A/N: OK well i got two suggestions from the lovely Esette'slovelyeyes and ROexx, so i figure I'll include them both!
I was tired, bugged, and honestly couldn't be bothered anymore. My eyes hurt, and my hand ached. Still I kept going because, basically I had bills to pay. So I took a deep breath, rubbed my eyes, and picked up my guitar to play through what I had so far. So i begun to strum along the chords and sing:
"Suzie the Unicorn,
Likes to play along the lawn,
Until the day is gone.
Suzie has a lot of friends,
and they all follow the coolest trends
on each other they always depend
Suzie likes to smile all day
and then chase the dragons away
and then eats lots of souffle... oh crap that's not right!"
I scribbled out "and then eats lots of souffle" on my note pad and tried to think of a better line.
Obviously, i really couldn't care less about Suzie the Unicorn and her smiling, fashionable friends who fight evil dragons. But my band hadn't picked up yet, and i had to find a way to pay the bills. So seeing as my sister was working as a cartoonist on the new "Suzie the Unicorn" kids show, it was easy enough for me to get the job as the Song writer. After I'd finished this crap theme song, i still had the "Goodbye Suzie" song to write. And its due tomorrow.
"OK... um... God... and then chase the dragons away... because dragons are so... gay? AGH. God! I'm never gonna get this right!"
Right at that moment the phone rang. Thankful for a distraction i stumbled to my phone, and answered it.
"Hello?" I muttered into the phone.
"Hey Kate, hows the song going" my friend Shane said cheerfully into the phone. Shane was basically my best mate. He was the laid back clown who never worried about anything... and that's why he was so annoying. Still, he was the drummer and co-songwriter with me in the band. Maybe he could help me.
"Agh! God I'm glad you called." I said, relieved. "Its completely shit. They're probably going to fire me!"
"What are you stuck on? Music or Lyrics?"
"Lyrics. Music is the easy part"
"OK maybe I can help. Sing me what you've got so far."
"OK... but I gotta warn you its not very good." I leaned across the table and grabbed my note book. "Alright here I go: Suzie the Unicorn, likes to play on the lawn, until the day is gone. Suzie-"
"WOAH woah woah! Stop, Stop!" He began to laugh hysterically.
"Shane, shut up! I'd like to hear you do better! Its not like I can write anything with meaning when my subject matter is a fashionable unicorn who kills dragons!"
"OK...what about... Suzie the Unicorn likes to watch a lot of porn, without it she'll -"
"Oh FUCK you! Shane, I'm serious! Look, I'm trying to earn some money to get the band started, but it looks like we never will, 'cause you're obviously not commited enough! I don't see you going out and earning any money! All you do is lay around on your ass all day!"
"Hey that's not true! I have stuff going on OK?! You gotta lighten up, it was just a joke!"
"well its not funny". With that I hung up the phone, turned back to my notepad and sighed.
"screw it." i whimpered. I flipped over the page and began on the goodbye song.
Here's your chance to be a songwriter! Readers, can you please write a funny goodbye song for "Suzy the Unicorn"? I'll choose the best one, and it will feature in chapter two!
Kate needs to chill. Seriously. I was only trying to cheer her up. Why is she doing that stupid "Flossy the Unicorn" crap anyway? Our band would pick up on its own. We don't need to pay our way. She can be a real bitch sometimes. God, i just wanna -
"stop right there. Don't say another word. You need to calm down."
I turned to the left and saw a young man, with bleached blond hair, multiple piercings and insanely bright blue eyes sitting next to me on my living room couch.
"What do you want Drake?" I said, standing up and turning away.
"I'm not here for me, and you know it. I jus' wanna help, man" his voice sent chills down my spine. It was dark, and split. Almost as if two voices were speaking at once.
"I told you I don't want your help. What makes you think I want this? What makes you think this is easy? I'm not doing it!" I spat at him.
His dark eyes sunk into mine, and a crooked cruel smile spread across his cold, blue lips. "You know you don't have a choice Shane"
I turned, and leaned against my fireplace, not looking at him. My hands trembled as I resisted the urge to break him.
"Look at yourself Shane" he said as he got up and gracefully made his way over to me. "Can you fight the anger... can you fight the instinct...forever?"
His last word made me feel as though a knife had been plunged into my stomach. I felt as though i may gag.I continued to look into the dark, burnt wood logs in the fireplace, shakily inhaling and exhaling.
a) Try to punch Drake's brains out?
b) Attempt to talk through the issue properly.
c) Leave, and go get piss-faced, with lots of girls!
d) Go cry in his bedroom and write in his diary about how mean Drake is,
e) Can you come up with something better?
A/N: OK I hope you enjoyed my first installment of your decision!
To Roexx and Esette'slovelyeyes: Thanks for your suggestions!! I hope i gave them justice! The details that you guys went into in your suggestions will be done in later chapters! DON'T FORGET TO READ ON YOU TWO!
Now to any reviewers: don't be afraid to ask for certain plot developments! That's the whole point of this! I like to involve readers as much as possible! Now before I go, i'll just give you one more readers choice!
Can you come up with a better title? "Your Decision" is really about the concept rather than the story.
Do you like the title as it is? Or can you come up with something better?