Just to let y'all know this is based off an 80's movies, come on guys review please.
Pushing my phone into my pocket I grabbed a hoodie and walked out the door to find my professor of science, Mr. Weatherbee. Walking along the campus I got quite a few curious stares from nerdy guys with pocket protectors I mean seriously. I arrived at a building with the word SCIENCE plastered all over the front of it. I think I may have found it. Shaking my head I walked into the classroom to find a short wirey man with a shock of white hair standing on ends.
I cleared my throat, "Mr. Um Weatherbee, you wanted to see me?" he spun around and I swallowed my laughter, his eyes were magnified by the goggles he wore. Sitting in front of him was an experiment. I glanced at it, "what is this?" he looked back down at the pot simmering on a hot plate. "I'm frying marbles you silly girl what does it look like I'm doing?" I looked into the pan and sure enough about eight marbles were getting hot. He shooed me out of the way and grabbed the handle, gesturing for me to grab a bowl full of water he dumped the marbles into the cool water. I watched in fascination as the glass in the marbles shattered making it look like shimmering crystal. I smiled at it.
"there" he snapped the goggles off his face, the impression leaving rings around his eyes. "well miss Jennings, I wanted to speak with you about joining my team which is researching how to build a laser that utilizes a 60 Milliwatt, 532 Nanometer, Diode Pumped Solid State (DPSS) Laser ." I nodded then I shrugged, "sure why not my English classes are going to be a breeze" he shook my hand enthusiastically. As I was walking out a guy walked in. His hair was brown and spiked; his were hidden behind bifocals to big for his face. "Ah Kent, this is Layla, she is going to be heading the research team." Kent stopped dead in his tracks, his beady gaze shifting angrily to me. "But sir you said that I was heading the team." The professor shrugged. "Things change" Kent sneered at me and stomped away. I shrugged; it wasn't too early to make an enemy.
I walked back to my room and collapsed onto my bed, sitting up, I threw my curls up into a haphazard ponytail and laid back staring at the ceiling. A resounding thump sounded outside my door. My ears perked, curious I climbed off the bed and opened the door to reveal Chris sprawled out on the floor…which was covered in a thin sheen of ice. He wore grey leggings, a pair of boxers, a white thermal with a flannel sash and what got me was what he wore on his ears. On his ears were…panda ear muffs. I choked on my laugh, "what are you doing" I asked incredulously. He struggled to his feet propping himself up on a small Asian guy with bright green hair, a back pack slung over his shoulder. "We're skating" he answered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Taking a step to the side, he lost his balance his arms waving wildly. Then he was flat on the floor, face first, I couldn't help but laugh.
Getting back up, Chris began skating around the room again wildly shouting out random phrases. I looked oddly at the guy standing next to me, "you want a cherry? I grow them myself" he pulled a massive cherry out of his backpack and handed it to me. I looked down at it in amazement. WHAT had I gotten myself into? When I looked up the Asian guy was standing there oblivious to my amazement.
I stood there mutely looking around. A crisp sliding sound whispered in my ears, I looked up at the slick stairs and watched as a girl in a homemade sled made out of a chair came sliding down, she slammed into a patch of ice, skidded against a wall and tipped over. I rushed over to her; she had a short black bob and bright green eyes. She stood and I noticed she was wearing overalls.
"Are you ok?" I asked, she glared at me and started rambling off. "no no im not ok? Im disappointed, not terribly but still, it should have gone much further and much faster, its ok, it's probably the dragging coefficient that's no problem, I can do that here." She spoke really fast as she pulled the chair upright, she looked over at the guy next to me "Haruki do you know how much longer this stuff is supposed to last?" he shrugged, "about another half hour." She grinned, "that's good, that's good, then we have to problem" she clapped her hands together in enthusiasm, "ok what's your name?" she cocked her head when she looked at me, "oh its Layla" she smiled, "ok thanks for your help Layla"
she pushed her chair down the hallway "your welcome" I yelled after her, she slid to a stop then rushed back over to me, running her fingers frantically through her hair, "im Jordyne I forgot to tell you my name, I heard there was going to be someone new this term, are you it?" She pointed at me, I shrugged, "I guess", "Do you have a bed?" I quirked my eyebrow at this question, ok what loony bin have I been transferred to, "yeah" I said tentatively, "good good, I was gonna make you one if you didn't have one but you do so ok bye" she threw her hand up for a quick wave and then ran down the hallway with her contraption, and I stared after her in curiosity. School was never THIS interesting.
Chris fell to floor again at my feet, he grinned up at me, his blue eyes sparkling, a guy walked up behind him, it was my new friend Kent. I smiled at him, he was carrying a large load of books, "What is all this supposed to be?" he asked. Chris struggled to his feet once again, which were clad in a pair of rainbow stripped socks, "This? This is ice. This is what happens to water when it gets too cold." He said as if explaining to a three year old, he then pointed to the new arrival. "This? This is Kent. This is what happens to people when they get too sexually frustrated."
Kent glared at Chris, "you're just a slacker, don't bother me your useless" his voice was haughty and arrogant, I had already begun to hate him. He threw the books into my arms, "these are the books on the research, they should turn your brain into tapioca by morning." Chris looked appalled at the books in my arms, "oh Kent that is so unfair and we were going to make you the king of the winter carnival." "Really? Kent asked hopefully. Chris rolled his eyes; "no" he said exaggeratedly and twisted wildly away. We all laughed at his expression. "Oh ha ha, and I bet your in on this too, did you help make this stuff?" He looked at the guy next to me. "im not saying" "well who gonna clean this up." The Asian guy rolled his eyes, "you wont have to it goes directly from a solid for to a gas." Kent looked mildly impressed. "woah really? What is it?" the Asian guy shook his head, "im not telling, I will tell you that it is very rare and very unstable." At this time Chris had skated to us. "Just like you" he looked pointedly at Kent. "pfft" he turned away, "your all just a bunch of degenerates." Chris' eyebrows rose, "we are? What about that time I caught you naked with a bowl full of Jello?" Kent's eyes widened in horror, "you did not!" Chris looked over at us, "this is true" I giggled, "I was hot and I was hungry ok?!" by this time a guy had come sliding between us on his stomach.
We watched him go by, "eh I got news for you Knight, your not number one around here anymore" he smirked, Chris laughed, "Number one what?" Kent pointed at me, "Little Layla over here beat your placement scores by over twenty points." Chris looked surprised over at me, "yeah?! Well you must think your pretty hot stuff huh?" I shook my head frantically, "no" I laughed nervously. "well hey, maybe you are smarter than me, but can you do this" he did a freaky twisty thingy, attempted to slide up the frozen stairs but ended up falling on his face…again.
Steam began to rise and the ice disappeared a unison of groans filled the air. A series of coughs came from where Chris had fallen, "Vick whats happening with the ice?" another cough, "Vick, I'm melting" he imitated the voice of the wicked witch of the west. Vick the Asian guy jumped with excitement, "it worked" he pulled on a pair of red goggles, "now if we can just keep it from exploding" Kent looked horrified, "explo..oh god" he went into his room and closed the door.
Vick began laughing hysterically, from down the hall we heard Chris, "Vick your just kidding about the exploding thing right?" silence, "Vick? It's a joke right?" I held my laughter inside.
Looking at my watch I was surprised to see that it was almost ten at night. Saying goodbye to Vick I slipped into my room, pulling out all the books I began to read the jumble of knowledge, hoping to retain some of it by morning. With all the papers scattered around me I fell into a deep sleep.
INTERMISSION (go get your snacks)
The sun shone through the curtains hitting me like a punch in the face. A rattling sound brought me to full consciousness. My eyes fluttered open to find a tall guy with long hair and a trench coat shut my door. I put my head back down a faked sleeping as he walked by, I opened my eyes into slits and watched as the guy walked into our closet and shut the door.
I hurridly got up, throwing the books to the ground. Pulling open the door to the closet I found it empty. I moved the clothes and knocked on the walls. Still nothing, shutting the door I looked down at Chris, his knee was pulled up to his chest, his arms wrapped around it, muttering words under his breathe.
I shook my head; walking to the bathroom I opened a stall. Sitting down I was just about to pee when the door slammed open. My heart stopped in terror, the crazy girl from earlier stood there. "oh hi, I saw you come in here and I just wanted to say hi. Im the girl from last night, my names Jordyne. Are you peeing?" she paused and took a breathe, I stared up at her, "um…yeah" she began again, " oh, im sorry. You know I never sleep, I don't know why. I had a roommate and I drove her nuts, I mean really nuts, they had to take her away in an ambulance and everything. But she's okay now, but she had to transfer to an easier school, but I don't know if that had anything to do with being my fault. But listen, if you ever need to talk or you need help studying just let me know, 'cause I'm just a couple doors down from you guys and I never sleep, okay?" I nodded my head because I didn't know what to say.
She ran out of the bathroom and I left, I no longer had to pee. I walked down to the kitchen and stuttered to a halt. My breathing stopping, Chris stood at the freezer in just his boxers. I must say I never knew nerds had such nice bodies, I stared blatantly at his six pack. Then I surveyed his appearance and rolled my eyes. His blonde hair stuck up in every direction and on his feet was a pair of penguin slippers. He pulled out a cylindrical object, then out came an ice looking thing. "um Chris?" he didn't look up at me, "hmm?" "um something strange happened to me this morning." He looked up at me curiously, "Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you? " I shook my head in bewilderment, "No..." he looked dejected, "Why am I the only one who has that dream?" I shrugged and he looked down at the ice looking thing, looking serious, he cut off a sliver and put it into the coffee machine.
"So what happened?" He looked over at me. "Did you know there was a guy living in our closet?" He sipped his coffee, "you've seen him too?" he walked towards the candy machine, "who is he?" He pushed a button, "Hollyfeld." I was confused, "Why does he keep going into our closet?" "Why do you keep going into our closet?" he asked as if interrogating me. "To get my clothes - but that's not why he goes in there." He drank his coffee and shook his head, "Of course not, he's twice your size - your clothes would never fit him." He looked at me like I was stupid and I looked at him in bewilderment, "Yeah…" Chris walked away, "Think before you ask these questions, Lyla." He looks pointedly at me then walks away muttering to himself, "Twenty points higher than me? Thinks a big guy like that can wear her clothes?" and he was out the door with his penguin slippers.
I shook my head, what had I gotten myself into.