"Rain, oh rain. Where are you my pretty?" I shook my auburn head laughing, "Gina, my love you have found me. Oh how I wished for this day." I called to my friend over the heads of the people milling about in the crowd. Their looks boring into us, there disdain evident on their faces. My bubbly purple haired friend plowed into me. Gina, formerly Regina, she stood at a towering height of 5'4', with short, spiky purple hair and bright blue eyes.
Today she wore and purple peasant skirt and a turquoise top with chunky beads at her neck and wrists. Me I sported a pair of ratty old blue jeans and a NASCAR shirt, and some old black converse. My hair unlike my purple friend was red and thrown into a ponytail under my old Casey Kahne ball cap. We skipped through the mall laughing, as we passed rue 21, Gina gasped and stopped, staring at the skirt in the window.
Rolling my eyes, I looked at my watch and let her go in. Looking around, I saw a blond head coming towards me, her blue eyes trained evilly on me. Groaning in frustration I turned and began to walk briskly away. Taking off my cap, I attached it to my jeans and pulled my pony out shaking out the waves. Seeing a guy about my age walking towards the food court, I matched his stride. "Lorraine, you get your ass back here." Stacey's voce screeched over the crowd. Wincing I yanked the guys hand out of his pocket and link my fingers with his. I felt him stiffen and tightened my grip, his eyes flickered towards "Please play it cool, I'll owe you big" I muttered under my breathe; as Stacey marched past us. I gripped his fingers tighter, holding my breath. As she turned the corner, freed my hand and began to walk back the Rue 21.
A hand latched onto my elbow, I looked back and swallowed. He was gorgeous; seriously being the delicious looking should be illegal. He stood at about 6'3' with curly red-gold hair that fell to his neck; his eyes were a deep azure. They matched the color of his deep blue button up with rolled up sleeves and a pair of jeans. "name?" his voice was deep and husky. His question was short, but I knew what he meant. "Rain" I tugged out of his grip and jogged over to where Gina was waiting.
Gina raised her eyebrow, I shook my head, "don't ask" she scoffed, "right, you are going to tell me exactly WHAT were you doing with Mr. Jase Walker?" confusion clouded my face, "who?" she laughed, "Jase walker, son of the billionaire, Thomas walker. God girl, where HAVE you been all these years." I pursed my lips it was no lie I have no idea who this jase walker was, but I guess thoughts of him should go out the window.
After I had dropped Gina off at her place, I sped home down the street. Running up the stairs I booted up my laptop, clicking the internet. While it was loading I went downstairs and grabbed a CapriSun; do not judge the delicousness. After breaking the seal I sat the computer. I typed in google and entered Jase Walker. 80,000 hits, "you've got to be kidding me" I muttered to myself.
Clicking the first link, up popped a model worthy picture of Jase. On his head was a fedora, cigarette between his lips. "Lorraine, what do you want for dinner" my heart skipped a beat and I quickly exited out of the picture I had been staring at as my frazzled mother came in. She still looked dressed to the nines after a long day at work. Her hair was perfectly coiffed, suite still as crisp as when she ironed it.
"ummm how bout pizza?" I suggested. She nodded "pizza it is my bella" I laughed at her silllyness and laid on my bed.
As I stared at the ceiling my mind went back to the simmering gaze, goosebumps appeared on my arms. "what an idiot" I flopped onto my stomach and before I knew it. I was asleep.
The morning sun shone through the curtains, like a punch in the face. I groaned but nonetheless got up. I glanced at the clock and yelped. I had 20 minutes to get ready and get to school. The bus had left ten minutes ago, I began to panic. Leaping out of bed I threw on random articles of clothing, grabbed my bag and ran out the door. Run down the sidewalk.
As I was muttering to myself about how stupid I was for ffalling asleep and cursing my mother for not waking me up, a sleek black Mercedes rolled up next to me. I inched away from it, having seen to many movies where the nice car attracts the girls to the crazed kidnappers who hold them for ransom and kill them when they get the money. Call me paranoid.
"well well if it is Lorraine Johnson." A primped blonde head leaned out the window. " Stacey" I spat and ignored the rest of her ramblings. "are you even listening to me?!" she screamed. I feigned innocence as I looked at her, "what did you say something?" in a rage she through her iced soy latte at me. The liquid dripping down my face and the front of my shirt. She smirked and sped away.
I groaned and rung out my hair, shaking off the excess liquid. As I was doing so a motorcycle pulled up next to me. I glared at the helmeted guy, "what are you gonna throw coffee on my too, please add to the party" I snapped sarcastically, already late for school.
The rider pulled off his helmet and choked on the next retort threatening to spill out. "you again? If I had known you were going to stalk me, I wouldn't have grabbed your hand." He smirked at me, "I wouldn't be talking, by the way nice bra." I looked down at my shirt and blushed when my blue bra showed through the white shirt.
"what a great morning" I snorted, and began wiping helplessly at the massive stain. A jacket was thrown over my head, I snatched it off. "what the hell is this?" he shrugged, "a piece offering, just put it on and get on the bike. Speak again and ill drag you on."I opened my mouth to retort but when his eyes narrowed and his muscles clenched I thought better of it and climbed on behind him.
"what now?" he revved the bike, the engine vibrated through my muscles, "hold on." I was confused, "to what" but he ignored me and took off, I yelped and latched my arms around him, pressing my self into his back. Cursing him al l the way to the school.