A/N: D= Oh My God... It's a new chapter guys. 18 pages of new chapter! I feel like such a bitch for not updating in so long. But a lot goes on in this chapter, and hopefully it is worth how long it took for the whole 2 people who are still watching for this xD. I really am sorry, I jsut went through a stretch where I was busy and also didn't write much of anything at all for lack of the right ...mood I guess. But I've finally gotten back into it, and hope to keep the updates more reasonably spaced. No promises because I AM in college now and do have lot's of things to do. As it is I have anatomy quiz and english papers I should be doing instead of this right now xD. but I will definitely work on keeping it from being damn near a year like this last time . Anyway, I feel like my writing isn't quite the same, so hopefully it isn't so weird that it's a turn off to anyone... I just don't know xP. So....Hope you like! BTW:the first section is from Sam's POV in case it confuses anyone. then itgoes back to th usual switches between Lev adn Damon =3
Honestly OK
"Where is he?" Sam asked immediately when she returned to the bar, hardly giving Damon the chance to recognize her.
"Hello to you too," Damon replied as he turned to face her. "He said he was fidgety, went out to the dance floor." Damon pointed to where Lev could just be seen swaying in a crowd of people.
"Brat…" Sam muttered as she turned to see where Damon pointed before turning back to face him, smirking to herself when she caught Damon's eyes lingering on Lev's lithe figure. "So you do like him."
"What?" Damon snapped his glance to back to Sam's. She had to give him credit, he didn't even try to avoid direct eye contact, despite being obviously flustered by her remark.
"You heard me. You like him." Sam said in a slightly sing-song voice.
"Well, yeah, he's a good kid, what's not to like..?" Damon moved away a moment to deal with another customer, much more swiftly than needed, but Sam would not relent.
"That's not what I meant, and you damn well know it." Sam gave him a smirk when he turned back to her. "You want to tell me what happened between you and my little lion?"
"I think that's something that is between me and your 'little lion', and not you," Damon replied hastily. "Besides it's obvious you two have something going on"
Sam smiled a little at the way Damon's voice caught on her pet name for Lev. "I get the feeling you don't quite understand what Lev and I have. I've known that boy since we were in elementary school, and yeah, we had a brief romantic interlude, but that's all. We're just friends, so no need to get defensive."
"I'm no being defensive. Besides, just friends or not, that doesn't make things any more or less your business." Damon answered flatly.
"It does, actually." Sam saw that her serious tone had caught Damon off guard, but pushed on anyway. "Lev has gone through some rough things, still does, and I think you know his bad choice of coping mechanism. I've gathered from him that something happened between you two, so don't deny it, even if it wasn't his usual M.O. It may not seem like a big deal to you, but it is. Point being, I know Lev. I know him better than his own family. And I know that something isn't quite right. So, since you obviously have a bit of interest in him, I need to know what you intend to do."
Damon just stared at her for a moment, before clearing his throat a little. " So, I need to tell you because you're playing the overprotective friend, is that it?"
Sam growled softly under her breath. "I'm not 'playing' anything. I think you've seen at least some part of the real him, Damon. Maybe you didn't realize it at the time, but you must have because he's not been right since he saw you last, he must have let you in in some way. And if you don't want to tell me what happened, then fine. I don't really need to know. But you have to understand that he's not been up to his usual tricks, alright? Ever since I first heard about you, he's been going home. He hasn't been out with any strangers at all. And I'm glad, I really am; but there are some things you don't know about him that make that very strange change in him. The point is, Damon, he's…" Sam sighed, looking for the right word, "He's…not fragile...but…something like that, and he isn't pushy enough to try and fix whatever it was you two had going on, even though he wants to. And if whatever it was is something that you can get past, or fix…then please do. I know I'm out of line in butting into this, but he wont fix this himself, not without you reaching out to him for it. So if you think it can be fixed, then forgive him for whatever it was he seems to think he's done…"
Damon stayed quiet as he let Sam's speech settle in. She was worried about him, that was plain enough. She knew more about what motivated Lev's odd quirks…and apparently thought that he'd been helping Lev in some way or another. Damon was a little pleased with that; with knowing he may have helped Lev with something. The part that got him was that it didn't sound like Lev was upset with him, at least not like he'd thought. According to Sam it sounded like Lev was more worried that he was upset than actually upset himself.
"He thinks he did something wrong?" Damon asked, hoping to clarify that.
"Yeah…Like I said, I don't know what happened…But that's how it comes across…" Sam answered softly, the concern for Lev very obvious in her green eyes. "Just the way he acts…It's…Let's just say he's gotten like that before when he's blamed himself for things."
"Well…" Damon bit his lip, glancing back into the crowd but looking away when he was unable to find Lev's form after a few seconds. "I'll talk to him…When are you two planning to leave here? I can try to get off early or get and extra break in somewhere if you aren't staying…I know he's a night owl, but from what I've heard about you I don't think it's mutual." Damon smiled a little.
Sam half smirked at that before answering. "Yeah, I like my sleep. So. I think that I will be leaving soon. But Lev is going to have to get a ride home with you if that's alright. Then you can work your shift and have ample time to talk to blondie."
"You sure that's a good idea? How do you know he'll even want me to get him home, he might not want to work things out with me." Damon arched an eyebrow skeptically.
"I told you, he wants things to be better again, Damon. He might not relax immediately, but I know he'll be glad," Sam answered earnestly.
Damon sighed and ran a hand back through his hair. "You'd better be right. I'll feel like shit if you leave and then he doesn't want to let me give him a lift."
Sam nodded and leaned over the bar a little to pat his shoulder. "Trust me. He'll go with you." With that she slipped off her seat and went off, presumably, to find Lev in the crowd.
Damon sighed again as he watched her go then shook his head a little to clear it. He hoped it would be as simple as she seemed to think. He just wasn't sure, even if he did talk to Lev he knew that at least some kind of awkward feeling would have to stay. But he supposed it was better to talk to him now that he had the chance rather than miss the opportunity he had to try and work things out.
Lev had found distraction in a stranger that had decided to dance with him. He kept his eyes closed, letting hands slip over his sides and hips as they moved. He tried his best to block out everything related to Damon as he leaned back against his new dance partner, but he didn't succeed. He couldn't help but compare the feeling of the hands on his waist to the brief feeling he'd have of Damon's hands. He couldn't help but notice a sort of…expectant tension between him and this stranger, a sort of needy possessiveness in the hands that glided over his sides that hadn't been there in Damon's touch. He wasn't so sure he liked that feeling, not like he once had.
His blue eyes shot open and he jumped a little as a soft hand closed on his wrist and tugged sharply, pulling him from this stranger's grasp. He was immediately met with a none too impressed Samara. Lev winced a little with the shame that Sam always seemed to stir up when she caught him in a situation such as this.
"Hey Sam," he smiled sheepishly, ignoring the annoyed grunt from the guy who still lingered behind him.
"Hello Lev," she answered flatly before leaning around him slightly to shoot a glare at the stranger. "You can go now hon. He's done with you."
"What the-"
"Shoo shoo. Move along before I tell the owner you're pestering me." Sam gave no chance for protest and just continued to glare at the man before he backed down and walked away grumbling to himself.
"One of these days you're going to get yourself hurt talking to people like that Sam." Lev couldn't help a little half smile at how feisty she could get.
"Yeah well, one of these days you're going to get yourself hurt doing the things you do. But that's not what I came over here for."
"What did you come over here for?" Lev decided to ignore the other bit of her response, having been over that particular conversation few million times already.
"I'm going to go home soon, -ah!" She cut him off the second he started to protest. " But, you are going to stay at least until your little bartender gets done with his shift."
"Saaam, you said something to him didn't you? I told you not to butt in." Lev sighed, hazarding a glance towards the bar but failing to catch sight of the brunet. "What did you say?"
"I didn't say much Lev, just nudged at him a bit. Which you should be pleased to hear he didn't share anything about whatever the hell has gone on with you two." She poked his chest as she spoke to emphasize how annoying she found this. "Anyway, blondie, he wants you to hang around so he can talk to you. So since I want to get home at a decent hour, I'm going to dance with you for a little longer so that I can fend off all these pedo-lechers that you seem to attract. And then, I'm going to go home. And because you know I wouldn't let you do something stupid, you're going to hang around and talk to Damon and then let him give you a ride home. Savvy?"
Lev did not try to interrupt her this time, knowing it was practically pointless, and sighed when she finished. "You sure he wanted to talk to me Sam? You didn't just bully him into it did you?"
"Me? Bully? Never," Sam smiled and poked his side. "Really though Lev. He wants to talk to you, he did even before I started pestering him. So talk to him, babe. Things might get better. Now, no more questions. Dance with me before I decide to just leave now." With that, the conversation was over and Sam grabbed his hands to force him to move.
Lev couldn't help a smile. Nosy though she often was, Sam never failed to make things feel less like shit and more like they could get better. He let her tug and push him around a moment as he glanced up, catching a glimpse of his brunet, before he started to dance with her. Sam's company did a much better job of distracting him than the stranger from before had. He managed to keep his mind on his friend rather than let himself fret over Damon for the full hour.
Damon didn't see Lev or Sam for a good hour or so, other than an occasional flash of them in the mass of people on the dance floor. He didn't mind so much. Sam had a strange intensity and protectiveness about her that made him a bit edgy, though he did like that she seemed to honestly care about what happened to Lev. He spent his time doing his job and mulling over what to say to Lev when the time came. He knew that some sort of apology was in order, he just wasn't sure how to go about it.
Damon was still letting this issue weave in and out of his mind when he caught sight of Sam from the corner of his eye. He looked up and she gave him a short wave, and a very deliberate look as she passed by on her way to the exit. Damon knew full well that she hadn't needed to come anywhere near the bar to get out of the club from the dance floor. And that look had very obviously been meant as a reminder. He got the feeling that if he backed out of his talk with Lev, that she wouldn't hesitate to come back and tell him off.
He sighed and looked out into the crowd, a frown tugging at his features when he saw Lev, no longer dancing, but instead in the embrace of some raven-haired stranger. He felt a wave of jealousy role through him as the stranger pulled Lev closer to him and leaned in to say something against Lev's ear. In the back of his mind he knew he had no right to feel possessive of Lev, but that didn't make it any easier to ignore the desire to pull him away from the handsy stranger.
Damon took a breath and forced his attention back to his work. He would leave Lev be and talk to him at the end of his shift, just like he had agreed to. He wouldn't butt into whatever the kid was up to now. He glanced up again before he could help himself and felt another possessive shiver make the hair on the nape of his neck stand on end. Lev was backed into a corner now.
"Hey, Alvin?" Damon called to the other end of the bar.
"Yeah, Byrd?" the red head looked up when he'd finished with a pair of customers.
"Can you handle things for a few minutes? I think there might be a bit of trouble starting on the dance floor," Damon said as calmly as he could.
Alvin frowned a little at that, but nodded. "Yeah…Just make sure you get me if things start to get too out of hand, yeah? I don't want to file any police reports anytime soon."
"No worrie, Al, it wont get that bad," Damon assured him as he slipped out from behind the bar. He made a beeline through the crowd to where Lev was all but hidden by the black haired stranger.
Lev jumped slightly when he was tugged close to a warm body, and he frowned when he looked up to see the same man he'd been dancing with earlier, before Sam's interruption.
"Hey again…" Lev said , tensing slightly when the guy pulled him closer. He wasn't sure what it was specifically, but he suddenly did not feel comfortable.
"Hey, Lev, right? Name's Max," he leaned in to speak against Lev's ear, immediately clarifying why he didn't feel completely safe anymore. He could smell the alcohol on Max's breath.
"Well, Max…Sorry about earlier, but as much as I'd like to dance a bit more I think I should probably go sit down for a while. I'm getting kind of tired," Lev gave him a smile as his eyes darted towards the tables and stool near the bar. He caught a brief glimpse of Damon and found himself hoping the brunet would see him and suddenly decide to talk to him.
"Tired? I've seen you here before, lovely. You don't tire so easily. Besides, there's something else I want to discuss with you." Max flashed an unnerving grin and pushed Lev into a corner, leaning in closer as he did.
"O-oh? And what might that be? I'm sure we can talk about this at a table Max. I don't know what you could really have to say to me though, considering you hardly know me at all."
"Don't play dumb, lovely." Max gripped Lev's hips a little tighter as he spoke. "You have quite the rep around here. Not many one-nighters are willin' to do everything for just a bed for the night and a shower in the morning. You're a cheap lay."
Lev stiffened and gritted his teeth. "Cheap? I think we're done talking Max. Let me go, and go find something else to bang tonight hmm?" He shoved at Max's hands and tried to step away from him as he spoke, but instantly regretted it.
Max's hand shot up to grip his chin tightly, one finger digging sharply into the soft skin beneath the angle of Lev's jaw, the other hand gouging into his hips as he pinned him to the wall again.
"Better watch what you say, Lev, I might think you feel like I'm not good enough for you.. Wouldn't want to come across as arrogant would you? Might have to teach you a lesson if that's the case," Max hissed at him, their faces so close that his breath blasted Lev's face full on.
"O-of course not…" Lev said weakly as his fingers curled around Max's wrist in a feeble attempt to get him to let go. "I didn't mean it like that. I just don't do that anymore, okay? It was nothing against you Max." he tried to keep his voice steady, but it hitched up each time Max's finger pressed more roughly into his jaw.
"Everything alright over here, kid?" a familiar voice made Lev's already racing heart skip a beat. He could just see Damon over Max's shoulder.
"Everything's just fine. Isn't it, Lev?" Max said firmly, his eyes boring into Lev's.
"I wasn't talking to you, sir. I need to speak with Lev, and it would be a shame if that had to wait since we're considering calling the cops on a few individuals who are making trouble around the club." Damon's voice was calm, but Lev could hear the threat in that statement and he hoped that Max did too.
Max glared over his shoulder at Damon. "We were just finishing up anyway," he growled before turning back to Lev. He gave his jaw another tight squeeze, "See you around, lovely," he hissed before releasing him and slipping off back into the crowd.
Lev winced at the last gouge to his jaw, but relaxed faintly once Max was out of sight. He took a few deep breaths before looking at Damon, butterflies dancing in his stomach as the brunet came closer to him.
"You okay, kid? That guy didn't look very friendly." Damon reached out to gently tip Lev's chin up. "You're going to have a bruise there…"
"Yeah, I'm fine… I've had worse." He smiled a little sheepishly. "Thanks for getting him to back off though, he was getting a little to creepy for my tastes."
Damon nodded slightly as he dropped his hand, but continued to look at him. The look in his eyes made Lev a little uneasy. Damon was doing it again, making him feel like he somehow knew that Lev wasn't telling him everything but just didn't quite know what it was yet. He shifted on his feet as his earlier worries about Damon returned to mix with his renewed nervousness.
"Sorry," Damon said, shaking his head slightly. "So…You gonna hang around for that ride home? I only have another hour or so 'til my shift's up, and I still want to sit and talk with you."
"Yeah," Lev smiled, happy to see that Damon didn't seem like he was asking just because Sam had told him to. "I, uh, I'll probably stay a bit closer to the tables. Seeing as tall, dark and creepy might still be poking around in here." He grinned at Damon.
Damon smiled, "Alright then, watch yourself, kid," he teased lightly before heading back to the bar.
Lev took a deep breath and let it out in a rush, biting his lip a little as he moved to sit at a table and settle himself. He still had faint butterflies but he felt better. Damon didn't seem angry, and he'd just saved him from potential molestation. All in all, things were looking better than they had at the start of the evening. If things kept on like that, then he might actually have to thank Sam for butting in on his problems.
Lev stayed at his table for a short time before he'd considered going to dance a while longer. However, he caught sight of Max through the throngs of people and changed his mind, not wanting to risk another run in with the jerk. Instead he opted to just get some food from the bar, making a point of ordering with Alvin to avoid making himself feel awkward with Damon. Besides, Damon's end of the counter had been more crowded anyway. Alvin was not bad looking, but he was obviously older than Damon and therefore less appealing to the majority of the clubs patrons. Lev found himself a feeling jealous of the crowds of girls and boys alike that spoke to Damon; but he did not push it away. He already knew he liked Damon, and that it was useless to dwell on it.
When he'd eaten nearly all his food he spent the rest of the time watching the dancers, taking an odd sort of pleasure in the way the people moved and swayed with and around one another. He was in a sort of trance when Damon sat at his table, and therefore didn't realize he was there until the older man spoke; his voice making Lev jump slightly while simultaneously sending a little shiver down his spine.
"Hey, kiddo," Damon half smiled at Lev's expression.
"How many times have I told you not to call me that hmm?" Lev arched an eyebrow, trying to brush off his surprise. He'd mostly gotten used to Damon calling him kid, but it still bugged him a little.
"Sorry, I can't help it, Lev," Damon chuckled, reaching to take a fry from the basket in front of Lev. "I used to cook this crap you know."
"I do know, you've mentioned you used to work the kitchen. If it makes you feel any better, it tasted better then." Lev smiled, chuckling a little when Damon rolled his eyes.
"Yeah well, I hated working back there, so you'll have to get used to this stuff." Damon smiled as he let his bag down to reset against the chair legs. A sort of odd silence fell between them for a few minutes after that before he started up again. "I'm sorry, Lev…"
Lev blinked in surprise. "What for?" Damon seemed almost shy, and Lev would've cracked a smile if he wasn't confused.
"When you stayed at my place. I'm sorry for how I acted… I make a big deal about nothing happening between us, and then...turn around and do something like that. Well, it wasn't fair to you. And I'm sorry."
Lev took a few moments to let that settle. "So you weren't mad at me about it..?"
"Well, I wanted to be at first…but it was my fault Lev. I started it, you didn't do anything wrong."
"I guess…I'm still sorry too though…" Lev smiled a little. "I just, I guess I was happy when you kissed me…So I didn't really want to question why you'd changed your mind about your little rules."
Lev thought he caught the faintest blush rise in Damon's face, but he couldn't be sure in the dim lighting of the club. Damon cleared his throat, "Yeah…So everything's alright then?"
"Yeah," Lev smiled and then paused, tipping his head a little. "But what about that, Damon? Am I supposed to pretend like nothing happened?" Lev knew somewhere in the back of his mind it might be stupid to press the matter when he'd barely had time to register that Damon wasn't upset with him; but he couldn't help himself.
Damon sighed and looked down at the table, one hand running back through his thick brown hair. "If I give an inch are you gonna take a mile?" He asked seriously as he turned his gaze up to Lev's.
Lev shook his head, "Not if that means what I hope it does."
"Change in rules then? We can see how this goes, but I'm not touching you, Lev." Damon's tone remained serious as Lev held his gaze.
Lev nodded a little, understanding what that meant and reached to curl his fingers with Damon's. "I can work with that," He said softly, a smile spreading over his face when Damon relaxed and squeezed his fingers gently. It seemed like such a silly little change in a way, but the fact that Damon was giving him this much made the butterflies in his stomach kick into flurry again and a little laugh escaped him.
Damon smiled, "Once again, I'm probably asking for trouble, but I guess we'll see." He laughed a little himself and then glanced around the club. "Come on, I should get you home now, hmm?"
"Yeah, to much later and dad'll kill me," Lev laughed faintly, wondering to himself how true his 'jest' might really be.
Lev had gotten rides home from Damon a few times since that first night. He followed Damon to the parking lot to the brunet's bike, still maintaining some of his initial surprise that it was Damon's. As always he took the helmet and as had become his custom, wedged it in the space on his lap between their bodies. He looked up at the sky as they sat in the lot, dark clouds blanketing the area and blocking out what little moonlight there normally was; it would likely rain sometime that night maybe even as they rode home, but he couldn't bring himself to care. Not on this night. He kept his eyes closed for the ride, Damon now familiar with the way to Lev's home; and this time, he did not hesitate at all to press his face to Damon's jacket and breathe in his scent.
Lev tried to ignore it when the bike slowed to a stop. He knew he they had reached the end of his street, but he didn't want it to be time to say good night yet. So he stayed hugged around Damon's waist. He shivered a little when he felt a low chuckle vibrate through Damon's body into his own.
"Come on, kid, you know we're here," Damon said, gently unfolding Lev's hands from around his waist.
"Yeah yeah," Lev chuckled a little and finally relinquished his hold, climbing from the bike and passing the helmet back to Damon.
"I'm going to have to get another one of these so you have no more flimsy excuse not to wear one." Damon smiled.
"I trust you not to get me killed," Lev grinned.
"So you keep saying," Damon chuckled. "It's almost one, you should get going brat."
"Mm, you're probably right. But you know, I was thinking…" Lev smiled, stepping closer to Damon.
"Oh, and what were you thinking?" Damon arched an eyebrow as Lev drew closer.
"Seeing as we have these new rules and all, I should be allowed goodnight kiss, don't you think?"
Damon tipped his head, seeming to think that over. "Oh, I suppose that would be alright."
Lev smiled, stepping up closer to the side of the bike as Damon lifted a hand to thread it into his hair. Damon's fingers had a firm hold in his hair, but not a painful one; Lev didn't push it when he realized Damon was holding him still. His eyes closed when Damon leaned in and a shiver ran through him when he felt their lips connect. It was a warm but chaste kiss, and Damon only let it linger a moment; but it was enough for Lev at that point. Lev let his eyes open again when he felt Damon's fingers slip from his hair, and he smiled.
"Going to be good and get home now, Lev?" Damon was smiling right back at him as he spoke.
"Mm, alright alright," Lev chuckled and moved back onto the sidewalk. "I'll see you around."
"Take care of yourself brat," Damon smiled and pulled his helmet on.
Lev nodded, giving Damon a little wave as he watched him start up his bike and turn to head back off in the direction of his own home. He stayed put for a little longer than was necessary, slightly smiling to himself before he started towards his house. He tried to use to the lingering happiness from the kiss to tamp down the rising tension that always came with sneaking back into the house. He didn't notice someone climb from a car down the cross street and hastily head after him.
He was pulling the keys from his pocket and reaching for the door when he heard steps behind him. The moment he turned around he was shoved back against the door, a yelp escaping him as the knob gouged into his back. He bit back the tears that sprung to his eyes and froze up out of habit. But it was not his father glaring down at him, it was Max.
"Thought I was done with you?" Max growled at him, his breath more strongly scented with alcohol than before, and his voice none too quiet.
"M-max?" Lev, squirmed a little, the door knob still biting into his back. "You can't be here, y-you'll wake everyone up, Max."
"Just shut up. If you have time for the bar keep then you have time for me," the larger male gripped Lev's arms tightly when he tried to wiggle away again.
"You d-don't understand, Max, my dad will hear you if you don't quiet down." Lev's eyes were wide with fear. If Max kept on then his dad would surely hear and find them, but he didn't think he'd fair much better if he just went with Max. "J-just let it go, Max…please, let me go," he whimpered, trying to pull away yet again.
Max slammed him back against the door again and his head snapped back against it, sending an ark of pain through his skull and making him cry out again. Lev was vaguely aware of footsteps on the other side of the door and had just enough time for the dread to form a lump in his stomach before the porch light snapped on and he heard Max curse. He felt Max's hands loosen and release him as the man started to pull away, but he had no chance to rejoice. The door opened suddenly enough that he lost his footing and fell back into the house, hissing as his back smacked the doorframe this time.
Lev registered his father's slurred voice cursing at Max, who was undoubtedly fleeing down the driveway. He tried to take a deep breath, clearing his head enough to roll to his hands and knees and try to climb to his feet, but he was not quite fast enough. Just as he was pushing himself up, his fathers foot connected with his chest, sending him sprawling back onto the front porch with a yelp of pain.
"What's this, kiddo?! Bringing your queer boyfriends back to our home now!?" his father's voice bellowed above him as he tried to kick Lev. Lev rolled aside and narrowly avoided the blow before scrabbling to his feet.
"I-it wasn't like that dad… He followed me here. He was-" Lev was cut off by a strong slap the made his vision blur for a split second.
"Don't gimme that bull shit!"
Lev saw his father's hand drawing back for another blow and he raised his arms to protect his face as he backed up. He stumbled at the stairs, and barely caught himself while avoiding his father's swing by sheer luck. He didn't bother to look up after that. Without another word he turned and bolted across the lawn and down the street. He knew his father wouldn't follow, or hoped as much based on past experience. Regardless, he ran as fast as he could for as long as he could, his face hot and throbbing from the slap, and his back aching the entire way. He didn't slow until he reached the park, and even then he kept up a brisk walk.
Lev knew he should go to Sam's, but his back hurt and he was already winded from the running and he didn't want to keep moving. He knew he shouldn't but he didn't argue with himself for long, and by the time he was in front of Damon's house the rain he had predicted earlier began to fall and he couldn't think of any good reasons not to stop there. He was only a little damp when he made his way up the step of Damon's covered porch, and he hurt and he suddenly couldn't keep back the tears. He'd had such a good feeling when he'd left Damon at the corner, but now he couldn't find it. He let himself sag against the front door as a sob wracked his body.
Damon went straight home after leaving Lev at his street. He'd felt like an idiot when he got home and realized that he'd been smiling the entire ride. He wasn't sure where this thing with Lev was going, but he realized he didn't mind that they were closer than he'd last considered them to be. He was actually a little excited by the thought of being in any kind of relationship with someone after having been single for a while. Though it also made him a little nervous. He just hoped things worked out well enough in the long wrong.
He didn't spend much time get his bike in the garage and checking his answering machine before stripping down and climbing in the shower. He was tired and slightly lightheaded from the night's events and the steamy water felt like magic. Damon stayed in the relaxing spray a bit longer than usual, just enjoying the soothing heat before finally dragging himself out and toweling off. He raked his fingers through his hair a few times on the way to his room where he tugged on a pair of his cotton pajama pants. Damon arched his back in a stretch, groaning pleasurably as his back popped before heading towards the kitchen to try and find something to snack on before he crashed for the night.
Damon stopped short in the living room when he heard something thud against his front door, making it shake slightly. He frowned slightly, an eyebrow arching slightly as he moved to the door, wondering if the wind had picked up so strongly as to shake the door. He leaned to look through the peep hole in the door and didn't see anything at first, but then a bit of blonde hair caught his eyes. Damon's brows furrowed as he unlocked the door and pulled it open.
He grunted in surprise when Lev stumbled in and landed against his chest, having apparently been leaning against the door and not expecting it to open so suddenly. "Lev, what're you…" He fell silent as he heard a muffled sob, and felt a the blond shudder in his arms. Damon frowned and pushed the front door shut as one arm slid around Lev to hold him. Luckily it didn't feel like he'd been out there long because his clothes were only a little damp, and he wasn't too cold. He looked down when he felt Lev pulling back from him.
"S-sorry, I didn't mean to b-bug you, but y-your place is c-closer than S-sam's and I-
Damon cut Lev off, "Jesus, Lev, what happened?" He reached out to Lev's face where a dark bruise was already forming, his concern doubling when the blond flinched before he'd even touched him. He gently held his chin as he looked at the bruise before looking back to Lev's eyes; their dark blue still rimmed in the eyeliner he'd worn that night, and so wet with tears that the black had started to smudge farther below his eyes.
"I-it's nothing…" Lev's squeaked out his answer before his face crumbled and he curled into Damon's chest with another muffled sob.
Damon's brow furrowed with worry and he wrapped his arms around Lev gently, softly petting the blond's hair. "Shh, Lev, I've got you…Talk to me, kiddo.."
"D-don't! Don't call m-me that!" Lev cried out, looking up at him suddenly. "Please…Not you…" the boy all but pleaded to him.
"Shh, alright, Lev. I'm sorry…" He glanced around and then carefully walked them to the couch, helping him to sit down. "Talk to me, Lev. Tell me what happened…" He spoke softly as he knelt down in front of Lev.
Lev remained silent, seeming to debate with himself, and Damon was beginning to think that he wouldn't tell him anything when Lev finally broke the silence. "Max…Max followed us back…and he, he came up behind me while I was unlocking my front door…"
Damon tensed up, anger building as his mind jumped to conclusions; his eyes automatically skimming over Lev to see if he could see anything else to support what was going through his mind. His hand slipped into Lev's when he realized the blond had fallen silent again and his fingers were immediately caught in a vice grip; but Lev continued a little more evenly with the added comfort.
"He pushed me back against the door, continued to be as charming as he was earlier… But he was loud and…and my dad woke up."
Damon wanted to think that was a good thing and that Lev's parents had gotten rid of the creep, but Lev's current state and something in the way he said it only made the knots in his stomach grow tighter. "What did he do, Lev..?"
"He heard us and opened the door and I fell inside, Max bolted and my dad did what he always does when he catches me coming home late." Lev turned his gaze to Damon's, his next words more soft but bitter. "He kicked me while I was down and hit me. Harder than usual because he thought I had brought Max to the house. Dad has never been very happy that I'm a fag. Anyway, I bolted after that…and now I'm here…" Lev looked down as though he was ashamed.
Damon took a deep breath to settle his nerves and moved to hug Lev, unsure what to say and a little afraid to speak anyway for fear he'd yell at Lev. Lev relaxed against him after a moment and he felt the boy bury his face in the curve of his neck.
Lev hid his face in Damon's neck, in part to try and soothe himself with Damon's scent, and in part to hide from him. He still felt somehow ashamed of breaking down on the brunets doorstep. He was angry with himself for breaking down at all, but Damon holding him now made it feel a little better. Now that his head had cleared some he knew the fact that his father had actually struck his face hard enough for there to already be a bruise for Damon to notice was part of what upset him. His dad was never a light hitter, but it was never quite so bad. That, and the terror that had been radiating through his body at being trapped between two unfriendly drunks for however short a time. It all came back to that ever-present feeling that he was destined to catch shit for everything good that happened. Damon's acknowledgement in exchange for a beating and harassment. Though, he had to admit, the fact that he had Damon now was making that easier to bear.
"Hey, Lev…?" Damon's voice was hesitant, and Lev soaked in the concern he could here in it.
"Yeah?" He murmured against Damon's shoulder.
"You're damp and cold from being outside… Why don't you go have a hot shower, and I'll find something dry for you… Might make you feel better." Damon's voice was uncertain, like he didn't know what else to say, but Lev didn't mind.
"Yeah… Thanks.." Lev nodded, almost wishing he'd said no when Damon pulled away from him to stand up. Though now that he was more settled he took the opportunity to absorb Damon's appearance and burn it into his memory.
He only had on a pair of soft cotton pants, leaving his torso exposed more than Lev had ever had a chance to see it before. His arms and body were lightly tan and smooth, his muscles defined by soft shadows; nothing extreme, but certainly evidence that Damon was stronger than one might initially peg him to be. Lev forced himself to look away when his gaze settled on the light trail of brown hair that disappeared beneath Damon's waistband and he pushed himself from the couch to head to the bathroom.
When he got to the bathroom and looked in the mirror he flinched, he wasn't sure he'd have let anything that looked like he did now into his house. His hair was sticking together oddly from the bit of the rain he'd gotten caught in and it hung in his face in a mess, his eyes a smeary mess from the eyeliner; not to mention the mottled bruise that was spread over his cheek and jaw and the bruise courtesy of Max that decorated his neck. He shivered a little toeing his sneakers off and pulling his shirt and the fishnet top over his head. A little hiss of pain escaped him at the motion, he twisted a little to see the bruise that stretched across his lower back where he'd smashed into the door knob and frame. He tamped down the sudden urge to cry again and moved to get the water running.
Damon had gone to his room to dig out another pair of pajama pants and an extra shirt for Lev, and he was about to say something to Lev as he came to the bathroom when he saw the blond pull his top off. He felt a rush of anger and sadness when he saw the bruises that were gradually darkening on the boy's pale torso. He couldn't wrap his head around anyone could hurt the beautiful blond like that, let alone the boy's own father. Damon swallowed the ball anger as he stepped into the door way.
"You need to let me look at those once your clean and dressed," he said as calmly as he could manage as he laid the clothes on the counter. He felt bad when he saw Lev jump while turning the water on, realizing he'd startled him.
"You don't have to worry about that," Lev half smiled as he turned to face him. "Not like this is the first time I've had to deal with this."
"Not the point," Damon growled. "Those look bad, and you should get some ice on them. So don't stay in the shower too long, alright?"
Lev chuckled a little, "Yes, sir. I won't be long, now get out of here unless you want to help me shower." Lev grinned mischievously, and Damon couldn't help but wonder how much he was serious and how much was just a front.
"Rules, Lev," He said a little more gently, but smiled. He let his eyes give Lev a short once over, taking in his lean figure beneath the bruises. He bit his cheek to make himself look away and slip back out of the bathroom, pulling the door closed behind him. "Not too long," He called out again as he went headed for the kitchen.
Lev couldn't help a little smile as he finished stripping down and climbed into the shower. Whether they ever did anything any time soon, at least Damon was checking him out. Though he would have preferred it to have been a time when he wasn't half purple. But it was something at least. As promised, he didn't stay in the shower for very long. Enough to wash his hair and to get the smudges of makeup scrubbed from his eyes. When he got out he grabbed a towel from the rack on the wall and scrubbed dry, being careful of the bruises. Lev smiled to himself and had another little internal celebration as he pulled on Damon's clothes, feeling silly but not silly enough to keep from pulling the shirt up to breathe in the scent that was now part of the fabric from so much use. Once he'd settled himself down he emerged from the bathroom and listened for Damon. He went to the kitchen when he heard the fridge rattle.
"I'm out, see? Hardly any time at all." Lev smiled as he came into the kitchen where Damon was pulling out a couple cold packs from the freezer.
"Good," Damon smiled at him as he turned to face him. "Now lets have a look at those bruises."
"So motherly all of a sudden," Lev chuckled as he followed Damon down the hall, quirking an eyebrow when he saw they were headed to the bedroom.
"Yeah well, that bruise on your back has to hurt, so stop complaining," Damon glanced back at him as he sat the cold packs on the bed, smiling a little.
As if to prove Damon's point a little shock of pain shot through his back as he sat on the edge of the mattress, making him hiss softly. "What are you going to do then, hmm?"
"Here," Damon handed him a couple of Ibuprofen from a bottle in his night stand then passed him a bottle of water that was sitting on top of it. "Those will help some of it."
"Yes, doctor," Lev chuckled and downed the pills with a few swallows of water, vaguely wondering if Damon had used the bottle before him before handing it back. "Now what?" He grinned up at Damon.
"Now you're going to lay on you're stomach and I'm going to put those on your back," Damon gestured to the ice packs.
"Mm, if you say so," Lev laughed softly and crawled onto the bed farther to stretch out on his stomach with another little whimper at the stress to his sore back. He crossed his arms to rest his face against them as he glanced back at Damon.
Damon leaned over him some to push the back of the shirt up and Lev caught wince the crossed his face when he had the bruise uncovered. "I should've had you lay down and do this first, the heat from the shower probably just made this worse…" he said softly.
"Doesn't matter too much, I told you I've had stuff like this before, I'll be alright, Damon," Lev said more seriously.
Damon's glare caught him off guard and his eyes widened slightly. "Lev, you can't seriously just brush stuff like this off," he said flatly as he wrapped the ice packs in towels before laying them against the darkening bruise, the sudden cold making Lev wiggle.
"I'm not…I know it's bad Damon, but dwelling on it afterwards won't make it hurt less," Lev turned his head away so his chin rested on his arms.
"Dwelling on something and taking care of it are two different things, Lev…" Damon's voice was softer this time, like whatever brief burst of anger had passed. "How long has this been happening, Lev?"
Lev stayed quiet, not sure he really wanted to answer that or not. "A long time."
"How long, Lev? This is serious…You need to tell someone if you're being hurt like this, kid.." Damon shifted so he was sitting beside Lev's torso on the bed, his legs folded.
"Damon, I'm seventeen, if I say something and someone actually believes me, then with my luck I'll get hauled off to some shitty foster home. And at this point, I'm too close to being able to get away on my own to want to ruin the few good things that I have going here. And PLEASE stop calling me kid and kiddo. Underage or not, you aren't that much older, and I'm not a kid. I get it enough from my dad, I don't like hearing it from you, I don't want to think of him when I'm with the people I like. So just stop, please…" Lev could feel a lump in his throat as he blinked back tears, which only frustrated him more. He hated crying in front of people.
Damon didn't say anything, and Lev was beginning to wonder if maybe he'd upset him some how. He hesitantly glanced back at Damon. The brunet was just watching him with a sort of pained look on his face. Lev tensed slightly when he felt Damon's hand touch his back above the cold packs, but relaxed when he started to rub small circles there, his gaze softening as it focused on Lev's.
Damon took a deep breath, "Lev, if something like this happens again, I want you to come to me alright. Don't stay there, even if you think it will be okay. Just come here, or to Sam since it seems like she knows about all this. But don't you dare stick around if he starts to hurt you again. You leave the second you can get away when it happens." Damon paused and stopped rubbing Lev's back to lift away the cold packs, setting them on the night stand before smoothing the shirt back of Lev's back and lying beside him. "And I'm sorry for calling you kid all the time, after a while I wasn't even really saying it to imply you were one, Lev. But I am sorry, I don't want to make you think of things like that when you're with me either, so I'll make sure to never say it again."
Lev shifted to lay on his side and pressed closer to Damon, lacing their legs together as he looked up at Damon's dark eyes. "I know you didn't mean anything by it…" He said softly, "And I promise to come to you.." he nodded a little, unsure if he really would leave every time things got rough, but he liked that Damon was giving him another place to turn.
Without giving Damon any chance to reply he pressed foreword to catch him in a kiss. He curled his fingers into Damon's hair and sucked softly at his bottom lip until Damon gave in and deepened the kiss like he'd hoped he would. He used it as a distraction from everything, letting his mind focus on the way Damon tasted and on the feeling of his arms as they slipped around him to hold him close. He let his fingers brush over Damon's chest and start to trace down his torso out of a mix of habit in these situations, and from the sheer desire to do it. He hadn't realized he'd closed his eyes until he opened them when Damon broke the kiss and a hand stopped his own. He met Damon's eyes with a questioning look.
"Nothing like that yet, Lev.." Damon said softly, his hand letting go of Lev's to gently pet his hair.
"Not even just this once?" Lev nosed Damon's shoulder lightly.
"Especially not now, Lev.."
"Why? Why especially?" Lev glanced up at him.
"Because that's not what you need, Lev… Maybe it feels like that…But I don't think that's the best thing for you now. So we're going to keep it slow, alright?"
Lev smiled a little and nodded, earning a soft smile from Damon. In a way it felt good that Damon was still standing strong by his rule. Lev would be lying if he said he didn't want to sleep with Damon, but it felt so nice just being close to him right now after everything that had happened that night. He pressed his face back to Damon's shoulder as he curled into him more, smiling a little when Damon hugged him and kissed his shoulder softly. It was so much like the warm, safe feeling he got when he spent the night at Sam's, but even better because Damon was bigger than him and it made the safe feeling that much stronger and the warmth that much more encompassing. Lev hoped he could get more nights like this without having to lose a limb to the curse that seemingly plagued all his good feelings.
A/N: Alright, so, that seem like a lot of dialogue to anyone? Or is it me? I dunno. Anyway. There we have chapter 7. Hope it lived up to people's expectations, as usual I love to hea what you have to say so don't be shy about leaving a review *wink wink* Lol. And no, still no sex, be honest, you'd be mad if there was already . *snorts* riiiight. But you can be happy that they at least acknoledge the ttraction and are moving in the right direction? xD And Yeah, Max is a douche bag :/ Annnnd here are the lyrics to the song "Honestly OK" by Dido, which is how this chapter got it's name. I think it's a good sog for Lev.
"I just want to feel safe in my own skin
I just want to be happy again
I just want to feel deep in my own world
but I'm so lonely I don't even want to be with myself anymore
On a different day if I was safe in my own skin
then I wouldn't feel so lost and so frightened
But this is today and I'm lost in my own skin
And I'm so lonely I don't even want to be with myself anymore
I just want to feel safe in my own skin
I just want to be happy again"