The Sea's eyes glowed to a brilliant color of deep sea blue, "And you think that you could provide me with that sort of companionship?" "I don't know," I said quietly looking up to the moon, "I know that I have lost everything, and have been given a curse or gift . . . . . To love a demon is a strange curse. I know that in time I will love him, but for now I need to feel safe from his strength, from his power. He has taken all that I know away from me, and I don't want to be weak and helpless anymore."
She walked away from the rock platform, then paused in mid step and turned to me again, "Find me a man who is worthy of my companionship and I will allow you to become one of us." She turned again away from me, and in my shock I stood still as I watched her body dissolved back into the water, vanishing from sight. I stared at the spot where she vanished for a long time, mesmerized by her beauty and gracefulness, and then after a time I stood simply wondering how I was to accomplish the task set out before me. The moon shifted positions slowly across the night sky. Wild animals that came out at night made their presences known to all in the tame, yet wild forest. A large yawn over took me, as I turned and headed back to the bed that had been provided for me. I crawled in and lay there for some time wondering how I was to find the woman of the Sea a companion who she would love. Finally sleep over came my mind as I drifted off into a dreamless slumber.
Sun light streaked across my face, as I slowly awoke again to talking. The voices where soft and melodically, and spoken so low that my mind could not register what was being said. I turned over form my side to lie on my back and lifted my arms to prop me up. My eyes slowly flittered open and then closed quickly as bright light entered my sight. "Oh . . .she's awake," commented a beautiful female voice. Slowly my eyes opened and I looked about me. Four beautiful women sat about on the bed. Each of them watched me carefully, with their brilliant blue and green eyes. Slowly I shock myself awake to fully gain consciousness. "She has grey eyes," said one of them with brilliant ice blues eyes. They all stared at me curiously, "Um . . .. Hi?" I said to them cautiously, as I sat up completely in the bed. "Don't mind the girls, there just curious about you Kate," came a voice from the waters edge. I turned to the voice, to find Coventina rising up out of the water. "How was your night?" she asked me gently as she came to my bedside. "It was . . .." I paused wondering how to put last nights events into words, or proper thoughts, "Interesting to say the least." She nodded, then turned to the woman sitting around the bed, "I told you not to wake her!!" she scolded lightly, "I'm sorry Kate, they've been curious about you all night, I'm surprised that they weren't getting you up much earlier than now!" I smiled at her and to the girls, who looked sheepish, "It's okay
I'm an early riser. I'm Kate," I said in a childish sort of way. They smiled at me appreciatively. One spoke up, "My name's Ariel," she said, her voice was gentle and musical. She had flowing red hair with the greenest ocean color eyes I had ever seen. Her legs where wrapped up around her body, with arms hugging them. Small ribbon like tattoos ran along her legs, yet were not up around her arms. Her hair was intricately styled with many shells woven into it.
Another spoke up, "I'm Samoura," her own voice was very melodically, but in a higher voice pitch, than Ariel's. She had jet-black hair with ice blue eyes; they glowed
brightly with curiosity. Her hair flowed down about her, with small blue pears tied to it. She lay gracefully along the edge of the bed, with an elbow propping up her head. She too had small tattoo like ribbons about her legs. Another woman spoke up, "I'm Clara, it's nice to meet you," she said softly. Her soft-spoken voice was soothing and relaxing. Her eyes were a dark blue with blond hair. She smiles at me gently, which made me relax, even though I didn't feel nervous. She sat Indian style on the bed next to Ariel. I could see that her feet where also covered in tattooed ribbons, yet her long dress covered the rest.
"Don't mind Clara, she's a mind reader. She just wants you to be relaxed!" commented the last one. Her dark brown eyes, contrasted her from the other women around her. Her skin was also dark, not quit black, but like a dark caramel in color. Her dark complexion gave her unique look among her fairer companions. "I'm Sasha," she said smiling brightly at me. Again I saw the same ribbon like tattoos on her legs, yet none of them had any on their arms or faces. I nodded to all of them individually, mentally attempting to remember all of their names. "It's nice to meet all of you," I said shyly stretching my arms out wide. They smiled and moved off my bed, and then moved to the waters edge. Their movements could only be described as graceful, and womanly. "When you wake up, come and play with us!" called out Ariel as she dove into the water. "Yeah, we would love for you to join us," commented Samoura as she to dove into the water. The other girls laughed and dove into the water, calling out for me to join them. I laughed as their legs changed into fins, and the dresses transformed into bikini like tops. It was as if the water knew her daughters where coming back to her, and she was simply changing them so that they could be with her again.