My readers this is just a new invention of my mind, that I got from watching a movie last night, read and tell me if I should continue with this potential masterpiece. Love ya Duke
Sweat dripped plastering my red gold curls to my face, my olive eyes held exhaustion. Every muscle ached with the exertion of staying ahead of my opponent. His ebony locks dangled in his midnight blue eyes teasingly. His face was completely clear of any sign of sweat, how he remained in control was beyond me. His smirk was infuriating, "come on Layla what was that?" he mimicked. I scowled my eyes like glittering emeralds, "shut up you bloody ingrate." I growled under my breath.
I straightened tugging on the hem of my white shirt so that it covered my midriff. My red shorts hung loosely over my well-toned thighs, rock back, push out, and snap. My converse shoes scraped against the gravel, as I rocketed the softball into his glove. His eyes widened in shock, "well done Ms. Jennings, I knew you had it in you." My P.E. teacher Mr. Gallows cheered, I grinned like a Cheshire cat. "That was a strike Michael." I sneered at him. He shrugged his broad shoulders, "lucky pitch Jennings." I positioned my hand on my hip and raised an eyebrow.
I rolled my eyes and walked, no trudged over to my best friend Marissa. She sat under the tree behind the dugout her long blonde hair up in a high ponytail and her blue eyes grinning at me. "Great pitching Lay" I nodded and flopped down onto my back beside her. Realization that I hadn't told her what my parents were forcing me to do gnawed at my stomach.
"Layla please come down here." I ran out of my room and slid down the banister. "Yes oh wise mother of mine?" She laughed absentmindedly down at me, "Hun, your father and I have something to tell you." My stomach flip flopped and a bad tasted twisted in my mouth, something was not good. "Hun…we're sending you to boarding school1" she clapped her hands excitedly, I stood there, looking at her. My mouth twisted into a frown, my fists clenched; "oh" I said dejectedly and walked outside. I ran and ran and ran till I couldn't run anymore then I collapsed onto the lush grass of the park about 2 miles down my road. Tears threatened to fall, but I pushed them back there was no need to.
"Layla!" Marissa squawked into my ear, I jumped and looked up at her. "What?!" "You've been zoning out for ten minutes what is it?" I gulped and looked away, I hesitantly began, "um Miss…im moving." A slight pause then, "WHAT!?" I cringed away from her, her eyes were blazing. "No you can't be, we're juniors, where are you going?" I fiddled with my fingers, "West Valley Prep" She choked on her spit, "West Valley……isn't that where all the geniuses go? Even that one…Chris Knight the one who went there when he was 12?" she paused making the calculations in her head, "well that's only 2 hours from here I can come visit you, its still going to be an awkward year without you." I grinned then jumped up, "yeah but guess what…I wont have MICHAEL!!" I jumped up and down at the thought.
"Did I just hear someone scream my name in ecstasy?" I looked disgustedly at him, "I think I just puked in my mouth" and I ran. I ran home because school had ended and I was leaving today.
I sprinted upstairs ignoring my mother and jumped into the shower, after a quick 10 minute shower I pulled on a pair of jeans, and yellow shirt and my vans. I went for comfort not glam, I wasn't going to impress anyone anyways.
Walking with my duffle bag dragging on the ground I slugged down the stairs. Glowering at my shoes, "hun Marissa is here." I looked up and bolted into her arms, "im gonna miss you sooo much miss." "I know I know." She patted my back and pulled back, "just text me if there is any hot guys and ill will be there in no time." I nodded and walked to my mothers minivan, which is less conformist than the bus, so hey why not.
On the way to West Valley I popped in my Ipod and stared quietly out the window wondering what it was going to be like. As we pulled closer to the school I stared gaping up at the winding spire towers and the groups of student milling about, way bigger than my old school.
Stepping out of the car I said goodbye to my Mum and attempted to find the front office in this labyrinth. I walked looking down at a sheet of paper that my mother handed me, I mean really like I'm going to find my way with a piece of PAPER! I sighed in frustration, as I was walking someone slammed into me, I looked up angrily. Then I stopped in shock.
He was tall about 6'0'' with blonde hair styled in the 80's fashion where it's stood up, his eyes were grey and laughing. But that wasn't what caught my attention; it was what he was WEARING!! He had on jeans, and "I heart toxic waste" t-shirt a mismatched suite coat (the sleeves were different colors), and on his head he had antennas, yes that's what I said antennas.
He smiled down at me, "I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself. Hello…im Chris Knight." He stuck out his hand, and I shook it. "Layla James, and um what is that toy on your head?" I asked my eyes glued to the silver bobbing antennas. He shrugged, "because if I wore it anywhere else, it chafes" I laughed at his absurdity, "do you know how to get to the main office?"
"Oh yes, let's just take a step back. No, I was wrong, I'm sorry, take a step forward. Now, take a step back. Step forward. Back. And then we're cha-cha-ing!" He kept pulling me forward and back, I stamped my foot, "Will you stop! I'm serious!" and jerked to a stop, "ok I'm serious too, go straight ahead take a left then a right and voila the office. Ta ta now my darling Lyla" he skipped off, and I did not stop him to correct my name. What a weirdo.
I followed his instructions and sure enough I came to the office. Opening the door my nose was attacked by the smell of popcorn, I HATE popcorn. Wrinkling my nose I walked up to the front desk. "Hello my name is Layla James I'm new here." She clicked through her computer, her brown eyes scanning the screen, "ah yes Miss James, here is your schedual we'll send your roommate down to escort you to your room." I sat in the blue plastic chairs next to the door and waited.
I expected a snotty girl with fake blonde hair and manicured nails and what do I get…Chris Knight the weirdo from earlier. In his hand was a dreaded bag of popcorn and he was munching away. "We meet again my lovely Lyla." He grinned, "its Layla" he nodded his head, "that's what I said Lyla" I shook my head in frustration, "That's popcorn." I pointed to his hands, he nodded, "Yes I know" I wrinkled my nose in disgust, "get it away from me! I hate popcorn! I can't stand popcorn" I plugged my nose.
He dropped the bag into the trash can, "Good. Now I know what to get you for your birthday." I sighed at his weirdness, I followed him down the stairs to out hallway lined with graffiti, smart graffiti, such as EMC2, I had entered the looney bin. Pushing open a door I found myself in a pig sty. Clothes all over, gadgets thrown across a desk, like a bomb exploded. "You didn't touch anything did you?" I shook my head in bewilderment, "NO I just got here." He sprawled out in a cushioned spinney chair, "Good. Because all of my filth is arranged in alphabetical order. This, for instance, is under 'H' for "toy.""
He held up a weird gadget with a spring loaded device, "What is it?" he fidgeted with it, "it's a penis stretcher, do you want to try it.?" I stared wide eyed at him, "NO im not a guy." He shrugged laughing, "I'm just kidding. It's yet another in a long series of diversions in an attempt to avoid responsibility."
He pulled out a weird looking ball thing, kind of like a hamster ball. Setting on his lap, he pulled out a remote control. Fiddling with some buttons it took off spinning crazily around the room. "So what are you here for?" He was watching the ball, "well I think Engl…" "Duck" he shouted out, I dodged down, "English" I finished; he looked at me, "Good reflexes, Duck again!" I dodged down. It flew out the window; he leaned out and screamed, "Oh my god! It's headed for the gas tanks!" He looked at me, "get down!" He pulled me to the ground.
"English huh, that sounds interesting, well I gotta go. See you around. Oh your stuff is in the bottom drawer. Shirts, pants. I didn't know what to do with the sports jacket…so I threw it out." And he was gone in all his weird glory. I shook my head confused, what had I gotten myself into. Plopping on my bed I pulled out my phone.
"I have entered a psych ward" I texted Marissa. "What no hot guys?" I shook my head at my phone…"I met Chris Knight, he's….wierd to say the least. Well I better go ttyl." And I snapped my phone shut.