So, I have some very exciting news to share with you.

Lifestyles of the Rich and Infamous will be published next year with Spencer Hill Contemporary!

And not just Lifestyles, but two forthcoming sequels to Lifestyles as well!

I'm still getting all my social media sites together per the request of my agent (MY AGENT! I have an agent!), and I'd love to connect with all of you.

On Twitter, you can find me under TierneyFowler. You can also email me using TierneyFowler at Gmail dot com. My author website is TierneyFowler dot com, and you can also add Lifestyles to your "Want to Read" list on Goodreads!

Thanks so much for all your support through the years. I absolutely mean it when I say that this book never would have been finished without all of you.


That Girl You Love aka Tierney Fowler