and Seijuro….it doesn't show up on here for some odd reason
And if you are lucky I might even hop back on msn: kasumi (underscore)seijuro (at) yahoo (dot) com wow….that was annoying having to write it out like that