My chest constricted as I watched in horror; my mother was being brutally
murdered by a tall dark man. He held her close to him, drinking in all of her blood, as she
begged for him to stop, and then finally she blissfully lost consciousness, and then she
went limp in his arms. I pulled myself against the wall, shaking from the bloody mass
before me as he dropped her onto the ground.
I whimpered silently, while looking at my mother's dead form before me. Her
eyes were still open, a look of horror was written across her face. Tears streamed down
my face, blurring my vision, yet I could still see him as he stood over me. "Stand up," he
commanded of me. My mind didn't register the words into actions; instead it made me
shake my head. The man growled at me, "I said stand up!" Still looking at my mother, I
was in shock. We where supposed to live in a safe neighborhood. Be like normal people,
this doesn't happen to normal people, and now he wants me to make killing me easier!
"No," I whispered, as I looked from my mother's dead body, up to his cold black eyes,
"No." The man yanked at my arm, sending shot of pain, as he pulled me up to stand
before him.
Tears contained to stream down my face as I looked at him. My grey eyes begged
him to just leave me alone with my grief, or to kill me and get it over with. He pushed me
up against the wall harshly. The dry wall gave under the pressure so that a small indent of
my body was created. The pain from the wall shot through my back, temporarily blinding
me. I cried out involuntarily for a moment before biting my lip. I didn't want to give him
the satisfaction of my screams. He snarled at me, pulling my arms up above my head. It
hurt terribly, yet I still did not cry out. "Scream for me, and this will all be over." He
asked me with a cold smile. I refused to look at him, not wanting to give him any
satisfaction in my pain. "Scream bitch!" he whispered in my ear as he licked my face. I
tried to pull back, repulsed by his advances, yet there was no room to move. I closed my
eyes and begged God to have him kill me, to end my suffering.
"Jason, get away from her. She's not yours to have!" cried a voice. I fell to the
floor as another man pulled away the man who had had me pinned to the wall. Pain shot
through my delicate body, and I finally cried out. I curled into a ball, hoping to protect
myself from any more assaults, yet in the back of my mind I knew how useless the action
was. "What does it matter? It's not like I was going to bleed her dry, just a little taste,"
yelled Jason to his friend. "He wants her untouched, unspoiled. Do you want to defy his
orders?" asked my temporary rescuer. Jason shook his head, "No. . . .. But why does he
care about this one? She's just a human, what could he want with her?" The other man
shook his head, "I don't know, but we should not question his motives, he's higher up
than we are." I moaned in pain as I attempted to move away from the men. Their
attention snapped back to me, as I watch in fear as my would-be rescuer picked me up
roughly. "Please," I whispered to him, "Don't do this." His grip tightened on me as he
whispered into my ear, "If I had it my way, every human would be a slave. To use and
abuse however we wanted."
He chuckled at the look of terror ran across my face, "When he is done with you,
I will be next," he whispered as he roughly and harshly kissed my lips. I tried to fight him
off but his grip tightened around me, crushing all the air out of my lungs. He released me
from the kiss, and I greedily breathed in the air, needed for my survival. The world
darkened as I lost all consciousness.