Vampire Story
Chapter One- Introduction to the Unbelievable
"Rio! Rio! Rio, where are you?"
A little girl roughly the age of six ran through thickly forested woodland. Her short brown hair was tied up and out of her way. He little eyes were dark, almost black, like a sky without the moon and stars. Her small legs carried her across the root-covered ground, sending her this way and that, tree after tree flying by. She was panting already, tired from running. Finally, she caught a glimpse of white; it was her cat Rio!
"Rio!" the little girl exclaimed, reaching the cat.
Rio was staring wide-eyed in some direction. Rio jumped as the girl got close and ran away. The small child's eyes filled with tears.
Suddenly, a sound echoed through the clearing. The child looked around frantically, trying to locate the source of the sound. She realized it was the crunch of leaves under someone's feet. That meant she wasn't alone.
"Sissy?" she called out, feeling her body shake. "Bro?"
The sound got louder, and the little girl could distinctly hear the raged breath of someone. She turned towards the sound, and her eyes met another pair, a crimson red pair.
She screamed out, but her legs would not move. The creature got closer and the small girl saw it was a very tall man. She screamed again.
"Akira! Damien! Help me!"
The man covered the little girl's mouth with his hand.
"Shh," he whispered in an almost gentle voice. "This'll be over soon."
As the little girl shook, the man lowered his face down to the girl's neck and bit down, piercing the girl's skin. The girl screamed out in pain before her world went black.
"Come on Akira, get up!"
A teenager named Akira felt her body shake as two hands told her to get out of bed. Groggily, the teen opened her eyes, meeting a pair of warm, brown eyes; they were the eyes of her brother.
"What?" Akira groaned.
"Your alarm's gone off five times!" her brother replied, stressing the word five. "If you don't wake up now, you're going to be late. And I'll be late too."
Akira groaned, but complied by sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
"Do I get any breakfast Damien?" she asked in a tired voice as her brother Damien threw open the curtains, letting the bright light of the morning in.
"No," Damien replied with a frown. "It's too late for breakfast."
Damien strode over to Akira's bed and ripped the covers off her body. Akira didn't react, save the yawn. Damien then smiled.
"Come on, stupid, get up," he said in a gentle voice.
Akira giggled at her brother's feeble attempts to get out of bed. Finally, she rose, her warm feet hitting the chilly floor.
"Hey Damien?"
"Yes Akira?"
"You're wearing my apron."
Damien looked at what he was wearing and laughed. "I don't have my own, thanks. Why don't you get me one for my birthday?"
Akira laughed. "Get out of my room; I'm getting dressed."
Damien smiled and left his younger sister's room. Akira opened her closet, pulling out a blue T-shirt and a pair of jeans, quickly putting both on. She then headed to the bathroom and brushed her hair and teeth. She hopped down the stairs, two at a time, and took her bag from the table.
"Let's go Damien!" Akira said, slipping on her shoes. "Are you ready?"
"Hold on," Damien replied, throwing off the apron he had stolen form Akira. He slipped on his shoes and smiled at Akira. "Okay, let's go."
Akira was the age of seventeen. She had long brunette hair, falling down past her shoulder blades. She was beautiful, with a body that was fully developed. However, the most astonishing feature was Akira's sea blue eyes. They were unlike her brother's brown ones. They were special.
"School is over!"
Akira and her two best friends were walking out of their school. Her best friend Scarlet had auburn hair to her shoulders. She was the shortest of the group, standing only at Akira's nose. Her eyes were brown. Akira's other best friend was Richard. He, like her, had brunette hair that was cut cleanly and fell to his ears. He was the tallest of the group. His eyes were much like Scarlet's.
"Thank goodness," Scarlet laughed. "Now we can take a summer off!"
"We can't take a summer off," Richard objected. "There's homework we have to do."
Scarlet pushed him with the side of her body in a joking manner. "Come on, we can worry about that in July or August."
Richard's face was slightly pink. Akira laughed at her best friend's antics. Richard simply smiled.
"Would you like a ride Akira?" Scarlet asked, turning her attention to Akira.
Akira shook her head. "No, my brother's picking me up."
Scarlet and Richard exchanged a look. "He will?" they asked at the same time.
Akira laughed. "Yes, this time he means it."
Just then, they reached the parking lot. Damien waved from his car. Akira, Scarlet, and Richard waved back.
"I guess you were right," Scarlet said with a laugh. "Okay, well, I'll call you later to set up plans."
Akira nodded and left her two best friends.
Akira lay in her bed that night, thinking of her life. There were a lot of great things in her life, like her best friends and her brother, but she had suffered as well. Akira and Damien were orphans. They used to have a little sister, but something happened to her a year ago. Something strange…
A little over a year ago, their sister Luna had gone missing. Their cat Rio had gone missing earlier that day, so they figured Luna had gone out to look. They never found Luna, but they did find a pile of blood, parts of her dress, and her two hair ties. They had search teams to look, but no one ever found her body.
Akira stood from her bed and slipped on her coat and shoes, deciding to take a walk in the forest by her house. Her father's family had lived there for years, so Damien and Akira had come to inherit it. It wasn't too far from civilization, but it wasn't all that close either.
Akira wandered the forest for a while when she came to a spot she knew very well. Akira kneeled in front of the makeshift grave for Luna and paid her respects.
"You were the best sister ever," Akira said with a teary smile. "Curse the bastard who killed you."
Akira silently stood and wiped away her tears. Crying would solve nothing. Luna was already gone. Nothing Akira could ever do would change that.
She turned to head back to her house, but stopped moving when she heard the crunch of leaves. Someone was close. Akira turned quickly. She could see through the darkness two piercing eyes, the color crimson. She gasped, seeing the eyes, and leaned down to pick up the stick lying next to her.
"Who are you?" Akira asked with a growl. "Show yourself!"
"Very well then," a distinctly man's voice said in a dark, almost suspicious tone. "I am Kane." And with that, the man named Kane stepped out of the darkness.
Kane was a very tall man, dressed in all black. Even his hair was as black. The very top of his shirt has unbuttoned, showing the beginnings of a muscular chest. As he came closer, Akira saw that the suspicious man towered over her by at least a head. He looked quite intimidating, but Akira did not run. She was scared, yes, but she would attack the man if he attacked her.
"Now who might you be?" Kane asked with a devilish smirk. "And what might you be doing out so late?"
"You have no business asking me that," Akira replied harshly, her stick at the ready.
"Oh, but I do Akira."
Akira jumped. How did this man know her name? She had said nothing, and yet he knew. She immediately knew he must be a stalker. Akira glared.
"How do you know my name?" she growled.
Kane simply smirked at her. A chill ran down Akira's spine. She had a bad feeling that things would be very different after this encounter. "I know much about you," Kane answered.
Now Akira was assured that this Kane man was a stalker. She held up the stick, attempting to put some distance between them. But the stalker did not move. Instead he took the stick and pulled, making Akira lose her balance and nearly fall on him. Before she knew what was happening, the stalker had thrown the stick to where she couldn't reach it.
"Damn it," Akira cursed, backing away from Kane.
"Don't under estimate me, princess," the stalker said. "I'm stronger than you think."
Akira suddenly noticed something as he talked. There was something strange about his teeth. Akira's eyes widened as she saw that this man was not only a stalker, but he also had fangs.
Without hesitation, Akira began to run. She heard the stalker follow, but she managed to outrun him. Finally, she reached her house and stumbled in, locking the door behind her. Damien was still awake, sitting on the couch.
"What's up?" he asked, noticing Akira's sweaty forehead and forming tears.
Akira could not get out a full word and after a minute, burst into tears. Damien frantically rose and embraced his frazzled sister.
"What's wrong Akira?" he asked, stroking her back. "Please tell me."
"St-Stalker!" Akira stuttered out. "Vampire! I don't know! Damien!"
As his sister continued to sob, Damien looking up and out the window. Two red eyes greeted him, but they were soon gone.
"He's gone now," Damien soothed. "It's going to be all right."
Akira continued to sob in her brother's arms. Indeed, she was correcting in thinking that her life would be different after meeting Kane. But she didn't know what fate had in store for her next.
The next day, Akira was so shaken that she canceled her plans with Scarlet and Richard, deciding to stay inside. Scarlet and Richard were instantly worried about their friend and hurried over. Akira told them the whole story, about how she had gone on a walk late the night before, and how she had encountered a stalker-vampire named Kane. Scarlet and Richard were both scared for their friend, so they stayed with her for the night.
After a week or so, it was Damien's birthday and he turned twenty-six. His birthday was spent with Akira and his girlfriend, Madison. Damien and Madison had been going out for ten months. They had gone to high school together.
"So Madison," Akira started as they got out of Damien's car. They had just been to a restaurant and were now back home.
"Yes Akira?" Madison asked, undoing the braid in her long black hair. Her azure eyes scanned over to Akira once the braid was undone.
"When are you and bro tying the knot?" Akira asked playfully. "Or at least moving in together?"
Both Damien and Madison blushed.
"Akira!" Damien exclaimed. "Will you stop that? I told you she'd move in when we were ready!"
Akira snickered. "Come on, don't be embarrassed," she teased.
Damien rolled his eyes. "I'm not getting you a birthday present anymore if you keep this up."
Akira stuck out her tongue. "Fine, I'll stop."
As Akira and Madison headed inside, Damien looked around, as though expecting something to happen. He heard his name being called by Akira and sighed. He then hurried inside.
One week slowly passed. The month of July had begun. Akira's 18th birthday was the ninth of July, meaning there wasn't much of a wait.
The first night of July, Akira and Damien were out for a walk in the forest. They were cautious, but not quiet.
"Hello Luna!" Akira greeted as the two siblings reached the makeshift grave for their younger sister Luna.
Damien set down a rose before the grave and smiled sadly.
"So this is where you saw Kane?" he asked, looking around.
"Yes," Akira replied. "We should be careful."
Just as she said that, a hand rested itself on Damien's shoulder. Both Damien and Akira jumped. The stalker-vampire Kane was behind him.
"Hello princess," Kane greeted with a devious smirk. "Having fun with your brother?"
Akira frowned, but she was still scared. "Let go of Damien!" she demanded as Damien practically froze under Kane's touch. "What the hell do you want with us?"
"What do I want indeed…?" Kane asked quietly, still smirking maliciously.
"Do what you want to me, but leave Akira alone!" Damien demanded. Kane raised an eyebrow and looked as if he was about to say something, but Damien continued to speak. "You can have me and do whatever the hell you want with me, but you have to promise to leave Akira alone!"
Kane smirked and shook his head. "Sorry Damien, but it's not you I want. It's Akira."
Akira froze. What the hell did the stalker want with her?
"I refuse!" Damien exclaimed. "My sister is not going with a bastard like you."
"Let's make a deal then," Kane said. "I'll protect you and your girlfriend if you give Akira to me."
"Will I be safe?" Akira asked before her brother could say a thing.
"Akira, don't!" Damien exclaimed.
"Yes, you will be safe in my care," Kane replied. "I don't plan on turning you into a vampire. You will simply live with me."
"And you'll protect Damien and Madison?" Akira asked seriously.
"That I will," Kane replied. "I won't bother them in the least."
"Then I'll go with you."
Damien and Kane's eyes widened. Damien broke from Kane's grip and hurried over to Akira.
"Akira!" he exclaimed, shaking her by her shoulders. "What are you thinking? You can't go with this monster! He'll hurt you; I just know it! Please Akira, rethink this won't you?"
"Damien, I'm going with him and that's final!" Akira exclaimed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "He'll protect you and Madison! I want you two to be happy."
"I want you to be happy!" Damien exclaimed, unafraid to hide the tears in his eyes.
"I hate to break this up," Kane said, making the two siblings look at him. "But you know, I have plans. So, Akira, I'll come get you later."
"Later?" Akira asked, breaking out of Damien's grip. "You mean you'll let me stay with Damien for a while?"
"Until your birthday," Kane replied. "July ninth, am I correct?"
That look in his eyes… Akira felt her cheeks get hot as she looked into his eyes. What was this feeling in her stomach? She was jittery, and she had no clue why. She flinched a little as Kane took her hand.
"Y-Yes," she replied shakily. "It is July ninth."
"Good then," Kane said.
With those words, Kane leaned down and kissed Akira's hand. Akira froze, her face erupting in color. What was he doing? Why had he kissed her hand? It just didn't make sense. Maybe there was more to this vampire than Akira saw.
"Let go of my sister," Damien demanded.
Kane looked up at Damien. "You're quite an overprotective brother," he commented. "No wonder Akira's never had a boyfriend."
Akira blushed deeply once again. "H-How do you know that?" she asked with surprise.
"I can read your mind," he replied with a smirk. "You think a lot Akira."
Akira pulled her hand from Kane's and looked down. She felt as though there were millions of butterflies in her stomach. What was wrong with her? Why was she getting so flustered over the vampire who stalked her?
Suddenly, Kane spotted the grave for Luna and frowned sadly.
"Whose grave is this?" he asked looking down at the year-old makeshift grave.
"Our little sister," Akira replied. "Luna."
"We were out visiting her," Damien said, forgetting about his anger.
Kane kneeled before the grave and smiled sadly. "I see. So you're her older siblings?" he asked quietly. "I knew your names were familiar."
"What do you mean?" Akira asked.
"I met Luna," Kane replied somberly, standing up. "About a year ago."
Akira and Damien gasped. "But wait…" Akira said. "Luna went missing a year ago."
"No," Kane replied, looking away. "Luna died a year ago. I'm the one that killed her."
Akira couldn't believe her ears. What was this lunatic saying? How could he possibly be the killer of Luna?
"Liar," Akira said with a glare.
Kane let out a laugh. "I'm not lying," he said. "Though I wish I was."
"Prove it," Akira ordered.
"Akira, you don't need a murderer to explain himself!" Damien exclaimed.
"It's okay Damien," Kane said, silencing Damien. "It's all right to doubt me. I'll tell you Akira that I indeed killed your sister."
Akira flinched a bit, but said nothing as she waited for him to continue.
"It was a little over a year ago when I met your younger sister in the woods. She was with her little white cat. I believe she called him Rio." Akira didn't like how this was turning out. Why did it have to be him? He was such a gentleman… Why him? "She was wearing a little pink dress. I tried not to frighten her as I came close. She was scared…" He couldn't continue. He put his head down, hiding his face. How could such a strange man accuse himself of killing the little Luna? But he had everything down, even her pink dress and Rio.
"Why…?" Akira asked weakly, not scared, but more in shock than anything.
"I have to hunt."
"Get the hell out of here," Damien hissed in a disgusted voice. "The deal is off."
"No," Akira interrupted, looking up. "The deal is still on. The night of my birthday will be fine."
Kane looked up a bit and gave a small smirk. "All right," he replied. "If that is your decision."
"It is."
What am I doing? Akira asked herself as she shook Kane's hand. This man is a murderer, a stalker, and a vampire! Yet I feel like I can trust him… Oh, I'm such an idiot.
Kane smirked a little wider. Akira then remembered that he could read her mind, and instantly blushed. Damn that vampire.
"I'm flattered," he said with that smirk of his.
"Stupid…" Akira muttered, looking away. She could still feel the blush on her face as Kane let go of her hand.
"Goodbye my sweet." And he was gone.
Akira couldn't help but blush more, though she was a little annoyed.
"Akira, you're a fucking idiot," Damien said from behind Akira.
Akira couldn't help but smile. It'd been a while since he'd called her that.
"I know," she replied, loosing her smile as she turned to her brother. "I'm doing this, and that's that. Damien, I'm almost eighteen-"
"What difference does that make?" Damien exclaimed. "That man's a murderer! And a vampire! What the hell are you thinking?"
Akira said nothing as she and Damien walked back to their house. Indeed, what was she thinking? Tears filled her eyes, but she wiped them away. It was to protect Damien and Madison, anything for them.
At least she finally knew what happened to Luna.
End Chapter One