My name is Xvania Anastasia Morren,
and today is the last day of my life.
You want to know the truth?
Well here it is, details and all.
Here's your brutal truth.
Today, I ended whatever was
left of me in this
hopeless world.
Luke is gone,
now so am I.
-X, The Brutal Truth
A/N: Wow! Finally, this book is done. It was a bumpy ride, and I got a bit off track, but I finished. It's taken me almost three years to write this thing, and I'm not sure if anyone who was following me at the beginning still is, but if you are: Thank you! And of course, to anyone else who reads this book, thank you. This has been quite the experience. I'd like to say for sure if I'll be writing another book, but I'm not sure. I have two or three shorter stories that could possibly turn into full-blown books if I give them the chance and feed them inspiration. Anyways, back to this book. The Brutal Truth is complete, but I'll probably be going back and editing the first part of this book a lot, because it was rather... bad. Here's the book though. 134 pages, 65 Chapters, 14,974 words, and lots of inspiration (and lots of lack of inspiration).
Ok, UPDATE: Soo, I've decided to publish this baby ;] . Anyhoo, I'm going through and editing the WHOLE thing. If anyone wants to give me help with the second half of the book, that would be nice. The first half is going through a huge remodel, and the rather intimate section of this book is being redone so that it won't require such a strict "M" rating. I don't think I'll be posting the remodeled book up here; it really depends on my mood/what I end up deciding. Also, when I'm done and finally have it published (most likely through Lulu), I'll be updating this book again along with my page here on fictionpress with the link to the book. It would be great if you decided to buy it, because it would not only help out my writing-self, but the money would help me with college next year!